Chapter 146

Immediately after Jian Tuo, a dozen or so monks, except for Xiao Rui, all played their best skills in combat.


Several exercises gathered together, bursting out with powerful force, all attacking Fan Zian!
"Some strength..."


Feeling the terrifying power of Qi Qi's battle skills, Fan Zian looked solemn.

Afterwards, the Void God Sword Art was used, and the aura surged again in an instant!

Fan Zian was not to be outdone.

A total of nine golden sword shadows appeared in the air.

Standing in place, with the index finger and middle finger of his right hand stretched out, he made the nine sword shadows slam towards the attacking skills.

The whole person is still in an invincible situation.


At the moment when the two astonishing forces collided, a huge fluctuation mixed with a strong wind poured down in an instant.

Intense aura of light enveloped the surrounding tens of feet!

Such a strong fluctuation even alarmed Qin Tianwen, who was far away in the mountains.

At this moment, the token has turned into blue, looking at the violent fluctuation.

A smile finally crossed Gujing Wubo's face.

"Hehe, finally there is someone worthy of my shot."

After saying that, he held the black sword in his arms and rushed towards the undulating land.

the other side.

Cheng Ran, who was hunting monsters in another mountain, had his token upgraded to blue.

However, his token was upgraded to blue and no one was hurt.

It was completely upgraded because of hunting monsters.

"Hehe, I thought the lord was lying to me, but I didn't expect that there are indeed people worthy of fighting in this Ten Thousand Sects Conference."

Look at that wave.

Cheng Ran also smiled lightly.

Then, put away the yellow gourd, and also headed towards the wave.


At this moment, Fan Zian, who had caused huge fluctuations, didn't know that he was being targeted by two "perverted" strong men.

He was completely unaware of the imminent danger.

He only cared about facing the strong offensive of 15 opponents.


The intense aura light slowly dissipated.

Fan Zian was alone, with flying black hair.

Lavender devilish energy lingered around his body, and nine sword shadows floated around.

His eyes are like knives, intact.

But ten feet away from him, Jian Tuo and the others were bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and their colors all changed.

They looked at Fan Zian with a hint of fear in their eyes, and Qian Da's injuries were compounded at this moment, half kneeling on the ground, his face like white wax!

Fan Zian, one against fifteen.

The opponent is not an opponent!

This scene clearly fell into the eyes of Zishuang and the other five.

The faces of the five of them changed in shock...

"Good... so strong! Is this really a monk in the Condensation Realm?"

Zilian was a little dazed.

Looking at the worthless Fan Zian who had been belittled by him before, he couldn't help but mutter.

"No, Mr. Fan has hidden his cultivation. His real state is at least in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm, or even Mahayana!"

Zishuang, with sharp eyes, immediately saw Fan Zian's hidden cultivation.

And her words shocked both Di Manyu and Mo Yang.

Nascent Soul Realm Mahayana!
This Nima is a monster, right?
"Crap! How did you meet such a pervert who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!"

Jian Tuo who fell on the ground gritted his teeth and said.

The blow just now combined the power of everyone on his side, not only was he unable to do anything to the opponent, but he was injured by himself instead!
On their side, there are many Nascent Soul Realm monks!
At this moment, Xiao Rui, the only one standing here, had a cold look in his eyes.

Then, looking at Zhatian, Lieyang, and Chitu who had lost their leaders, a smile appeared on their lips.

The breath in Fan Zian's body was also slightly disturbed at the moment.

Just now, the joint attack of the opponents was indeed powerful, but it only made his breath a little heavy for a while.

No substantial harm was done.

As the surrounding blood continued to appear, Fan Zian's cultivation base also continued to improve.

The aura of Immortal Sword became more and more terrifying!
Take a battle against the heroes!
For Fan Zian, these are no longer difficult things to do!
Quietly, Fan Zian had begun to become stronger at a frightening speed.

However, Fan Zian knew that this was not enough, far from enough, he had to become stronger!

Thoughts flashed through my mind.

Xiao Rui moved in front of him.

But he didn't attack Fan Zian, but went towards Zha Tianzong.


Accompanied by bursts of buzzing and screams, Xiao Rui drained the cultivation bases of Zhatianzong, Chituzong and Lieyangzong in just three seconds.

The sudden steps made Fan Zian feel familiar!

"What is this stuff?"

Fan Zian frowned, watching Xiao Rui transform from the middle stage of Nascent Soul to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

Afterwards, Qian Da, who was originally pale-faced, also rose into the air in an instant, completely draining the cultivation base of the two Qingfengzong members.

Immediately, several people were teleported out of the Wanzong battlefield.

Only the three Canglan Sect brothers and Jian Tuo remained on the field.

The two brothers were teleported out of the country. Jian Tuo didn't complain. Instead, he got up and stood aside, looking at Fan Zian as if he was watching the show.

"Hehe, Xiaoqing, Ada, form an formation!"

After the words fell, Fang Qing and Qian Da, who had just absorbed the cultivation of Qingfengzong, suddenly stood behind Xiao Rui.

The three of them stood in a triangle position, and then made the same gesture.

"No, Mr. Fan, run!"

The well-informed Zishuang, seeing the strange behavior of the three, suddenly thought of something, and quickly reminded them.

"Huh? Want to run now? It's too late."

Xiao Rui snorted coldly.

Then, with him as the center, the surrounding area was covered with a layer of light blue light. At the entrance of the cave, a barrier instantly rose, and an invisible force unexpectedly captured the three sisters of the Zi family, as well as Di Manyu and Mo Yang. , Pushed out the tree hole, isolated to the outside of the barrier.

In the tree cave, only Fan Zian, Canglanzong and Jian Tuo were left.


All around, there was a series of strange neighing sounds.

A group of strangely shaped blue snakes emerged from around the tree hole.

"Level [-] formation, Canglan Ten Thousand Snakes formation?"

When Fan Zian was still in the General's Mansion, he heard his sister mention this kind of formation.

It is rumored that this formation is extremely difficult to break through, and once one falls into this formation, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Oh, interesting."


Outside the tree hole.

The three sisters of the Zi family and Dimanyu Moyang fell to the ground, looking at the tree hole above, a look of worry appeared in their eyes.

"What kind of formation is this? It's so weird?"

Mo Yang and Di Manyu looked at the tree hole with puzzled expressions.

"The Canglan Ten Thousand Snake Formation! One of the strongest group formations of the Canglan Sect, it can release a large number of Canglan Snakes in an instant, causing those who fall into this formation to die suddenly!"

After the well-informed Zishuang explained, Zisu Zilian, as well as Mo Yang and Di Manyu, all had a look of worry on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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