Chapter 3 The First Battle

"Well, I have also experimented with this potion many times. I succeeded by accident a few days ago. The materials are very complicated. I can't remember which ones I used, so..." Chen Luo shrugged regretfully.

"What - can't remember? You, you, you..." Sun Zhengde pointed at Chen Luo with a heartbroken face. The muscles on his old face twitched for a while, and he said again: "Try to remember, if you remember, you can go to the east of the city." The Sun Family Medical Center is looking for me."

After finishing speaking, he sighed and went back to his seat to drink dull wine.

The other guests were quite regretful when they heard Chen Luo's words. Who wouldn't want this kind of opportunity to become stronger overnight?

"Chen Luo, what a pity!" Haru also felt sorry for Chen Luo.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Who knows if it's a blessing or a curse?" Chen Luo shook his head with a smile, and his words were meaningful.

Haru was stunned for a moment, then raised his glass with a smile and said, "I didn't expect little brother Chen Luo to think a lot at such a young age. I admire you. Come, have a drink."

Chen Luo clinked glasses with him, took a sip, and then said, "Brother Haru, is your team planning to leave the city soon?"

"Huh?" Haru looked at him suspiciously, nodded and said, "Recently, there have been a lot of monsters outside the monster forest. It's a good opportunity to hunt and kill them. We plan to go there again tomorrow, why?"

Chen Luo's face brightened, and he asked tentatively: "That's right, I also want to go to practice and practice, look...can you let me join?"

Haru put down his wine glass upon hearing this, looked at Chen Luo and fell silent.

"What? Can't you?" Chen Luo's face was lost.

"Chen Luo, it's not that I don't agree with you. It's really not a joke to go to the World of Warcraft Forest. If you are not careful, you will lose your life. Although your physique has become stronger now, you probably haven't fought much yet. This..." Haru Look embarrassed.

"The captain is right, Chen Luo, you should think about it carefully. Just yesterday when we returned to the city, two people died in a team with a good relationship. One of them was a compatriot of Buck and I, and we had a drink together. " Barman's face was serious, and Buck, who was beside him, also had a look of sadness on his face, and he took a big bite of the barbecue in his hand.

"I've already thought about it, I have the ability to protect myself." Chen Luo said firmly, then seeing Haru still shaking his head slightly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Well then, any of you will fight me, if I win Yes, let me come with you tomorrow."

The three of them were startled and looked at each other. Haru frowned and said, "Are you serious?"

"Seriously." Chen Luo nodded and said, "If you don't agree, I will go alone."

"Buck, you fight him, don't hold back." Haru said to Buck expressionlessly.

He originally had a good impression of Chen Luo, but Chen Luo's current blindness and arrogance made him a little annoyed.

Even if Chen Luo's physique is equivalent to that of a fifth-level orc warrior, he is only physically strong. Without any combat experience, why should he challenge an adventurer like them who has gone through the test of life and death?
When the surrounding guests heard what had happened, they were very happy to watch the excitement, got up and moved out of the way, and even took the initiative to move the tables and chairs away, leaving a large open space in the middle.

A group of maid girls also watched the excitement and chattered.

"Chen Luo is so handsome. Yesterday he looked a little sloppy, but today he is so handsome."

"Yeah, this figure is so masculine, I really want to be held in his arms."

"Betty, do you like him or not? If you don't, let me do it. Of course, we can do it together!"

"Beautiful thinking!" Betty glared at her with a blushing face, and looked at Chen Luo again with her beautiful eyes, stomping her feet angrily, "This guy, why is he so uneasy, why are you fighting?"

Cat girl Lilith looked at Betty who was full of worry, she almost gritted her teeth with envy, and stared at Chen Luo who was not far away with her eyes that seemed to be angry.

"Really want to fight? You can think clearly, the captain asked me to shoot with all my strength, and I will not be responsible if I get injured." Buck said seriously.

"Yeah." Chen Luo nodded, clenched his fists and made a boxing gesture.

"Then you go first!" Buck said calmly without saying anything more.

Chen Luo looked at Buck with a relaxed face, and he didn't even put on a pose. Without nonsense, he directly bullied him and punched him.

If you want them to change their impression of you, you can only speak with your fists.

Chen Luo really doesn't know any fighting skills, but the super soldier serum gave him all-round improvement, not only his physique and strength, but also his brain's responsiveness, control over his body, and coordination of his joints. General growth.

A simple punch was as fast as thunder, without the slightest flaw.

"So fast." Someone exclaimed.

Buck also shrank his pupils. Years of accumulated combat experience made him instantly realize that the enemy should not be underestimated, and crossed his arms in front of him like a conditioned reflex.


The huge force caused Buck, who was well defended, to snort, lean back, and take half a step back with his right leg.

The moment Chen Luo was blocked by the fist, he made a decision for the next move in his mind almost at the same time. With the posture of taking advantage of your illness to kill you, he clenched his left hand and threw his body forward, like a gust of wind towards Buck, who was unprepared His abdomen was blasted away.

This change was quick, and Buck didn't have time to defend again, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly mobilized his fighting spirit to protect his abdomen.

There was another muffled sound, but this time Chen Luo felt like his punch was thrown into the sea by mud, and his strength was completely blocked.

"Duqi?" These two words came to Chen Luo's mind, and his eyes shone with excitement.

The source of power in this world is not only magic, but also fighting spirit.

According to books, magic first originated in the west of the mainland, while vindictiveness originated in the east. Although it was much later, it became popular after the rise of the Huaxia Empire. Because entry requirements are lower than magic, it has been widely spread, and now it is almost as good as magic. The degree of rivalry.

Learning magic requires magical talent, and fighting qi can be practiced by almost everyone as long as there are skills.

In the ancient and powerful Chinese Empire, there are many strong people who are good at fighting qi. All the major families have a powerful inheritance of fighting qi cultivation skills, and almost every soldier in the army practices fighting qi. Therefore, the terrifying fighting power of the Chinese Empire army, Shocking all races on the continent.

"My boy, you actually forced me to defend with vindictive energy. I really underestimated you." Buck moved his paralyzed arm and grinned, "I'm serious. Get ready, don't say I'm bullying you."

"Come on!" Chen Luo yelled, all the muscles in his body tensed, and he focused on his guard.

Buck clenched his fist and shot without fighting spirit, but the strength and speed of his fist were still extremely terrifying, enough to beat countless boxing champions on the earth.

However, Chen Luo's current reflexes, the control and coordination of his own body strength can be said to be almost perfect, his brain is running at high speed, and he can control his body to avoid, or block and counterattack.

For a moment, the two of them attacked and blocked each other, and they fought back and forth, and the sound of fists and feet colliding was heard endlessly. This scene of bare-handed fighting was full of the beauty of strength, and everyone present was excited.

(End of this chapter)

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