Chapter 51
In order to celebrate Kang Na's first day at school, Chen Luo specially made a sumptuous dinner, and just as he was serving the dishes on the table, he saw Betty coming back with Kang Na in his arms.

"I'm back, wash your hands and prepare to eat." Chen Luo shouted with a smile.

Carrying a small schoolbag, Kang Na looked around, smelling the tantalizing fragrance in the air, her big eyes lit up immediately, and she ran to wash her hands impatiently with her short legs.

Betty also followed with a smile.

After washing her hands, Kang Na obediently sat on the seat between the two of them, looking eagerly at Chen Luo who was sitting on the right.

"Come on, let's celebrate our classmate Kang Na's first day of school together. Let's have a toast." Chen Luo raised his glass with a smile. The fruit wine in it is a specialty of the elves. , unique flavor, very popular.

Betty then raised the glass and looked at Connor with a chuckle.

After being stunned for a moment, Kang Na hurriedly raised the glass filled with juice.

Even Pikachu and Xia Lulu, who were directly sitting on the dining table, raised the small cups that Chen Luo specially prepared for them.

Pikachu is made of fruit juice, while Xia Lulu, like Kang Na, is made of fruit juice.

"Thank you." Kang Na drank the sweet juice, feeling the sweetness to the bottom of her heart, looking at Chen Luo's big eyes that were full of water.

"Eat quickly, it's all prepared for you." Chen Luo smiled and patted her head.


Kang Na nodded with sparkling eyes, and then buried her head and started to eat big mouthfuls.

What Chen Luo cooked were ordinary home-cooked dishes from the previous life, and the craftsmanship was not very good, but fortunately, Kang Na was very satisfied with the food. Ninety percent of the two large buckets of rice went into her stomach, and all the dishes were cleaned up. It was clean and there was no soup left.

With such a hungry dragon, it is a rare benefit not to be afraid of wasting food.

Chen Luo looked at Kang Na who was eating happily, and suddenly remembered the younger sister who was far away in the imperial capital and was only seen in the memory of the original owner.

In my memory, my younger sister was still an infant at that time, and now she should look about the same age as Kang Na. I don't know how she is doing in Chen's house.

"What's wrong?" Betty noticed that Chen Luo was in a bad mood, and asked softly.

"It's nothing, I remembered my sister." Chen Luo smiled.

"Your memory recovered?" Betty revealed surprise.

Chen Luo was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that he hadn't told Betty about these things, so he took a sip of fruit wine and told what happened in his memory.

Originally, it was not his own experience, but he integrated the memory and emotion of the original owner, and he empathized with it as he spoke, and fell into the recollection of the past, with sadness permeating his heart.

Betty listened, and soon the tears couldn't stop streaming down. By the time Chen Luo finished speaking, her eyes were already red from crying. She didn't expect so much misfortune to happen to Chen Luo.

"Don't cry, don't cry..."

Chen Luo came back to his senses, saw Betty Lihua's rainy appearance, hurriedly got up, went to sit beside her, took her over and leaned in his arms, and comforted her softly: "Okay, don't cry, everything It’s over, and now I’m fine, if I knew I shouldn’t have told you these things, it would just add to my sadness.”

Betty hugged Chen Luo's tiger waist with both hands, buried her head in his arms and shook her head lightly, sobbing intermittently, she said, "Then... those people... are so hateful, why... why did they treat you like this."

Chen Luo was speechless for a moment, and just stroked Betty's back to help her feel better.

"Brother, can I call you that?" Kang Na suddenly said.

Chen Luo was startled when he heard the words, but saw that Kang Na had stopped eating at some point, and looked at him seriously with big sapphire-like eyes.

"Of course it's fine. When I bring my sister back, you will be my sister, Kang Na." Chen Luo smiled and stroked her satin-like white hair.

"Well, I will take good care of my sister, and I will help you beat those people." Kang Na narrowed her eyes and rubbed Chen Luo's palm, and said firmly.

"I will help too. Although I don't have much strength now, I will grow up and become stronger quickly." Xia Lulu also said seriously.

Xia Lulu is different from Pikachu, she doesn't need to fight to get experience points, she can increase her level through normal growth, due to the growth double buff, she is now level 11.

Of course, it is still very weak now, only mastering wing magic.

"Pika, Pika..." Pikachu also called twice, expressing his attitude.

"When are you going to pick up your sister?" Betty sat up from Chen Luo's arms and asked, wiping away her tears.

"Soon, I'm going to leave in a few days." Chen Luo replied.

"Well, you have to pick her up quickly, she must miss you very much." Betty said, looking directly at Chen Luo.

She thought of the days in her hometown, no matter how poor or difficult, as long as the family members were there, life would be happy. She hoped that Chen Luo could reunite with her sister soon.

"I will." Chen Luo nodded, and then said with a smile: "Okay, it was originally to celebrate for Kang Na, let's not talk about these things, let's eat."


The next day, Chen Luo and the others were eating breakfast when they found the elf Lulu hopping into the villa.

"Big Brother, Sister Betty, Kang Na, good morning." Lulu greeted with a polite smile.

"Lulu, you are so early, have you had breakfast, let's have some together!" Chen Luo greeted with a smile.

"No need, I've already eaten." Lulu shook her head, ran over and hugged Pikachu and rubbed it against her small face, with a fascinated and happy expression on her face.

Kang Na also looked at Lulu, not forgetting to quickly stuff the meat buns into her mouth.

"Kangna, I'm going to be late, don't eat, I brought you a lot of snacks, I'll eat them at school later." Lulu put down Pikachu, and urged Kangna with a smile.

She is no longer surprised by the way Kang Na eats, but she finds it even more cute.

Kang Na jumped off the chair with a big meat bun in one hand, and while eating the bun, ran to get the schoolbag with her short legs.

"Let me take you to school." Betty wiped her hands with a tissue, got up and said.

"Sister Betty, there's no need. We are in the third grade, and we will be laughed at by our classmates even if we ask our parents to send them off. Don't worry, I will take good care of Kangna." Lulu patted her small chest confidently.

Betty looked at Chen Luo inquiringly, seeing him nodding with a smile, she could only give up the idea of ​​sending Kang Na to school, took two more buns and handed them to Kang Na, and stuffed some money into her jacket pocket, Let her buy food when she's hungry.

Chen Luo looked at this scene dumbfounded, the bluetooth baby dragon is still less than 1% full, it is impossible to be full, okay, no matter how much money you give.

"Big brother, sister Betty, Xia Lulu, Pikachu, goodbye..." Lulu waved goodbye.

"Goodbye." Kang Na also waved her little hand.

Then, the two little lolis happily went to school holding hands.

"That's great." Betty watched the two little girls leave the villa with a gentle smile on her pretty face.

(End of this chapter)

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