Two-dimensional pet development system

Chapter 6 Magic and Archery

Chapter 6 Magic and Archery

The forest is extremely dense, even in the outermost periphery, the trees are at least ten meters tall, and the dense branches and leaves block the sunlight, making the surrounding light a bit dim, and the temperature has dropped a bit.

The group had just entered the forest when Haru's solemn voice sounded.

"Listen up, everyone. Now that we have entered the forest, we may face danger at any time. From now on, I will walk in front, Buck and Barman will be in the rear, and Shirley, George and Chen Luo will walk in the middle of the team, always be vigilant. "

Everyone nodded yes, set up their formation and slowed down their pace, and walked along the path. Even George, who was always proud, didn't have any objections.

After all, he is also an experienced adventurer. He knows that this forest of monsters is not a place for joking. Although he can cast powerful magic, the more powerful the magic, the longer it takes to chant, and magicians generally have very poor melee combat ability. Weak, if you are suddenly approached by some monsters, your life may be in danger.


After walking for about 10 minutes, Haru, who was walking in the front, suddenly raised his right hand and let out a low shout, staring at a dense grass in front of the left.

Everyone immediately clenched the weapons in their hands and focused their attention on guard.

Chen Luo also pulled out the hunter's broad-bladed knife from his waist. It was a scimitar about seven or eight inches long. It was black and translucent throughout, and looked extremely sharp.

"Shirley." Haru called out without looking back.

"Understood." Xue Li nodded in response, took out an arrow from the quiver behind her, bent her bow and shot an arrow, and the arrow sank into the grass like a stream of light.


Snakes with black stripes jumped out of the grass, and some of them rushed towards Chen Luo and the others with their teeth bared.

"It's a poisonous snake, be careful not to be stabbed by their tail." Haru reminded loudly.

Upon hearing this, Chen Luo looked intently, and saw that the tips of the tails of these snakes were extremely black and shone with metallic luster, like a spear, which looked extremely sharp.

"This venomous snake is a second-level monster, so it's not scary, but if it bites or gets stabbed by its tail, it's really troublesome." Xue Li quickly shot arrows from her hand while explaining to Chen Luo. The arrows are accurately and accurately plunged into the heads of poisonous snakes.

"Awesome!" Chen Luo couldn't help but praise, amazed by her superb bow skills.

"It's nothing, our elves can do it." Shirley replied with a smile.

Chen Luo was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously felt that her words were a little strange, but soon understood.

It is recorded in the books I read before that the elves blessed by the goddess of life are a very long-lived race. They can generally live for seven to eight hundred years, and it is not surprising that they can even live for thousands of years. Dozens of years are indeed considered children in the elves.

At this moment, Chen Luo suddenly felt a wave of heat coming from beside him, and when he looked around, his eyes suddenly lit up.

I saw George holding a magic wand, chanting a spell quickly in his mouth, and two fireballs releasing scorching temperatures quickly condensed and formed in front of him.

Chen Luo has read some introductions to magic in books, but this is the first time he has really seen it, and he can't help but yearn for this magical power.

"Fireball, go!"

With a wave of George's magic wand, two fireballs flew out, sank into the grass, and exploded suddenly, and the poisonous tailed snakes in the grass were instantly roasted.

Chen Luo was surprised, and had a definite understanding of the powerful destructive power of magic.

"George, it's just a venomous snake, you don't need to take action, don't waste your magic power." Haru shouted, and at the same time swung the epee with his right hand, killing several venomous snakes flying in front of him.

George didn't make another move, just snorted coldly, and cast a cold glance at Chen Luo.

Chen Luo scratched his head speechlessly. Didn't this guy want to demonstrate to him?

A group of venomous snakes are nothing to Haru and others who have experienced many battles. Buck and Baman didn't even make a move. Coupled with Shirley's arrows and George's two fireballs, the battle was over in a few minutes.

Then came the counting of the loot.

"The magic core of this poisonous-tailed snake is seven inches away. The snake's teeth and poisonous tail are also good magic materials. They can be sold at a good price, and the snake's skin can also be made into leather armor. These are all money and cannot be wasted. "Haru taught Chen Luo while skillfully dissecting the corpse of the venomous snake.

Buck and Barman were also helping to collect the magic core and materials, and Shirley was recycling her own arrows. Only George stood there holding the magic wand, showing no intention of helping.

"I'll try it too." Chen Luo squatted down, and with the broad-bladed knife in his hand, he dissected the snake corpse like Haru.

The hunter's machete was extremely sharp, and the poisonous tailed snake was a second-level monster, and the snake skin was quite tough, but the machete could easily break through it without any hindrance.

"What a great knife!" Haru looked at the knife in Chen Luo's hand in surprise.

Chen Luo nodded with a smile and said nothing.

Soon, after several people cleaned up the loot, the team continued to go deep into the forest.

Not long after, the group found another leopard covered with purple stripes. This leopard was over three meters in size, standing on a branch of a big tree, staring at Chen Luo and the others with cold and sharp vertical pupils, like Be an experienced hunter.

"This is a purple leopard, a fourth-level monster. It is extremely fast, and its sharp claws can easily tear rocks. This purple leopard is extremely cunning. It will follow its prey by virtue of its speed and the forest environment, until the prey suddenly relaxes its vigilance. Attack." Xue Li, who was standing beside Chen Luo, said in a low voice.

"Shirley, try to force it down with an arrow, Bakbaman, you all kill it together." Haru ordered loudly.

"En." Xue Li bent her bow and set her arrow, magic power surged at her fingertips, and the arrow pierced through the air with the sound of howling wind, several times faster than before.

"This is..." Chen Luo's eyes froze.

It is recorded in the books in the library that the elves of the elves are all born archers, and many of them have powerful magical talents. They can integrate magic and archery, and emit magic with various effects arrow.

However, the purple-spotted leopard was also extremely fast, jumping directly, avoiding the arrows, and jumping onto another big tree.

"My wind chasing arrow is faster than the wind, but it was dodged unexpectedly. It's interesting, then try my trick again."

Xue Li pursed her lips and smiled, took out three arrows and clamped them on her fingertips, pulled the bowstring, and fired all three arrows.


The three arrows shot towards the purple leopard in a zigzag shape in the air. They were all arrows with wind attribute magic attached, and they were as fast as lightning, blocking the purple leopard's retreat.

At the same time, Buckbaman held a big knife and rushed towards the direction of the purple leopard at the same time.

While the purple-spotted leopard jumped again, one of its legs was scratched by an arrow, and it fell from a tree. It was soon killed by Buck and Barman.

"Excellent, Xue Li, your archery skills are too good." Chen Luo praised excitedly.

"'s so-so!" Shirley said modestly, but the smile on her pretty face was bright and moving.

(End of this chapter)

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