Disciple of Yunlan of Douba

Chapter 10 You are against me all over the world!

Chapter 10 You are against me all over the world!
Xiao family hall.

Everyone is still sitting.

Patriarch Xiao Zhan has also recovered his composure.

Yun Bing entered the door and nodded to everyone, and said modestly:
"I've already made an agreement with Brother Xiao, and the matter of retiring the engagement can only be regarded as the good wishes of the older generation for a stable relationship."

"But we shouldn't let the two young people lose their happiness because of their ideas. Although we can't form a friendship this time, our relationship will only be one step closer!"

"Mysterious-level low-level exercises, fighting skills, and qi-enhancing powder will be presented later, and the rest will be left to Master Xiao."

Everyone listened to Yun Bing Che Jilu's words and turned back and forth, but they just kept their faces straight.

When they heard the Xuan-rank exercises, the old men couldn't sit still anymore!Even Xiao Zhan's hand holding the cup trembled slightly!

Those elders showed shocking looks on their faces, how coveted it is to have a Xuan-level kung fu with fighting skills in Dou Qi Continent!
He can make a family become top-notch overnight, and he can make a young man the best in Jia Ma Empire in a few years!
It is not impossible for even highly talented people to step into the ranks of Dou Huang in the future!

Xiao Zhan secretly gasped, the Misty Cloud Sect attached so much importance to the Xiao family, and they were willing to sell such a big face, it seems that it was not to humiliate their Xiao family.

Perhaps it is really hard to accept from the bottom of my heart to let a girl I have never met marry my son?
If they are forced to marry, will Yan'er really be happy?
The delivery of the elixir of the cultivation method this time will not only not threaten his position as the head of the family, but even the Xiao family can be raised to a higher level in Wutan City!
This world is respected by strength, as long as there is strength, who dares to point out behind the scenes?

As long as there is strength, what the strong say is right, and what is wrong is also right, and what the strong says is wrong, what is right is also wrong!

With these things, the future can be expected, and the Xiao family can expect it!

Speaking of,
That Yun Bing is really generous!He treats people fairly and maturely, this makes Yan'er inferior...

Yan'er is just too rigid, she usually doesn't get along well with her brothers and sisters, but she lacks a bit of indifference...

Seeing everyone's expressions, Yun Bing knew that the grievances had healed, and the Xiao family finally returned to the original relationship.

In the future, as long as the two disciples are allowed to move around more, this small grievance will be wiped out in the long river of time...

No matter how far Xiao Yan develops in the future, there will be no threat to his Misty Cloud Sect, so it is good for everyone to maintain a superficial relationship.

Taking advantage of the hot moment in everyone's hearts, Yun Bing clapped his hands and motioned for Ge Ye to offer an apology.

Ge Ye nodded, stretched out his hand to wipe a ring on his finger, and several flawless and simple jade boxes appeared out of thin air...

Carefully opened the first box, a strong smell filled the hall immediately, and everyone who heard it was refreshed!
There was a sudden stillness in the hall, breathing could be heard!
The three old men stretched their heads slightly trembling, looked into the jade box, their bodies shook suddenly, and said in shock: "The handwriting of Dan Wang Furuhe!"

Inside the quaint jade box, three green, longan-sized pills were lying quietly, with the unique and exclusive imprint of Pill King Furukawa printed on them!
Xiao Mei heard the sound, peeked at it, licked her lips with her pink and tender tongue, stared at Yun Bing quietly with her beautiful eyes after staring at the elixir that she would be extremely eager for.

The first time I saw this young man, I felt that there was nothing but skin, laughing and laughing.

But every second, he can bring people extreme shock and reversal!
Bracelets worth thousands of gold are free to give away, and the son of the largest family in Wutan City is free to fight!

He treats everyone equally, and does not deliberately look down on anyone.

At this time, the emotions of a large family are under his control, and these big-handed tools are all decided by him, and even the Seven Star Great Fighter is willing to obey him!
"Should I be really happy that I, Xiao Mei, met him at this age when I was just beginning to fall in love?
She can't think of any other man who can catch her eyes in the future, and who else will stir her heart!

Oh, realistic girl!

Should you be happy or sad? "

Everyone reacted as expected, Yun Bing smiled and said: "That's right, it's the handwriting of Pill King Furukawa!"

His elixir is hard to find, everyone must know it, but this does not represent my sincerity, the next thing is the most important thing, even I was scolded by the suzerain for being too compromised!

"Crack! Crack!"

Ge Ye opened the remaining two jade boxes at the same time, and there were two unpretentious cheat books lying quietly inside.

"Xuan-level low-level exercise: Fengyun Jue!"

"The secret method that is exclusive to the Misty Cloud Sect and can only be cultivated by high-level disciples, it can greatly enhance the absorption of wind attribute combat energy! And it has a very high bonus effect on wind attribute combat skills!


The three elders, Patriarch Xiao Zhan, and the disciples of the Xiao family all gulped and spit, their greedy eyes refused to move away from the cheat book.

Although the elixir is precious, it only allows a person with nine levels of Dou Qi to condense the Dou Qi whirlwind and become a Dou Zhe.

But becoming a Dou Zhe is not difficult, what is difficult is to find a book of exercises suitable for one's own cultivation, that is the most important thing.

A book of mysterious exercises suitable for oneself, which can 100% change a person's fate, as for the level of achievement, it depends on that person's ability!
"There is also a supporting book of fighting skills, low-level Xuan-level: Wind Blade Dance!"

This fighting technique combined with kung fu can increase the effect of fighting qi by 100%, and after it is refined, the two can cooperate with each other and even burst into a high-level combat power of the mysterious level!



The Xiao family's children and all the elders couldn't hide their shortness of breath anymore, they stroked their chests and gasped for breath!

Mysterious skills, terrifying as...

"Little elder, we have definitely seen your sincerity, it is indeed full of sincerity!"

"The matter between children should be resolved by themselves. I think we adults have no right to interfere..."

The elder of the Xiao family said warmly with a smile all over his face.

Patriarch Xiao Zhan glared at the elder, and his mood was rather complicated, although this time he was retiring the engagement.

But judging from the compensation given by the other party, if it is publicized, not only will it not lose face, but it will make other families pay more attention.

Even the Misty Cloud Sect is so submissive, they dare not underestimate their Xiao family, what other families dare to say!
If we form a friendship with the Misty Cloud Sect, it is not impossible to squeeze into the Jia Ma Empire, not to mention Wutan City in the future, but I don't know what choice Yan'er will make?

"Cough cough!"

Clearing his throat, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and said: "The children's affairs should indeed be decided by themselves. No matter how good we say, it's useless. Let Yan'er decide for himself!"


At this time Xiao Yan was standing in the corner with his head bowed and sneering, with an expression that the whole world is against me!

(End of this chapter)

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