New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 16 Listening carefully to the body's confession: leucorrhea

Chapter 16 Listening carefully to the body's confession: leucorrhea (3)
The effect is good. When she came here to see a doctor, she kept praising the efficacy of moxibustion and said she would keep doing it.In addition to the leukorrhagia, she also suffered from backache, weak legs, frigidity, poor appetite and sleep, one pulse, deep and thready Chi pulse, and kidney yang deficiency symptoms. In fact, her disease was in the kidney first, and then in the The spleen finally leads to abnormal leukorrhea.

I asked her to go home and do her own moxibustion. The moxa sticks cost a few yuan each, so she can do it by herself at home. It saves money and doesn’t need to arrange time. A piece of velvet antler, and 3 boxes of Jinkui Shenqi Pills. Tell her to follow the method I said, and she will be fine soon.

For moxibustion, the Zhongji point in the middle of the abdomen, Daimai, Pishu, Shenshu, Yinlingquan and Sanyinjiao, I asked her to soak the velvet antler slices in water for 5 minutes before each moxa treatment, and then cover the acupuncture points with moxa. Deer antler slices are used for moxibustion, each point until the moxibustion is dry and hot, and then moxibustion for 3 to 5 minutes.When changing to another acupoint, soak it again with water and then moxibustion. Operate each acupoint 3 times in a row like this. The same 10 days is a course of treatment.

It's only a dozen days, it really feels like three autumns, imagine a woman with kidney yang deficiency, frigidity, and leukorrhea a few days ago, and a woman with no backache, nourished by sex, and recovering from leukorrhea She is completely two people, she really did not think of such a simple method to cure her leukorrhagia and female diseases.She put two boxes of tea leaves and said that she would let me accept them no matter what. The kindness is hard to refuse, and it is not easy to refuse too much in the consulting room, so she reluctantly accepted it.

Zhongji acupoint is located above the female uterus. If you want to remove dampness and treat leukorrhea, you must moxibustion at this acupoint. This acupoint can act vertically on the "wetland" of the uterus.

Under the belt of the main vessel with veins, on the side abdomen, 1.8 inches below the Zhangmen, at the intersection point of the vertical line below the free end of the 11th rib and the horizontal line of the umbilical cord, moxibustion on both sides symmetrically. After identifying the acupoints, you can do this. Stand up and use Fix the deer antler slices with thin wet gauze, hold a lighted moxa stick in each of the left and right hands, and perform symmetrical moxibustion. After the moxibustion is hot, use an empty bottle like chloramphenicol eye drops to draw enough 0.9% normal saline, like eye drops Wet the deer antler slices again, then moxibustion heat, and moxibustion 3 times in a row, and the moxibustion with pulse is over.

The following are Pishu, Shenshu, Yinlingquan and Sanyinjiao in sequence. Moxibustion on Pishu is to strengthen the spleen, regulate appetite, and at the same time use the effect of spleen to clear away dampness, and solve the dampness from the root of the spleen.Moxibustion at Shenshu is to strengthen the kidney yang and warm women’s vaginal discharge. Don’t forget the root fire of kidney yang at any time. We all say that people will not get sick if they are grounded. If you are cold, it will be normal if you take it off.

Moisture will go down to the Yinling Spring and Sanyinjiao on the inner thigh. If you take a sick woman to look carefully at the inner thigh, along a line of the spleen meridian of Foot Taiyin, most of them will turn blue and purple. There is no cyanosis, but you will feel pain when you gently press it with your hands. This is a disease of heavy dampness.Yinlingquan and Sanyinjiao are both yin points, and they are also the favorite hiding places for moisture. Using moxibustion on these two points makes the moisture unable to go up and has nowhere to go down, pinching up and down, and finally expels the moisture from the body.

Jinkui Shenqi Pill is a medicine for treating kidney yang deficiency. While treating cold sex and soreness of the waist and knees, the drug taken orally can be used to invigorate kidney yang, and it is also used to indirectly warm and remove leukorrhea caused by dampness. Combined with moxibustion physical therapy, What you get is the effect of internal and external governance.

What kind of traditional Chinese medicine is deer antler?You will definitely say that it is an aphrodisiac.It is true that velvet antler can strengthen yang and improve sexual function when taken orally, but when applied externally on acupuncture points, moxibustion will increase the effect of tonic through the penetration of medicinal properties. The warmth of moxibustion alone will not have the effect of tonic, so moxibustion is monotonous Lonely, fighting alone, antler-separated moxibustion can be said to be a reinforcement and a new force for curing diseases.

A moxibustion membership card costs more than 1000 yuan, and you can only do it a dozen times, but you can buy moxa sticks and a few pieces of velvet antler by yourself, which is only a few tens of dollars. Needless to say, saving money, the most important thing is the effect Also better.The sooner you recover, the sooner you will recover your health and beauty, and the youth and vitality of the past will be awakened again.

To invigorate the spleen and eliminate dampness, prevent leucorrhea, diet therapy is the "upper" move
Seeing a Western doctor for leukorrhea, most of them are laboratory tests, anti-inflammatory injections, infusions, one course of treatment after another, some women need infusions when they mention leukorrhea, they are either anxious or numb.In fact, this is not due to being a doctor who is incapable of treatment, but because I don't know how to use diet therapy and adjust the details of life, which leads to recurrent leukorrhea.People are often like this, they only know how to treat when they are sick, but they seldom look for reasons from themselves to prevent it.

We have repeatedly mentioned that dampness is the chief culprit of leukorrhea, as long as we prevent dampness, we can achieve no dampness.

When a woman came to see her doctor, she said that she had no appetite for meals recently and her digestion was very problematic. It turned out that her tongue coating was half a centimeter thick. This may be nothing to the patient, just a little indigestion, but The doctor can see through the mystery inside at a glance, the root of your leucorrhea caused by dampness lies in the spleen and stomach.So you, who were supposed to treat the leukorrhagia, the doctor prescribed several medicines for digestion, such as domperidone, Qingwei Huanglian tablets, Jianwei Xiaoshi tablets, etc. At that time, you were still confused, but after taking the medicine for a few days , When the food is delicious and the leucorrhea is gradually reduced, you will realize how Chinese medicine treats both the symptoms and the root causes.

A thick tongue coating means dampness, and a white tongue coating means coldness. In combination, a thick white tongue coating means coldness and dampness.You will definitely ask, what is the relationship between spleen and stomach dampness and vaginal discharge? The uterus and gastrointestinal tract are in the same body. The gastrointestinal tract is on the top and the uterus is on the bottom. Going down, the bottom of the female body is the uterus and the penis, so it is too late to hide, it can only be secreted from the vagina.For cold and dampness, there is a medicine that warms the stomach and dispels cold and can also dehumidify. It is Fuzi Lizhong Pills.In fact, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, promoting gastric motility is to strengthen the spleen and help digestion. If dampness is eliminated, the appetite will naturally improve. The same is true for the Divine Comedy, Hawthorn, and Malt in Xiaoshi Tablets. That is to say, from the source Get wet on the top, and it will be safe when you take it off.

Some people have thick yellow tongue coating, dry stool, yellow urine, abnormal leukorrhea, what is going on?This is damp heat, thick tongue coating means warm, yellow means heat, combined again, thick yellow means damp heat opposite to the above, if this is the case, taking hot spleen-invigorating medicines such as Fuzi Lizhong Pills, taking too much will not solve the problem The problem of dampness will be aggravated, so you have to eat Huanglian tablets for clearing the stomach. Coptis chinensis is cool and can clear away heat and dampness. In this case, it can be said to kill three birds with one stone. First, it can dehumidify the spleen and stomach and help digestion ; second, it can be used to regulate dampness and tropical heat from the root; third, it can clear away intestinal heat, treat constipation, and play a laxative role.

Of course, not every doctor can diagnose your condition clearly and use medicines reasonably, and not every woman can fully figure out which details in her life need attention and prevention when she suffers from leukorrhea. Today we will discuss Explain in detail what to pay attention to.

Do not aggravate the moisture in the body after taking it. It is best not to take a bath, prohibit bathing, eat less meat, greasy, indigestible and spicy food, and keep sexual intercourse in moderation. Do not go swimming in the pool, so as not to bring the disease to others.

Baths and baths are because this will cause repeated cross-infection, and soaking the skin in the bath water will aggravate the moisture.Meat, fried and non-digestible foods themselves are not easy to digest. In the case of heavy humidity, it will put another heavy burden on the spleen, and put another heavy burden on the spleen, which has already worked hard to dehumidify.

In addition, the root of promoting dampness and generating heat lies in the love to eat chili, which is why you feel leucorrhea from tasteless to stench.Southerners like to eat chili because the local climate is humid and humid. However, if there is moisture in the body and causes leukorrhagia, eating like this will not only not solve the disease, but will also make the disease worse.

If you have too much intercourse, from the perspective of Western medicine, no matter whether the leukorrhagia is caused by mold or fungus infection, too much sexual contact can easily infect the other party. The principle of Tongzhi.However, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, too much sexual intercourse will consume yang qi, which is the qi of kidney yang, and you will feel backache, leg soreness, and mental fatigue. These are the harbingers of kidney yang loss. The leukorrhagia will be aggravated, because the warming effect of kidney yang is not enough to dissolve the leukorrhea.

Leukorrhagia can also solve the problem without injection and infusion. From your point of view, this disease is very stubborn. In fact, its pathogenic mechanism is very simple, and it is easy to prevent it. It is like a layer of window paper. Just don't commit crimes knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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