The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 282 Confucius and Mencius' Lecture Innovation

Chapter 282 Confucius and Mencius' Lecture Innovation

Soon, Mrs. Xianglin appeared on the campus of Yunxi Hope School.

Yunxi hopes that the school only has two small two-story buildings, which is absolutely pitifully small for a school.

This is not because the Ancient Chinese Union Association is stingy, because of the geographical environment, Yunxi hopes that the school's students will be limited to a few nearby villages.

Therefore, when the school had the largest number of students, there were only two classes with 51 students.

In other words, even if there are only two 2-story buildings, most of the classrooms in them are unusable, and they can only be piled up with sundries.

Mrs. Xianglin quickly found the classroom where the students were attending classes.

Lying on the outside window, her eyes looked inside, and then she saw Confucius and Mencius giving lectures to the students.

"Okay, about the knowledge of triangles, I will learn here today.

There are still 15 minutes before the end of get out of class. Taking advantage of this time, let's continue to talk about some knowledge about raising cattle yesterday.

Yesterday we were talking about the digestive system of cattle. Because there are 4 stomachs, cattle need to ruminate for a long time if they want to completely digest the food they eat.

So everyone usually sees cows chewing things non-stop, don't be too surprised.

In addition to rumination, today we will focus on some common diseases of cattle, such as bovine bloodworm disease.

Because there are many mountains and rivers around Yunxi Village and the environment is harsh, this is a high-incidence area for bovine hemorrhoids.

I once did a survey. In Qingshan County, 70% of the cattle raised by the villagers suffer from this disease.

And once the disease develops in the mother, the calf she gives birth to will also be infected.

The most common symptoms of sick cattle infected with bloodworm disease are elevated body temperature, loss of appetite, anemia, jaundice and so on.

So when you find that your farm cattle have persistent fever, reduced diet, unnatural yellow skin, and continuous hair loss.

Then the biggest possibility is that you are infected with blood-sucking worms.

Because blood-sucking worms live in the blood circulation system of cattle and have strong reproductive ability, it is difficult for sick cattle to be completely cured even if medical conditions are developed now.

Therefore, the best way to treat schistosomiasis is to prevent it in advance.

For example, when mating a cow, the health of the cow must be strictly checked first, and the calf must not drink raw water from the river during feeding..."

Confucius and Mencius spoke eloquently in class, because of its own attractive effect, even if it was just a mediocre exposition, the students below listened extremely seriously.

However, these students only listened carefully, and did not have much feeling for the specific content of what Confucius and Mencius said.

After all, we are all children. It is already very good to help parents feed the cows on weekdays. How can they care about the health of the cows?
But Mrs. Xianglin outside the window turned paler and paler.

The reason why she came to the school was just to find out what Confucius said and see if he really wanted to stay.

And looking in from the position of the window is only to judge whether Confucius and Mencius are giving lectures.

As for the lecture content, she never listened to it.

As one of the rural aunts who are generally illiterate, she can't understand these nonsense.

But soon, Mrs. Xianglin was stunned.

She never expected that Confucius and Mencius would intersperse some knowledge about raising cattle while giving lectures.

This teacher Kong seems to be different from other teachers!

Although she has never been to school, Mrs. Xianglin knows that teachers in ordinary schools do not teach such knowledge related to animal husbandry.

But soon, Mrs. Xianglin's original surprise became dismissive.

It would be fine if Confucius and Mencius talked about other aspects of knowledge, but raising cattle...

It's not that Mrs. Xianglin is conceited. Regarding the breeding of cattle, no one in Yunxi Village is her opponent.

From her marriage here to the present, she has raised a total of eight farm cattle, and each of them is fat and strong, docile and obedient.

Even other villagers in Yunxi Village will ask her for advice on how to raise cattle.

But soon, the pride on her face disappeared, replaced by doubts.

Because according to Confucius and Mencius, the strongest farm ox in her family seems to be suffering from bovine hemorrhoids.

Elevated body temperature, loss of appetite, anemia, jaundice, every symptom was reflected in that cow.


Mrs. Xianglin was surprised again.

She suddenly remembered that not only her own bull, but all the cattle she raised before seemed to suffer from this disease.

Could it be that after raising cattle for so many years, all the cattle he raised were sick?
How can this be?

Since it's not the problem of the cattle he raises, then this teacher Kong is talking nonsense!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Xianglin's complexion instantly turned ugly.

Although she didn't know a single word, she knew that anyone who could become a teacher was well educated and talented.

Even if you are a little less knowledgeable, you must ensure that what you teach your students is true.

Therefore, a person who likes to talk nonsense is not qualified to be a teacher.

Taking a deep breath, Aunt Xianglin decided to expose Kong Meng's hypocrisy. She didn't want to ruin all the students in front of her because of such a guy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she took two steps, she heard Confucius and Mencius say again: "The life expectancy of cows suffering from bovine hemorrhoids is the greatest impact.

For ordinary cattle, as long as there is no serious illness, its life span can reach at least 20 years, or even 30 years is not impossible.

However, due to the refractory nature of bovine bloodworm disease, the lifespan of this diseased cow basically does not exceed 15 years.

Severe cases will die within 10 years.

The growth period of cattle is generally 4 years. After 4 years, the cattle will have the ability to help their owners plow the fields. This period can reach 10 to 15 years.

However, cattle with bovine bloodworm disease can only cultivate for 8 years at most, and most of the cattle with bovine hemorrhoids will experience a significant decline in physical strength within 5 years..."

After hearing these words, Mrs. Xianglin was stunned for an instant.

She suddenly realized a problem.

Among the 8 cows I feed myself, none of them seem to be able to help me for more than 5 years.

Could it be that all the cows I feed are sick cows?
This is when Mrs. Xianglin suddenly remembered that once she went to Qingshan County with the village chief Andy Lau to attend a lecture on animal husbandry held by the government.

One of them, a fat man in his 20s, claimed to be an expert in raising cattle.

He vaguely remembered that when the other party was talking about the lifespan of cattle, he once said that a cow can live for about 20 to 30 years.

When hearing this, Mrs. Xianglin dismissed her.

20~30 years?
How can this be?

She has raised so many cows, but none of them have been more than 15 years old.

So Mrs. Xianglin, who has always been conceited, when she heard the other party's words, her first reaction was that this guy is a liar.

Could it be a liar?

In his 20s, he is as fat as a pig, so he dares to say that he is an expert in raising cattle.

I really thought I didn't know, the so-called experts were all old men with gray hair.

Due to time constraints and preconceived ideas, Mrs. Xianglin did not finish listening to the expert's explanation of cattle raising knowledge.

Could it be that what the fat man said at the time was true?
She, who was still cold today, didn't notice the passage of time.

However, in this respect, Confucius and Mencius grasped it very well.

30 seconds before the end of get out of class, he ended what he was going to talk about in this class.

After letting the students rest, Kong Meng turned and walked out of the classroom.

When Mrs. Xianglin just stood at the classroom window, he noticed her.

It's just that Confucius and Mencius didn't say hello to the students because they had to give lectures.

But now that get out of class is over, if you turn a blind eye, it would be a bit contemptuous.

"Sister Xianglin, what's the matter?"

This is where Confucius and Mencius were a little puzzled.

Similar to other villagers, Mrs. Xianglin's son is Sun Tao, who is also studying at Yunxi Hope School.

It's just that the little guy is only 8 years old and is still in the first grade. He follows other older kids around every day, and has almost no sense of existence.

Mrs. Xianglin is here now, the most likely reason is to pick up the child and go home.

But now there is still a long time before school ends, and Sun Tao usually goes home by himself.

This is completely different from the need for all parents to pick up and drop off in the city.

After hearing what Confucius and Mencius said, Mrs. Xianglin quickly waved her hands: "It's all right, I heard that Mr. Kong's lectures are very good, so I'll come and have a look."

"That's right, it's my honor!
How about you sit in the classroom?Standing outside the window and listening, not to mention tiring, the effect is not good. "

Confucius and Mencius said this from the bottom of his heart, although when he came here on the first day, the other party led other villagers to take the initiative to embarrass him.

But Confucius and Mencius didn't take it to heart.

Because he understands Mrs. Xianglin's feelings very well, if it were him, he might not be as good as the other party.

Aunt Xianglin quickly waved her hands and said, "No need, I'm just listening casually, and I basically don't understand anyway."

"That's right, that's okay. If you have any thoughts and questions, you can come here to listen to the lecture at any time."

Kong Meng said with a smile.

Seeing that Confucius and Mencius were not dissatisfied with herself because of the previous rudeness, Mrs. Xianglin hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help saying:
"This... Teacher Kong, can I ask you a question?"

"what is the problem?"

"What did you just say about raising cattle?"

Confucius nodded and explained:
"That's right, according to the situation of the children, I will spare part of the time in the third and fourth classes every morning to tell you some practical extracurricular knowledge.

Do you think my idea is inappropriate? "

Regarding the idea of ​​popularizing extracurricular knowledge to everyone, Confucius and Mencius still got inspiration from Lin Zhi.

As a teacher, Confucius and Mencius did not have the pedantry that some teachers have.

Because according to his observations in the past few days, he found that no matter how good his teaching skills are, it is impossible to send all the children in front of him to high schools outside.

And if they can't go to high school, then the knowledge they learned in Yunxi Hope School will be gradually forgotten as time goes by, and in the end they will be no different from those who can't read.

This is definitely not what Confucius and Mencius wanted.

So after thinking twice, he decided to instill some common sense in life to everyone.

For example, due to the geographical environment, the villagers of Yunxi Village still mainly farm cattle.

Therefore, in the past few days, he has talked about some common physiological activities and pathological phenomena of cattle.

I hope these children can understand the situation of their own cattle after listening to it.

In addition to farming cattle, he will also talk about raising chickens, ducks, farming, etc., and all aspects of life.

It's just that no matter what he thinks in his heart, doing so has exceeded the content stipulated by the state on nine-year compulsory education.

It's normal to be questioned, especially by the leader of Yunxi village like Mrs. Xianglin.

Hearing what Confucius and Mencius said, Mrs. Xianglin quickly shook her head: "Mr. Confucius' lectures are so good, how could I doubt it?

I just want to ask some knowledge about bovine blood worm disease. "

Seeing Mrs. Xianglin say that, Confucius and Mencius couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If the other party insisted on opposing his actions, Confucius and Mencius had no choice but to change their teaching strategies.

He himself is fine, but it would be a pity for many children in the class.

"Bovine bloodworm disease is a malignant disease caused by blood-sucking worms. In fact, this disease once spread in large numbers in humans, and it gradually disappeared because of the state's control..."

Confucius and Mencius told Mrs. Xianglin about bovine bloodworm disease in detail. Hearing that the disease spread terribly and could even infect humans, Mrs. Xianglin's expression changed drastically.

She immediately became nervous: "Mr. Kong, according to the symptoms you mentioned, I suspect that there is something wrong with our cattle.

You see, when you have time, why not come to my house? "

After saying these words, she immediately looked at Confucius and Mencius.

She deeply remembered her bad attitude when Confucius and Mencius first came here.

If Confucius and Mencius refused because of this, his loss would be too great.

As Confucius and Mencius said, it takes at least four years for a cattle to grow to adulthood.

Although cows grow much faster than humans, taking care of juvenile calves takes as much effort as taking care of a baby.

Even as the biggest laborer in the family, she spent more energy than her own children.

The next moment, Confucius and Mencius' actions proved that Mrs. Xianglin's worries were superfluous.

"You mean, your farm cattle also suffer from bovine hemosomiasis?"

Confucius thought for a while and said, "If not, I'll go home with you and have a look."

Mrs. Xianglin was stunned: "Now? Don't you still have to give lectures to the students?"

Kong Meng looked at the time: "It's okay, it's less than an hour before school ends, everyone has been listening to my lectures since morning, and they are already very tired.

Taking advantage of this time, it is better to let them follow to see the real cattle with bovine hemorrhoids.

This is much better than me talking about theoretical knowledge alone. "

As he spoke, he turned his head and entered the class, and shared his thoughts with everyone.

As a result, it is conceivable that the students in the class immediately cheered when they heard that Teacher Kong was going to treat the sick cow in front of everyone.

Although after Confucius and Mencius came, everyone has gradually liked listening to his lectures.

But no matter how good Confucius and Mencius said, for everyone, there is nothing more attractive than seeing a doctor directly for a cow.

However, what Confucius and Mencius said next directly lowered the excitement of these students.

"Let everyone go to see me for a diagnosis in a while, not just to see.

You also need to write an essay of no less than 300 or 600 words based on this incident..."

(End of this chapter)

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