Chapter 1016 Holy Power
Chapter 1016 Holy Power
All the orc tribes didn't believe that their patriarch would do it, but the patriarch really did it, and he did so ruthlessly.

Qin Wuge who fell and flew out was so embarrassed that everyone was stunned.

And Patriarch Lan was dumbfounded, what's going on?Why did my paw suddenly reach out and pat her?No way?Patriarch Lan felt wronged, or rather weird.He didn't even think about taking pictures of her.

The monks who followed Qin Wuge were furious, and Bai Die and the other Divine Wings instantly turned into a fighting state, and the originally beautiful elves became fighting machines with sharp claws.

"Despicable orcs, people enshrined by my God Wings, you dare to do it! You all go to die!"

Bai Die screamed sharply. Although the orcs didn't like Bai Die's arrogant words, they really felt guilty. An older orc hurriedly stood up:
"Don't be in a hurry, I will apologize to you on behalf of the patriarch."

The older orc looked at Baidie with love and pity in his eyes.The old orc had a heavy feeling of Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi, and he looked like a man of high morals and prestige, so he stood up and spoke to calm everyone's emotions.

Among the ancient races, many old people know the origins of the God Wings, and even more know their rarity and what signs their appearance represents.

The God Wings are the elves of the Emperor's Forest, and they are "good omens" that only appear when the Emperor's Forest is about to be wiped out, or it is a kind of self-defense and final struggle of the God's Domain.

But this struggle is futile, just like the unaltered bodies of these forest elves, beautiful and fragile.

"Beautiful Godwing elves, please don't do anything. We orcs once lived in the Emperor's Forest for a while, and we have a natural affinity with the Emperor's Forest elves, and we don't want to offend the elves!"

After the old orc finished speaking, he introduced himself: "I am the elder belly wolf of the Iron Stone Tribe."

Belly wolf is just the elder's nickname, but he has always called himself belly wolf. No one knows his real name, so they also take belly wolf as his real name.Belly Wolf has been an elder of the tribe for more than 200 years, and he handles affairs fairly and dignifiedly. When he stood up and spoke, the surrounding tribesmen fell silent.

Belly Wolf faced Qin Wuge, bent down and saluted:

"I apologize to you on behalf of the patriarch. The patriarch was reckless and impulsive, and made a serious mistake today. I don't think he is suitable for the position of patriarch."

Lan Xuan had already opened his eyes, because he was so surprised, he wanted to see what was going on with Emperor Yan?In the end, I saw Elder Belly Wolf himself saying that he is not suitable to worry about the position of patriarch, why?
Lan Xuan has been the patriarch for many years, working hard, asking himself to obtain a lot of benefits for the clan, the result?

Some clansmen disobeyed him and saw that he was insulted by the human race, and even the great elder belittled himself like this, it was simply abhorrent.

"Wolf belly! What are you talking about? How dare you question my position as patriarch!"

Lan Xuan got angry and yelled at the belly wolf.In the past, he would definitely not have confronted the Great Elder like this, but what happened today made him so angry that he almost lost his mind.

In the orc clan, the elders have a very important position, especially the great elders!
The Great Elder, Belly Wolf, has the right to appoint and dismiss the patriarch. At the beginning, Lan Xuan was able to be the patriarch because of his consent. Now, Lan Xuan even scolded the Great Elder.

This kind of impolite behavior of repaying kindness and revenge made the clansmen feel again: Patriarch Lan is unreliable.

Moreover, those orcs who were loyal to Lan Xuan before also felt that Patriarch Lan was going too far.

But Belly Wolf didn't react too much to the roaring Lan Xuan. He always knew that Lan Xuan was short-tempered and ambitious.He had a lot of helplessness when he agreed to be the patriarch before, but now Lan Xuan led the Iron Stone Tribe to ambush the Blackwood Tribe and opposed the Lord of the Black Dragon. Isn't that just looking for death!

Therefore, Belly Wolf felt that he, the patriarch, must step down.

"Yan Huang, let you see a joke, do you want to let these monsters disperse first?" Belly Wolf felt that Lan Xuan was easy to deal with, but the surrounding monsters were too dangerous.

From time to time, the black dragon would control the monsters to move a little bit. If these vicious monsters couldn't hold back for a while, they would rush up to kill the orcs. Therefore, this group of monsters was the most unstable factor.

Of course, it would be a disadvantage for her to ask Yanhuang to remove the monster, and it might even threaten her life.

So, Belly Wolf adds:
"I will guarantee your safety. I swear on the honor of the orc clan. After you remove the monsters, you will not be attacked by my clan!"

Belly Wolf's guarantee was approved by most of the orcs. Compared with Patriarch Lan, the orcs obviously trusted or supported the Great Elder more.

"Okay, Black Dragon, let your monsters disperse."

Qin Wuge immediately agreed, and she agreed very straightforwardly, which made Elder Belly Wolf very satisfied. It can be seen that Emperor Yan is a straightforward person.Negotiating with such a person is very suitable for the appetite of the orcs.

But the black dragon was not happy, he worked so hard to find these monsters to let them fight, but in the end he didn't even see any blood.

The black dragon hovered above his head, but he didn't order the monsters to leave.

Seeing this, Belly Wolf began to frown.

The belly wolf valued her partly because of the black dragon, but now it seems that the black dragon has never surrendered to her, so is she still worth negotiating?

Qin Wuge understood the psychology of the belly wolf very well. At this time, the black dragon didn't give him face, so he made himself embarrassed and difficult to deal with.Therefore, Qin Wuge looked up at the black dragon above, and said:
"Let these monsters go back, or feed them all your spiritual grass."

The spirit grass that Qin Wuge mentioned was the ice umbrella grass that the black dragon likes.Apart from preying and eating meat, the black dragon likes Qin Wuge's ice umbrella grass the most, and uses it as rations.

Hearing that she threatened the ice umbrella grass, the black dragon disdained: Think of yourself as a fool!These monsters are low-level carnivores, ferocious and tyrannical. They don't know what the ice umbrella grass is, and they don't know how to eat ice umbrella grass.

When the black dragon was still not cooperating, Qingluan suddenly let out a high-pitched cry. The coercion of Qingluan's divine beast was still effective against these monsters, and the low-level monsters began to retreat one after another.

When the black dragon saw Qingluan making a move, he was angry and wanted to make trouble, but when he saw that kind of divine thought power emanating from Qin Wuge's body again, the black dragon simply ran away.

The black dragon didn't like the breath of mind power on her body, and those vicious monsters didn't like it either. With the cooperation of Qingluan, the tens of thousands of monsters summoned by the black dragon turned around and ran away.

Although Qin Wuge didn't order the black dragon to be captured, the way she radiated her mind power and cooperated with Qingluan to drive away the monsters frightened Elder Belly Wolf.

Belly Wolf was stunned, looking at the girl in front of him in disbelief, feeling the long-lost sacred power, he almost wanted to worship excitedly.

Not only the belly wolf, but also the surrounding orcs were also shocked by the divine power!This is the sacred power that their orc race likes and admires the most. In the god-blood race thousands of years ago, the sacred power that few people could cultivate has appeared in front of them.

"The saint is the king! Whoever possesses the divine power, all blood obeys."

The belly wolf spoke an ancient proverb in a murmuring but emotional voice. The so-called "thousand blood" refers to tens of thousands of blood groups in the ancient times, including beasts, spirits, and yin, and humans are just one of them.

The power possessed by the girl in front of me disappeared in ancient times and reappeared today.

"Go to hell! Go to hell!"

Patriarch Lan suddenly ran away from behind, his eyes were red, and he rushed forward as if he had lost his mind. The behemoth in the rampage state has completely lost the sense that a human should have.

"Stop him!"

The Elder Belly Wolf was shocked, and rushed up with his avatar, and the warriors of the clan rushed up with him. Before the leader Lan rushed to Qin Wuge, he was stopped and subdued.But the giant wolf still struggled and roared, roaring at Qin Wuge like a demon, grinning.

Qin Wuge looked at the mad patriarch Lan expressionlessly, and suddenly thought: It must be because of his own power of thought that made him go crazy.

Mind power has a strong healing power for wound recovery, but it also seems to have a strong exclusivity and influence on those with evil thoughts. Heilong used to dislike her mind power very much, in order to test his conjecture.

Qin Wuge increased the power of his thoughts, and manipulated it on Patriarch Lan's body. As a result, Patriarch Lan, who had turned into a giant wolf, convulsed violently, foaming at the mouth and fainting.

(End of this chapter)

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