Chapter 1111 Mother Clan
Chapter 1111 Mother Clan
Bei Mingyue returned to the imperial capital, and more than [-] Zhenyuan imperial troops belonged to the commander of Bei Mingqing.

People from Emperor Tianlan and Beichen Empire secretly thought: Bei Mingqing used to compete with Emperor Zhenyuan for the throne, now that she is in charge of the army, can she encourage rebellion?
Don't miss out!

Emperor Tianlan dispatched a capable minister to find Bei Mingqing immediately, and gradually revealed through contact with her that he had cooperated with her to bring down the Zhenyuan Empire.

When Bei Mingqing saw the people coming from the Zhenyuan Empire, he guessed their purpose.

In this regard, Bei Mingqing did not show an obvious attitude, but his attitude was obscure, which made the people of Tianlan Empire unable to understand and guess.

"Does Bei Mingqing want to fight for power or give up fighting?"

"Why is there no clear attitude?"

The envoys of the Tianlan Empire came out from Beimingqing with bitterness and anger on their faces.

After he sent the news to Emperor Tianlan, Emperor Tianlan's attitude was very optimistic:
"Bei Mingqing disappeared for decades before returning to China. If she wants to fight for power, she must have enough strength. Now that she has not clearly expressed her refusal, it means we have a chance!"

Hearing the admonition of Emperor Zhenyuan, the important officials were relieved.

Yes, why didn't they think of it.

The reason why Bei Mingqing didn't dare to agree directly was because of her lack of strength.

It would be strange if Bei Mingqing agreed straight away!

They should have suspected fraud.

"During this period of time, don't target the army of the Zhenyuan Empire. After all, Bei Mingqing is in charge. Besides, aren't Bei Mingye and the others going deep into the Emperor's Forest? We support them all the way!~"

Emperor Tianlan excitedly announced:

"After Bei Mingye leaves and Bei Mingqing completely controls the army, we should have a chance."

So exciting!

The Tianlan Empire has been suppressed by the Zhenyuan Empire for hundreds of years, and finally has a chance to stand up.

Since Emperor Tianlan came to power, he has been repeatedly provoked and suppressed by the Zhenyuan Empire, not only at a disadvantage on the border, especially after the recent rebellion and turmoil in the Tianlan Empire.

The suppression of the Zhenyuan Empire became more obvious.

The Tianlan Empire had to cooperate and form an alliance with the Beichen Empire in order to resist the pressure from the Zhenyuan Empire.

But now, there is a crack in the Zhenyuan Empire. Bei Mingqing, who once fought against the Zhenyuan Emperor, is their chance. As long as they support her, they can mess up the Zhenyuan Empire!
Emperor Tianlan couldn't wait to think of the benefits that the Tianlan Empire would get after the civil strife in the Zhenyuan Empire.

"We want to take back the land that was taken away, and even aspire to the mainland!"

The four empires seem to have formed the four most powerful forces on the mainland, but there are differences between the four countries. When dealing with many things on the mainland, the proportion of speaking power they have is also different.

The stronger the empire, the more power it has to speak.

In recent years, the Zhenyuan Empire has the most say, followed by the Beichen Empire.

And now that the strongest Zhenyuan Empire might be disintegrated, how could Emperor Tianlan be unhappy.

Of course, the movements on Emperor Tianlan's side were not hidden from Bei Mingye's eyes. Hearing Si Han's sullen expression in return, and his eagerness to move, Bei Mingye didn't express anything.

Si Han couldn't help but asked:
"Your Highness, don't we take the opportunity to do something?"

This is a good opportunity, it's too unreasonable not to play around with Emperor Tian Lan.

"Let's leave this opportunity to my aunt."

Bei Mingye glanced outside, Qin Wuge was selecting followers from the Qin clan.

"Do you think there is still time to take care of those imperial disputes?"

Hearing the master's question, Si Han shrank his neck, well, he admitted that he was inferior, and the master and Emperor Yan had more important things to do.

Qing Ying came in from the outside with an excited expression on her face, and Si Han immediately winked at her when he saw her excited appearance.

Si Han felt that Qingying must have found out about Emperor Tianlan's actions and came to offer advice against the Tianlan Empire.

"There is something wrong with your eyes!"

Qing Ying cast a glance at Si Han, knelt down in front of Bei Mingye and said:

"Your Highness, Emperor Yan has brought all your people."

Bei Mingye was slightly taken aback, clansman?

Bei Mingye's people belonged to the Zhenyuan Emperor's family. Of course, Bei Mingye also had a mother's family, that is, people from his mother's side, and his mother's side also belonged to the descendants of the horned dragon's bloodline.

In the four great empires, although there were intermarriages between the imperial clan and other clans, there were also examples of marriages with their own bloodlines.

Each descendant of divine blood has a large population base, so there is no such thing as close relatives.

And Bei Mingye has not contacted his mother clan for a long time since his mother passed away.

"It's your mother clan. Emperor Yan thinks that since he is exploring the holy lake, the more descendants of the blood of the gods, the better."

Qingying's face was full of joy, His Highness did not contact the mother clan, on the one hand, he did not want to think of his dead mother, and on the other hand, as a prince, he should not have too much involvement with the mother clan.

It's not that he is afraid of Emperor Zhenyuan's jealousy, but that he doesn't want to be troubled.

As a candidate for the crown prince, his mother's family has always been a sensitive topic.

But now, Emperor Yan has found all his mother clan, and there are more than 500 people with close blood relationship.

"It's what the emperor meant."

Bei Mingye snorted, he didn't think Emperor Yan had the ability to find his mother clan, after all, she had never met her mother clan before, the most likely one could only be Emperor Zhenyuan.

Emperor Zhenyuan used his mother clan not only to restrain the crown prince, but more importantly, to allow the crown prince to gain sufficient support.

Although Bei Mingye is not tolerated by the powerful imperial family, he still has the power of his mother clan.

"His Majesty's mother clan has always kept a low profile before, so that those powerful families have forgotten your mother clan's existence. Now that your mother clan has stood up, it is enough to threaten those powerful families."

Qingying still had a happy look on her face.

Not only did the mother clan stand up this time, but if they could gain strength in the Red Sea of ​​the holy lake.

Then, it will only make the mother clan stronger. With such a strong backing, those powerful clans will be even more afraid of the prince.

Moreover, the Hao family would not dare to embarrass him because of this, and Yan Huang!

It was precisely because of this aspect that Bei Mingye was not angry, but only asked him to get close to his mother clan. He didn't know where to start.

However, when Bei Mingye came outside, Emperor Yan had already become one with them.

"Haha~ My grandson has never been worry-free since he was a child. Emperor Yan didn't know about it. Emperor Zhenyuan wanted to throw him to me several times, but I refused!"

An old man's laughter reached his ears.

Bei Mingye naturally knew that the old man who spoke was his grandfather.

However, in the mouth of grandpa, he has become an uneasy trouble. He was abandoned by both sides when he was a child, and he was disgusted by Emperor Zhenyuan and grandpa just like playing football.

"His Highness has come out, I'll let the clansmen prepare first."

The old man who was having a good conversation with Emperor Yan just now, after seeing Bei Mingye, suddenly withdrew his smile and ran away, as if he was afraid of Bei Mingye.

Northern Mingye...

(End of this chapter)

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