Chapter 1141 Ancestral Will
Chapter 1141 Ancestral Will
With the appearance of the fiery red elf villain, the ancestors who had been hidden before also reappeared.

Moreover, the ancestor looked at the fiery villain in shock, and couldn't maintain his excited state of primordial spirit.

"Successful? Really successful!"

The ancestor revolved around the fiery red villain, because of the shape, the ancestor did not dare to get too close.

Any existence in the form of primordial spirit or weapon spirit has a heartfelt fear of the flame elves.

The flame elf looks cute and cute, but it has a strong suppression of everything that exists in the state of nothingness.

Just like the bloodline suppression between monsters, the flame elves can even destroy any primordial spirit.

Therefore, as long as the flame elf is willing, she can destroy the ancestor's primordial spirit in an instant.

However, it is clear that the flame elf does not like to kill, or she was just born in this space, and has not yet developed the habit of killing.

"I don't like the smell on you."

The flame elf gave the ancestor a disgusted look, flew to Qin Wuge's shoulder and sat down.

Flame spirits can cause damage to any creature, even monks.

And Qin Wuge happened to contract with Shenhuo, and there was Nine Heavens Xuanhuo body protection in his body, so not only could the fire elves not be able to hurt her, but they would also form some kind of contract and coexistence relationship with her.

Both Yuanyuan and Jin Mao came out of the portable space.

Looking at the flame elf, he was very happy.

It is not surprising that Qingluan, who is of fire attribute, would like Yanling, and Jin Mao also showed great interest in Yanling.

"Since Yan Ling recognizes you as the master, then you are indeed the master of my Qin family."

The ancestor put away his previous arrogance, but his tone was still tough:
"Since you are already the master of my Qin family, then you should lead my Qin family to become the master of the Emperor Forest again, maintain order, and pass on the family rules!~"

Qin Wuge responded:
"Emperor Forest is my Qin family's home, we won't hand it over to others, but I won't agree to what happens next."

The ancestor was very angry. He didn't like this woman before. Sure enough, she was disobedient.

Moreover, she is also Shangguan Mo's daughter.

At the beginning Shangguan Mo was disobedient, as expected her daughter was the same.

The ancestor stared at Qin Wuge, and finally said helplessly:

"You don't even know what my family rules are, why don't you listen to me?"

Qin Wuge sneered and said:

"When you were staring at me just now, you were thinking, is there any way to deal with me, but unfortunately, you didn't find any way."

"As for the family rules, although I have heard a little, I don't want to know more."

The reason why Qin Wuge was so sure was naturally for a reason.

It can make Qin Daizong rebel against the Qin family, and even become the vanguard of the Tianlan Emperor Clan and others to destroy the Qin family, and make Qin Feng give up the crown prince and cause internal strife among the clan.

Isn't it because a divine bird like Yinfeng is used as a sacrifice to the holy lake because he has no human feelings!
Therefore, one can imagine how harsh and cold-blooded the Qin family's family rules are.

"The Qin family has been able to pass on for tens of thousands of years in the Emperor's Forest. There are indeed merits. If it depends on blood and blood, I would rather give up to turn a race into a powerhouse that surpasses everything."

Qin Wuge's words made the ancestor laugh out loud.

"If it weren't for the suppression of the sacred-blood race in the Emperor's Forest, the Emperor's Forest would already be full of evil, and the entire continent would become a purgatory."

"As the Qin royal family, it is blasphemy that you don't recognize the actions of your ancestors. Without our ancestors, where would you come from?"

Qin Wuge was unmoved:
"It's just an established fact, and it can't be your capital to insult me."

"I respect you as the ancestor of the Qin family, so I didn't attack you, but if you are still so obsessed, don't blame me for being rude!"

The patriarch was shocked:

"What did you say? How dare you be unfilial?"

This girl is too crazy, committing crimes above and below, and she is still obsessed with obsession.

The ancestors were not only powerful, but since they were the ancestors of the Qin family, they should be respected and revered.

But look what she had to say!
"Unfilial? I have the blood of the Qin family, but it is not certain whether you are my ancestor. When the Qin family was prosperous, there were tens of millions of people. Are you my ancestor?"

Although Qin Wuge's words were outrageous.

However, it was also because the ancestors were too greedy.

Qin Wuge originally didn't want to judge the ancestors of the Qin family, but they regarded themselves as elders and asked the descendants to abide by the backward and despicable family rules, and they were not allowed to violate them.

Once someone raises an objection, they immediately label it disloyal and unfilial.

As an elder, force you to do what they think is right.

This is what makes Qin Wuge angry the most.

"You are regarded as the ancestor of the Qin family, I can respect you, but I will not listen to your mercy!" Qin Wuge added.

"I'm educating you. If you don't follow my advice, do you want the Qin family to perish?"

The ancestor was still very angry.

However, the people of the Qin clan around did not say a word.

Patriarchs had more to say about it:
"As descendants of the Qin family, why don't you speak up for me? Don't you just watch her disobey me so much?"

Elder Qin had no choice but to come out, coughed and said:

"Actually, our Qin Clan almost perished. It was Emperor Yan who found our surviving clansmen. Now our Qin Clan has only a few thousand people."

When the ancestor heard the words, he was so shocked that his soul was unstable and said:
"How is it possible! With the protection of our ancestors, how could the Qin family be extinct?"

After Qin Xu also confirmed this sentence, the ancestor was overshadowed, but still argued:
"The other blood races are all extinct, but my Qin clan still has thousands of people, which shows that my Qin clan's clan rules are correct. It is our clan rules and policies that allow the Qin clan to continue."

Qin Wuge questioned:

"What about the four great empires? They are also the blood race, because they walked out of the emperor's forest and prospered. The population of the four generations of emperors is in the millions."

"Impossible! The god-blood race who were driven out of the Emperor's Forest back then are all rubbish, and only a few of them escaped."

This news meant a lot to the ancestors.

He turned himself into a primordial spirit and sealed it in a secret realm for tens of thousands of years, hoping that the Qin family would be strong and immortal, but what happened?

The Qin family has suffered a catastrophe, so what's the point of his perseverance?
The primordial spirit originally existed by condensing consciousness. Once this will dissipates, the primordial spirit will also disappear with it.

The ancestor obviously didn't want to accept this reality, and as the ancestor's primordial spirit showed signs of collapse, the entire secret realm also began to show signs of collapse.

This secret realm is based on the will of the ancestors, forming an independent space like the spirit world.

When the will of the ancestors collapsed, the secret realm also began to collapse.

"Take all the weapon spirits and run!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qin Xu released the spiritual power of his whole body, and the spiritual power was displayed from him like a net, catching all the fluorescent lights in the sky, and escaped.

"The Qin family will still stand in the Emperor's Forest, but with our way of life!"

Qin Wuge looked at the ancestor's soul that was about to collapse, and said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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