Chapter 1144 Promotion to the Empire
Chapter 1144 Promotion to the Empire
The suppression operation in Emperor's Forest is still going on.

The imperial army and Zongmen monks roared in the forest, and once they found traces of the Nether tribe, they whistled and besieged and killed them.

The remnants of the Dark Empire who cooperated with the Nether Race were also besieged and killed.

Moreover, as the situation in the Emperor's Forest favored the human race, more imperial warriors and sect monks joined the Emperor's Forest operation.

"These people are here to pick up a bargain. I'm really worried that they will stay in the Emperor's Forest."

"There are materials that can be extracted from the Nether tribe, and the weapons used by the Nether tribe are also very unique, so they are indeed here to pick up cheap."

Zhou Yan came to Qin Wuge with a few personal guards and reported the situation:

"Our people have been arranged around the Red Sea, but the Tianlan Empire's army has not withdrawn."

Emperor Tianlan personally led his troops to stay in the Red Sea, with the purpose of seizing control of the surrounding areas of the Red Sea.

In contrast, the Haisheng Empire and the Beichen Empire largely did not send troops.

There are quite a few forces coming to the Emperor's Forest to fight against the Nether Race, but everyone's thinking is very honest: they are here to deal with the Nether Race, in order to prevent the Nether Race from occupying the Emperor's Forest and the mainland.

But Emperor Tianlan had a different idea. He felt that since the Tianlan Empire had paid such a high price, there must be something in return.

The Tianlan Empire cannot simply suffer losses.

Before, the Tianlan Empire had plundered a lot of resources from the Emperor's Forest as a reward for the operation of the imperial army.

Even, the Tianlan Empire's army built many fortresses in the Emperor's Forest, expanding their territory step by step.

Now, they stayed at the Red Sea again, because Emperor Tianlan felt that the Red Sea was profitable.

"Let them camp."

Qin Wuge didn't intend to drive Emperor Tianlan away, but instead said:
"In addition, send an invitation to all the imperial race and the blood race, let them all come to the Red Sea."

The primordial souls in the Red Sea belong to all the god-blood races. To purify the power of the Red Sea, all races need to work together.

Qin Wuge has always felt that allowing the power in the Red Sea to exist is not a long-term solution.

After all, Yinfeng and the monks in white have been supporting the barrier at the Red Sea to maintain the safety of the Red Sea.

Therefore, it is good for everyone to consume the power in the Red Sea as soon as possible.

Zhou Yan was ordered to go.

The others kept reporting in front of Qin Wuge with information.

Qin Wuge gathered all the information and came up with a picture of the situation in Emperor Lin.

But someone had thought of this long ago, and came here with a huge blueprint.

This person is Leng Yu, Leng Yu in golden armor, travel-stained, with a dirty face, but a pair of eyes that are shining brighter and scary.

"Most of the Emperor's Forest is under our control, only the Death Canyon in the north may still have Nether Race."

Leng Yu pointed to the topographic map he drew himself, and introduced it to Qin Wuge.

Ever since Leng Yu chose to be loyal to Qin Wuge, he led the army to scout and raid the Emperor's Forest. After a month of hard work, he finally figured out the situation in the Emperor's Forest.

This piece of Emperor Forest, where countless god-blood races once lived, is extremely vast, and its area is no smaller than any empire.

Even, there are still many unexplored areas in the Emperor's Forest.

During this period of time, Leng Yu also sent many scouts to search those unknown areas as much as possible, but they all failed.

The scout went deep into the unexplored area and never returned.

In desperation, Leng Yu could only mark the location of the unexplored area on the map and try to perfect its size.

This is an incomplete map, but it is also the most complete map of Emperor Forest.

There used to be so many god-blood races living in the Emperor's Forest, and they had drawn maps, but compared with Leng Yu's map, it was still far behind.

It can be seen that Leng Yu really put his heart into drawing this map.

Moreover, this also took advantage of the raging Nether Race and Emperor Linnei's many troops and monks.

It is easier to draw a map.

"Thank you."

Qin Wuge sincerely thanked Leng Yu for being able to think of drawing a map one step ahead, which was considered a big help to her.

In fact, Qin Wuge only remembered to draw a map now, it was a little late.

Leng Yu grasped the timing just right.

"Emperor Yan is serious, this is what I should do."

Leng Yu hastily declined.

After presenting the map, Leng Yu was also worried about other sects and imperial forces in the Emperor's Forest.

"When the Nether Race is completely wiped out, how to get these forces to withdraw from the Emperor's Forest will also be a difficult problem."

"So, before that, I want to take the Golden Armored Guards to fully garrison the Emperor's Forest."

Leng Yu knelt on the ground, speaking to Qin Wuge as a general.

Leng Yu liked her, but he was willing to suppress his emotions and be her guardian general.

Perhaps, in the eyes of outsiders, Leng Yu is a tragic character, but Leng Yu feels that he is very good in this way.

His feelings for her were just admiration at first, and then his feelings improved, but they hadn't risen to the height of love.

Now, Leng Yu has adjusted his position in advance, and he feels that what he is doing now is very meaningful.

Tens of thousands of Jin Jiawei were brought out of the Tianlan Empire by him. Although many people scolded them as "rebels", many people and forces on the mainland expressed their understanding and support for him and Jin Jiawei.

After all, Jin Jiawei had indeed been treated unfairly before.

But Leng Yu knew very well that the biggest reason why he and Jin Jiawei were able to escape the scolding of the crowd was Emperor Yan.

Yanhuang's efforts in the Emperor's Forest are obvious to all!Her achievements are unparalleled.

Moreover, Emperor Yan, as the royal family of the Qin family, does not seem to intend to pursue the responsibility of all forces uniting to encircle and suppress the Qin family.

Then everyone also showed generosity to Emperor Yan. Therefore, it was for this reason that Leng Yu and Jin Jiawei were pardoned.

Therefore, Leng Yu is willing to bring all the golden armored guards to serve the Emperor Yan.

It was Leng Yu's job to seize the emperor's forest and ensure the Qin family's control over the emperor's forest.

"Okay. It's all about General Lao Leng."

Qin Wuge immediately agreed.

She is still grateful to Leng Yu.When the Tianlan Empire oppressed and persecuted the Yan State, it was Leng Yu who brought the Golden Armored Guards back out of the empire and fell under the Yan State.

The strength of Yan State has been strengthened.

But now, the strength of the Yan Kingdom has increased, and after gaining the support of many races, Qin Wuge has also shown the protection of the Yan Kingdom for other races.

Whether it's the Yufeng Clan, Qin Clan, Beastman Clan or Leng Yu's Golden Armored Guards, they all belong to the Yan Kingdom!

The affiliation of all the forces also allowed Yan Guocai to be truly promoted to the ranks of the empire.

At the same time, Emperor Tianlan, who was guarding the Red Sea, also got the map drawn by his subordinates.

Looking at the ever-increasing land area of ​​Yan Kingdom, Emperor Tianlan was terrified:
"The Sunset Forest belongs to Yan Kingdom? Why didn't I know that the Sunset Forest was so big?"

"Is that okay? The area of ​​Yan Kingdom can almost catch up with the size of the empire!"

(End of this chapter)

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