Chapter 1150 The Battle of Genocide
Chapter 1150 The Battle of Genocide
When the human team entered the death canyon, the Nether tribe noticed it.

The battle ensues.

The tall Nether race emerged from the dark forest and attacked the human monks in sequence.

"This is indeed the old nest of the Nether Race, and the number of opponents is no less than 10!"

Facing the large-scale attack of the Nether tribe, although the human race resisted in a panic, no one retreated, and even people became more excited.

In the Emperor's Forest, the Nether Race has clearly been wiped out.

But they can still encounter stubborn resistance here, which shows that they are right, this is the last lair of the Nether Race.

"The imperial army moves forward, and the sect monks assist, let this place become the grave of the Nether race!"

Luo Yunsheng charged forward and gave orders loudly.

The [-] soldiers of the Tianlan Empire followed behind the third prince, advancing with iron blood.

The array of other imperial soldiers and sect monks were naturally also infected, and everyone fought bravely to be the first.

The war has been intensified from the very beginning, and the fighting has become more and more brutal.

Magnificent magic and violent martial arts erupted on the battlefield, and the orcs turned into giant beasts, tearing apart the ranks of the Nether tribe.

The Vulcan crow of the Qin cultivator swallowed scarlet flames, burning everything.

There was fighting and shouting everywhere.

There is also the sound of overlapping spaces collapsing.

Two divine dragons crisscrossed the battlefield, their dragon flames were fierce and their breath burst, ready to kill the horned beasts of the Nether tribe.

The entire Death Canyon was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

Shura's hell field reappears.

Even Emperor Tianlan and the others who stayed outside the Death Canyon were shocked.

Even Emperor Tianlan was a little scared, fortunately they didn't follow in.

"Great Emperor, this is a good thing. After the Nether Race is completely wiped out, the Emperor's Forest will be safe. We can divide a large area!"

Ji Yunhan stayed with Emperor Tianlan and complimented him when the battle was fierce.

Staying on the edge of the Death Canyon, one can see how brutal the war is. Emperor Tianlan has seen many bloody scenes, but he was still a little pale by the scene in front of him.

On the other hand, Ji Yunhan's calm expression, Emperor Tianlan had to admire, the old prime minister is a man who has seen the world and can hold his breath.

But Emperor Tianlan didn't agree with what the old prime minister said.

"Hmph, Dihuanglin gave us so little, is the old prime minister satisfied?"

Speaking of this, Emperor Tianlan became angry. Before that, Emperor Yan made the decision to divide the area of ​​Emperor Forest.

Most of them were occupied by the Qin family and the Shenyi clan, and only a few corners were distributed to other forces. The Tianlan Empire got more than other empires, but Tianlan Emperor was still dissatisfied .

Therefore, Emperor Tianlan did not acknowledge Emperor Yan's division of Emperor Lin at all.

They were also in a hurry to clear the Death Canyon, so everyone put the issue of division on hold for the time being.

Emperor Tianlan was still thinking that after the death canyon incident was over, he would definitely disagree with Emperor Yan's opinion when he brought up the division of Emperor Forest again, but the old prime minister thought it was fair.

Simply too much!
Emperor Tianlan felt that the old prime minister was going too far.

"Since the emperor is not satisfied, we can naturally bring it up."

Ji Yunhan felt very embarrassed. He wanted to talk about something that would make the emperor happy, but he didn't want the emperor to be so disgusted.

Ji Yunhan really felt that he couldn't serve the emperor anymore.

Over the years, the emperor has really become more and more lazy and cunning.

"Great Emperor, there are Nether Race rushing out!"

There are guards around to remind.

Everyone saw a group of Nether tribe rushing madly towards the tragic battlefield.

The huge horned beast cleared the way, and the brave Nether warriors charged forward fearlessly.

The army of the empire did not stop them.

As a result, the team was made to head straight in the direction of Emperor Tianlan and the others.

"Are they trying to escape?" Emperor Tianlan wanted to run away.

The old prime minister hastily stopped:

"They want to destroy the folding formation! Stop them quickly."

Looking at the appearance of that team not afraid of death and charging, it was not escape at all, but the determination to die, with the posture of dying together.

Obviously, their goal is to fold the formation.

After Xuanzhenzong and others set up the formation, they did not follow into the Death Canyon, but were left by Emperor Yan to guard the formation.

It is because of the existence of the formation that the team entering the canyon is not affected by the space folding.

It can be seen that the importance of the formation is over.

Moreover, the old prime minister discovered that the center of the folding formation is the Phoenix tree!
That is Qin Wuge's treasure.She can keep the Phoenix tree here, what does it mean?

"Quick! Guard the formation! All the masters come forward!"

The old prime minister personally led the team forward.

Because Emperor Tianlan was there, hundreds of masters from the imperial clan followed Tianlan Emperor, and there were also a large number of soldiers.

It is more than enough to stop this Nether Race team.

However, without Emperor Tianlan's order, the hundreds of masters of the imperial clan protected the emperor and did not step forward at all.

"My lord, if the formation is destroyed, then the hundreds of thousands of people who entered the Death Canyon will be in danger!"

Ji Yunhan hurriedly yelled at Emperor Tianlan.

Emperor Tianlan seemed to be shocked when he heard the words, but then his face showed joy.

The old prime minister instantly guessed what the emperor was thinking: he wanted the hundreds of thousands who entered the Death Valley to die!
Because those tens of 10 people are almost the top power on the entire continent.

Without those people, only the Tianlan Empire is left to dominate.

Although Tianlan Empire will lose 5 people because of this, Emperor Yan is already a thorn in Emperor Tianlan's eyes.

Emperor Tianlan would definitely want to give up 5 people in exchange for the destruction of Emperor Yan and others.

"All soldiers obey orders, no one is allowed to retreat, guard the formation, otherwise the mainland will be destroyed, how can the Tianlan Empire survive alone?"

Ji Yunhan himself stood at the front of the soldiers array, the old prime minister with white beard and hair, although he didn't have much cultivation, but his powerful aura still infected many soldiers.

Dai Chengzong, who guarded the formation, led his disciples to stand up and line up:
"The Emperor Yan entrusted us with the responsibility of protecting the formation, and we will defend it to the death!"

Thousands of Xuanzhen Sect disciples lined up, ready to fight.

The Xuanzhen Sect is the most proficient in formations and few in combat skills, but at this moment they are all brave enough to meet them without fear of death.

When the huge Nether clan fought and rushed forward, thousands of disciples of the Xuanzhen Sect supported the protective formation together, and lined up with the soldiers, resisting extremely fiercely.

While Emperor Tianlan was still hesitating, the bloody fight had already intensified.

The army led by Ji Yunhan was broken through, and the Nether tribe had already rushed to the front of the formation.

The horned beast slammed into the formation, and there was a violent explosion.

The dead warriors of the Nether tribe rushed forward one after another, destroying the formation by self-destructing.

The folding formation instantly became shaky, and the destruction was in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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