Chapter 1152 Lost Civilization
Chapter 1152 Lost Civilization
While Emperor Tianlan sent an order to Prince Luo Yunjian, he also sent a team of personal guards.

If there is anything wrong with Luo Yunjian, this team of personal guards will act cheaply.

After the change of mentality, Emperor Tianlan's momentum and approach have undergone great changes.

The ministers and attendants who followed Emperor Tianlan were naturally happy.

Everyone wants to follow a capable monarch. Although Emperor Tianlan has been corrupted in recent years, everyone can see his great talent and boldness when he was young.

Now seeing the great emperor once again glowing with majesty and determination, everyone is grateful and excited.

"Everyone, go back if you have nothing to do, or go to be in charge of material dispatching, and make a list of the materials used to build the military fort here."

Emperor Tianlan sat down to rest beside the folded circle, while instructing the ministers around him.

The ministers were still a little puzzled.

Make a list?

"We built the military base, because there are many people from our Tianlan Imperial Clan in the Emperor's Forest, but we cannot afford the materials and resources independently. I will let all the forces share it equally!"

Emperor Tianlan was still talking about the material, which seemed to be very petty.

However, no one will say anything at this time.Not to mention that Emperor Tianlan's words are problematic.

Because, this time, Emperor Tianlan is fighting for his rights with integrity and evidence.

Building a military fortress is the common responsibility of everyone.

After the construction, Emperor Tianlan asked everyone to share it, which also represented another meaning: he would not occupy these military bases.

A gentleman does something and does not do something.

The emperor knew very well what he could do and what he would not do.

This can reflect the dignity and ability of a great emperor.

The war in Death Canyon has slowed down.

With the help of the Tianlan Emperor Clan to guard the rear, all the monks and soldiers can fight to the death. The hundred thousand Nether Clan can't resist and have already started to retreat.

And during the retreat, the Nether race opened the folding space and got into the black hole-like portal, making it impossible for the race to pursue.

"The Nether tribe has mastered the space ability?"

Everyone was shocked, and when the Nether tribe fled, they chased after them, but there was nothing they could do.

The black hole will automatically isolate the human race and cannot break in.

A few people who knew the formation came to the black hole and looked at the black hole as dark as a portal, but found that it was not a portal like a formation at all, but a passage.

Channels that belong to the folding space.

"Although there are countless spaces in front of us, they all lead to the same goal. Their lair is deep inside!"

Qin Wuge had studied the Death Canyon before, and she sent all the cultivators here. Although she didn't get enough information, after summarizing, she still guessed the nature of the Death Canyon.

There are countless folding spaces in Death Canyon, just like a maze.

Any living thing that comes in will get lost in the process of moving, and will not be able to get supplies, which will only increase consumption, and will naturally die easily.

Obviously, the Nether tribe cracked the folding space here, as if they understood the maze, so they turned this place into their hiding place.

"Even the death canyon has an end. Completely wipe out the Nether Race in the Emperor's Forest!"

Qin Wuge's call received everyone's response.

As mortal enemies, after many wars, the human race has a deep blood feud with the Nether race.

To bury the comrades who died in battle, tens of thousands of people are ready to go.

Led by Nalan Yu and other great powers, the monks in the Mahayana period sacrificed their natal magic weapons, and the vast and mighty power smashed all obstacles ahead and continued to move forward.

As the crowd advanced, the Death Canyon was almost leveled.

And as everyone went deeper, they discovered that the area of ​​Death Canyon was so large.

This undiscovered area located in the north of the Emperor's Forest, everyone has always thought it was a barren land, but they didn't expect that there were many ruins here.

There are traces of human beings living here.

Numerous human bones were dug out, some of them were dug out because of Qin Wuge and others advancing, and there were also piles of bones piled up by the Nether tribe.

In front of a huge city ruins, everyone stopped to rest.

They've been in here all day.

After the war, both soldiers and monks needed to recuperate.

Qin Wuge and the others continued to discuss countermeasures.

"The statistics of the bones here are about 30!"

Meng Haiyin took his personal guards, searched the surrounding area, and reported the general data to Qin Wuge.

"Just here, there are 30 bones. It seems that this place used to be a big city."

Nalan Yu looked at the ruins of the surrounding city, and could vaguely make out the outline of the city.

"Judging from the degree of weathering of the bones, it should be a human race 3000 years ago."

Miaoxuan took a few monks to rescue those bones, and also distinguished the age of those bones.

Since it was a human race thousands of years ago, it should have coexisted with other god races in the Emperor's Forest.

Miaoxuan looked at Elder Qin, hoping that Elder Qin would know something.

Elder Qin is very ashamed:

"I don't know much about the family affairs, maybe Elder Qin Xu knows more."

It's a pity that Qin Xu didn't follow, Qin Xu still guarded the weapon tomb.

The Weapon Tomb is Qin Xu's obsession. Sometimes Qin Xu will follow Qin Wuge, but most of the time, he stays near the Weapon Tomb.

Regardless, things have come to light about the fact that there was once a human being here.

This discovery in the Death Canyon is of great significance to the human race.

This shows that the death canyon is suitable for human survival.

And any place that is suitable for human survival is not suitable for the Nether race.

And as Qin Wuge and others continued to advance, more secrets were gradually revealed.

More ruins were presented in front of everyone. It can be seen from the ruins of the buildings that most of the buildings here are made of stone.

After thousands of years of weathering and corrosion, the buildings have collapsed, but most of the materials have been preserved.

After the imperial army rested, the wounded and some soldiers were left behind, and the ruins were used to build military forts.

Wherever the land of the Death Canyon was conquered, it expanded into an extension of the Emperor's Forest.

The emperor's forest has also expanded because of this.

As for the poisonous air in the Death Canyon, it was also dispelled by Qin's pet, the Vulcan Crow.

The corrupt and poisonous Zhang began to disappear in the Death Canyon, and a new kind of rich spiritual power formed in the Canyon.

It was only then that everyone discovered that the place with the most spiritual power in the entire Emperor's Forest turned out to be the Valley of Death!

Moreover, as he went deeper, a sense of intimacy gradually emerged in Qin Wuge's heart.

There are more and more city ruins in front of us. On the ground of corrupt black soil, stones of various colors are laid, forming a compacted ground.

Ancient and ancient plants also began to appear around, and the huge canopy was lush and lush, which was completely different from the barren black and gray in the canyon.

A lost and undiscovered civilization was revealed to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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