Chapter 1180 It's Just a Woman
Chapter 1180: Just a woman
Leng Quan followed behind him, although Leng Quan was not in the house just now, but he was Bei Mingye's confidant, and he always followed closely.Standing in the courtyard, he naturally heard Qin Wuge's emotional words with his inhuman hearing ability.

Seeing the suspicious look on the master's face now, Leng Quan hesitated, and couldn't help but say: "Master Xiang, I never thought that the princess would be yin and yang. Could it be that her previous cowardice and deceit were all faked?"

Hearing this, Bei Mingye's footsteps paused slightly, and he looked sideways at the cold spring, just a ray of sunlight fell between his eyes, and a golden light flashed.

Leng Quan didn't dare to look at each other, quickly lowered his head, and said solemnly: "What does this subordinate mean, do you want to send someone to watch Chu Xiuyuan?"

Looking across the deep courtyard behind him, Bei Mingye raised his eyebrows almost imperceptibly, and said, "No need."

It's just a woman, how big a wave she can make, he wants to see what tricks she is playing.

"Mr. Pei can have lunch?"

"This Mr. Pei is just like the rumors. He is so delicate that it is hard to say. He even brought his own cook with him when he came to the prime minister's mansion. His meals are taken care of by Pei's cook. Don't worry about it."

Leng Quan was born in a military camp, so he couldn't understand the fragility and extravagance of a rich man, and his words were clearly mocking.Bei Mingye didn't take it seriously, but he didn't say much, he just said: "Put the meals in Fengshanyuan, please pay attention, Mr. Pei wakes up from lunch break and let me know."

Leng Quan hurriedly obeyed, bowing his head with disapproval on his face.Mr. Pei is just a rich businessman, with a lot of filthy money, but he doesn't know the depth, he is arrogant, and he puts a lot of face in front of Xiangye, but he doesn't know why Xiangye treats him so politely.

At this moment in Mingqiao Courtyard, the scorching sun at noon is blazing the ground, but the corner of the study room shaded by purple bamboos is somewhat cool.

The incense burner is hollowed out and carved with silver, lingering with the light fragrance of soothing medicine. On the long case by the window is a pen holder of jade bamboo. The pen holder is shining in the warm light of the window. Falling down softly, shining brightly in the sun.

The man had a gentle and handsome face, an extraordinary bearing, warm eyes, as gentle as clouds, as gentle as a spring breeze, exuding brilliance all over his body.The sunlight fell on his handsome figure, rolling streams of light and shadows, but it couldn't stop the clean and elegant demeanor.

At this moment, the man's expression was serene and flawless, like the ancient water without ripples, his posture was calm, and he flew away with his pen.The tip of the pen slid across the snow-colored paper, and a line of vigorous handwriting fell down.

With the sound of footsteps, a handsome-looking man in a black narrow-robed warrior uniform strode into the room and approached the desk.

The refined man didn't look up, and just put pen to paper as if ignoring it. The handsome man stood still in front of the case, and said to himself: "Young master, the princess is not as easy to deceive as the rumors say. Not only did she not suffer, but it was Mrs. Lian's. The servant girl was slapped. Tsk tsk, she was a little beauty, but she was beaten into a meat bun. I don't think you need to worry about the abandoned concubine, so let me just say, where can the tiger girl be sent?"

The elegant man is the guest of Yinyue son Pei Mingyu. The Pei family is rich all over the world, and his business names are all over Qingguo, and all his business names are marked with Yinyue.And Pei Mingyu is the parent of Pei's generation, and he is personable and extraordinary, so he is called "Mr. Yinyue".

Hearing the man's words, a trace of surprise flashed in Pei Mingyu's eyes, and it disappeared in a flash. She didn't stop writing, and said slowly: "Sit down and drink some water."

(End of this chapter)

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