Chapter 1192 Backyard
Chapter 1192: Backyard
Patting her hand, Qin Wuge comforted her: "Okay, I couldn't think about it earlier, from now on, miss, I will never let Ping'er be bullied by people in the house."

"Well, Ping'er has to give Miss a good bun."

Qin Wuge nodded indifferently and let her be busy.

This girl thought that she was dressing up like this for Bei Mingye, but she guessed right. Apart from being unable to tolerate her miserable appearance, she really moved her mind to Bei Mingye.

Now that she is in the palace, she has to fight, and she is not afraid of fighting with others. She has always believed in fighting with others, which brings endless joy.However, she didn't want to waste all her thoughts on fighting for favor in this backyard, wasting it on a monstrous man, that would be too embarrassing for herself.

She must have her own stage, her own sky, and fly freely, so it is imperative for her to leave here.

To leave, Bei Mingye had to be captured first, because she didn't want to leave with her brother's power.

After tidying up and supporting Ping'er, the two of them left Chuxiu Garden. Ping'er pointed out to Qin Wuge which wives lived in each courtyard while walking. Qin Wuge asked some questions from time to time, walking around with great interest.

After visiting most of the garden, I have to marvel at the exquisiteness of the Prince Regent's Mansion, with flying flowers and flowing water, pavilions, towers and pavilions, strange trees and grasses, it is really exquisite everywhere.

Marveling all the way, Fang entered the gate of Yueyue, but came to a large flower garden, and there was a pavilion in the center of the flower garden. At this moment, a few Yingying and Yanyan in the pavilion were smiling and looking over. Dazed, and then one of the women let out a surprised exclamation.

"Abandoned concubine?"

It was only after she called out that the girls came back to their senses, just now they only saw the woman standing at the end of the flower garden.

Her eyebrows are like distant mountains, her eyes are like autumn waters, her face is flawless, and she stands quietly among the flowers as if she was alone in the world. She was shocked when such a beauty came to the mansion. Only now did she realize that although her face was beautiful, she was really familiar. Who is that abandoned concubine who is usually sickly?

Now that she has been seen, there is no reason to leave, otherwise some people will think that she is timid and afraid, and fled in despair.What's more, when he came out this time, Qin Wuge wanted to meet these Yingyingyanyans of Beimingye.

Stepping lightly, Qin Wuge walked around the flowerbed to the small pavilion, with a warm smile on his lips: "What are the younger sisters talking about? You are so happy."

Looking across the pavilion, Qin Wuge couldn't help raising his eyebrows, what a coincidence, Mrs. Lian was also there, sitting in the pavilion at the moment, with a white veil still covering her eyes.On the stone table in the small pavilion, there are all kinds of food, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, which is extremely lively.

There are three concubines in Beimingye, Mrs. Lian is the first to follow Beimingye, and there are many concubines. The status of these concubines is not as good as that of concubines. They can only be regarded as women who warm the bed. They are even lower than Bei Mingye's maidservants, so they want to curry favor with Mrs. Lian.

Presumably these Ji girls came here today to "suppress the shock" for Mrs. Lian, but it's a pity that she, the vicious princess, messed up the situation.

Different from Qin Wuge's smiling faces, the faces of all the girls were different, and the atmosphere seemed a little stagnant.Then, before Qin Wuge walked up to the small pavilion, the attacks of the girls had already arrived.

"Yo, so it's my sister. Isn't my sister always sick, why did you come out?"

"Sister's outfit today is really special. Even Sister Lian has been compared to her. It really is a happy event."

(End of this chapter)

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