Chapter 1207 is the princess after all

Chapter 1207: After all, it is the princess

However, she was just a woman, and he didn't care to understand her changes. He originally thought that if she really harbored evil intentions and played tricks, then he would end her with a sword, and call it a sudden death to the outside world.Unexpectedly, what she said made him change his mind.Not only did he not do anything to her, but in the face of her resolute appearance, he actually accepted her trust in a flash of his brain, which surprised even himself.

However, it feels good to trust someone, maybe life should have such derailments every now and then.Believe her, there will be a faint expectation in his heart.

The hand holding the sword was slowly released, and a smile inadvertently crossed the corner of Bei Mingye's lips.

That night, Qin Wuge slept very sweetly, and the next day when the sun was light, he climbed out of bed refreshed, washed and ate, ordered Pinger to bring some broken silver, and impatiently took her out of Chuxiu Garden .

"Miss, can we really leave the house? The prince really said that?"

Rolling his eyes at Ping'er who was chattering, Qin Wuge couldn't help sighing: "Don't worry, I will definitely be able to leave the house this time, trust your lady."

"Did the lord personally agree to Miss? That's great, I haven't been out of the mansion for more than two months!" Ping'er cheered and rushed towards the gate of the mansion, happy like a bird flapping its wings on a branch.

Seeing her like this, Qin Wuge felt a rare pity for her.It seems that she and Ping'er had a really miserable life as the "spies" in the palace, as if they were in prison, they didn't even have the right to leave the palace.

"Miss, Ping'er went to the gate of the mansion first and told them to prepare a sedan chair for Miss." Ping'er jumped up and down, turned around and ran across the corridor before disappearing in front of her eyes.

Qin Wuge was about to tell her not to, but it was too late, the girl had disappeared.Walking slowly, Qin Wuge breathed in the fresh morning air while enjoying a rare good mood.

She must take a good tour of the street scene here today.

However, as soon as they passed through the rockery, they saw Ping'er at the gate of the mansion arguing with a young man, and Ping'er was explaining to the young man with an anxious look on his face.

Qin Wuge walked quickly, and Ping'er's pleading words came to his ears.

"It's really the prince's permission. How could my lady falsely pass on the prince's meaning... Brother Chen, let us go out. The money is for Brother Chen to drink, and I..."

As Ping'er said that, he actually took out an ingot of silver from the purse and handed it to the boy surnamed Chen. Qin Wuge was furious, staring at Ping'er's pleading face, he really hated iron and steel.

"Are you begging for this little money? What does the lord mean? Tsk tsk, Ping'er, you are really getting bolder. Even the lord dares to arrange it. Today..."

Qin Wuge strode over, snatched the ingot of broken silver that was being held up and down by the servant, and said coldly to Ping'er: "What kind of thing is he, worthy of you begging him like this!"

Staring sharply at the servant, Qin Wuge threw back the broken silver in his hand, and snorted coldly: "Are you blind, you can't be polite when you see this concubine!"

It was the first time for everyone to see such a tough abandoned concubine, and the servants at the gate of the mansion were stunned, unable to recover for a while.Even Ping'er couldn't help trembling, she was still not suitable for the young lady who lost her temper.

The abandoned concubine is no longer favored, but she is a princess after all, and being intimidated by her aura, everyone saluted one after another.Qin Wuge glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, and started to walk out.However, the boy surnamed Chen suddenly stood in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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