Chapter 1267 deep meaning
Chapter 1267: Deep Meaning
After finishing speaking, Kong Yunshang, who was staring straight at her with a delicate face, turned her head shyly, and then he raised his wrist and drank the wine in one gulp.

Bei Mingye is obviously flirting with Kong Damei openly, tsk tsk, evildoer is evildoer, he didn't do anything, look at embarrassing the little girl.

This person is quite shameless, looking at him like this, who would have thought that he would sneak into the bedroom of the great beauty and stab the great beauty last night, he is really good at acting shameless enough.

Qin Wuge couldn't help sighing repeatedly.

There was silence in the small pavilion, everyone was watching this scene, and anyone could smell something strange.No matter how stupid he is, he can see that the alliance between the Prince Regent and Dongyue is obvious.

The women who had glanced at Qin Wuge with jealous eyes just now cast sympathetic, sighing, or contemptuous glances at her one after another, making Qin Wuge feel uncomfortable.

It's not because of their attitude towards themselves, but because they suddenly and truly felt women's sorrow, joy, honor and disgrace are all gifts from men, and here women are really just a cheap accessory of men, which strengthens Qin Wuge even more determination to leave.

"It's mellow and silky, the fragrance is far and clear, it's really a good wine."

Beside him, Bei Mingye put down his cup and admired him endlessly. Qin Wuge instinctively looked at the flirting couple, but saw Kong Yunshang's spring eyes whispering affectionately.

"My lord is overrated."

Seeing Kong Meiren up close, especially the shy and affectionate Kong Meiren, is really exciting and can't help it.Beauty is everywhere, how can a woman give birth so well.Qin Wuge sighed, and looked at Bei Mingye again, but he didn't want to feel a sudden shock, and almost dropped the snack in his hand in shock.

Why did she feel that Bei Mingye's deep black eyes were staring at her, and she was obviously looking back at Kong Meiren affectionately, why did she feel that the focus of the monstrous black eyes was fixed on her face, and there was a cold light in them? Woolen cloth!
Qin Wuge quickly opened his eyes in shock, and couldn't help comforting himself.Kong Mei is beautiful and beautiful, such beauty is in front of her, Bei Mingye is not blind, how can she still stare at herself, it must be an illusion, an illusion.Thinking like this, when Qin Wuge turned to Bei Mingye again, he saw the two Bi people looking at each other affectionately, so no one would pay attention to her, an abandoned woman.

"The lord and the princess are so talented and beautiful. Standing together will really dazzle the eyes of the ministers."

A flattering voice sounded, but Qin Wuge saw a purple-robed civil servant sitting by the steps of the pavilion.If she remembers correctly, she and Bei Ming Ye Nai were said to be a natural match just now, but this is the same person, tsk tsk, they have changed so fast, they really are masters.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone echoed one after another, and there was an uproar in the pavilion.Qin Wuge just felt it was funny, curled his lips and picked up a piece of pastry to fill his stomach, but when he raised his eyes, his eyes were suddenly caught, his body shook violently, and he suddenly felt vigilant.But seeing that Yan Bozheng was squinting his eyes and staring at this side, his hawk-like eyes were sharp and probing, playful and deep, and he never avoided his gaze when he met her, he stared straight at her for a while before suddenly smiling away nod.

After her heartbeat calmed down, Kong Meiren had already poured wine and sat down at the banquet in Beimingye. The court ladies of Dongyue filled the ministers with acacia wine one after another.Kong Yunshang, on the other hand, had a happy expression and complacent eyes.

"I heard that apart from fine wine, Dongyue has one other thing that is unique, and that is the wonderful dancing posture of Dongyue women. Although the little girl is in the boudoir, I also heard that Princess Yunshang's dancing posture is superb."

(End of this chapter)

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