Chapter 221

Chapter 221

The dark sunset canyon is the best natural barrier for invisibility. The bird king stared at Qin Wuge who was getting closer and closer, his excited eyes glowed green like a wolf.

And around, dozens of masters and evil cultivators are ambushing.

Just now, the Sparrow King found out about Ying Xi's death and Qin Wuge's stalking him, so he immediately sent out an emergency warning message calling for help and summoning experts.

And the military masters and evil cultivators were already searching for Qin Wuge everywhere, not far from here, they arrived quickly after receiving the message.

They have cooperated with King Sparrow to quickly set up a net here!Just waiting for Qin Wuge to come!

"Stay alive!"

Seeing that Qin Wuge had stepped into the poison formation he had set up, King Sparrow squinted his eyes, and the secret voice ordered.

The Bird King coveted the formation knowledge in Qin Wuge's mind, and he was reluctant to kill her.

Liu Qing was lying in ambush beside the Sparrow King, he hooked his lips, and also ordered the masters in the army around him.

"Try not to hurt her life!"

The big formation is still waiting for Qin Wuge to repair it, and Liu Qing feels that with so many of them and the arrangements made in advance, Qin Wuge has only one person, so it is impossible to fly.

Capturing her alive is out of the question.

Watching Qin Wuge walk into the poison formation step by step, King Que curled his dry lips and smiled coldly.

"Stinky girl! I want to let you know that my sparrow king is not just for nothing! As long as you enter my ten thousand poison formation, there is no reason for you to leave!"

Seeing that Qin Wuge actually stepped into the trap set by himself, King Que was pleasantly surprised.

Liu Qing was also excited, and his eyes widened.However, as he imagined, the scene of Qin Wuge being poisoned and falling to the ground did not appear. Liu Qing's eyes were almost blinded, but Qin Wuge was still walking forward.

"what happened?"

Liu Qing frowned angrily and looked at the bird king beside him.

King Que also frowned, but he never believed that the poison formation he had arranged quietly would be useless to Qin Wuge, his face was gloomy.

"Poison takes time, so wait! Doesn't General Liu believe me?"

The Sparrow King glared at Liu Qing, his blue eyes gleaming faintly under the brim of his black hat, very penetrating.

General Liu was patient, so he could only make another gesture to the military masters around him, signaling everyone to hold back their breath and wait for a while.

However, after waiting for a while, Qin Wuge had already walked a few steps closer, but still could not see any signs of poisoning.

Liu Qing's face was livid, "Why does she seem to be fine?"

Qin Wuge is indeed fine. Although Xiexiu's voodoo is powerful, but in front of Qin Wuge, the poisonous master, the King of Birds is indeed out of line.

In Qin Wuge's view, the sparrow king's poison formation is like a child's play.

But now Qin Wuge didn't know how to break through the sparrow king's poison formation, so he just pretended that he hadn't noticed it, and continued to move forward.

Because she has already discovered that there are many dangerous auras floating around, and she seems to have fallen into the encirclement!

Since the King Sparrow had set up a poison formation in advance, it meant that the King Sparrow had discovered that he was following him, and he thought he was following someone else.

But in fact, the situation has changed, and someone else is sitting on the sidelines, waiting for her to throw herself into the trap.

It's a pity that Qin Wuge found out too late, and now she can only find a way to delay time and wait for rescue.

After all, she sent a message to Leng Yu before, so he should have rushed over, right?
If Leng Yu couldn't rush to rescue him in the end, Qin Wuge would have no choice but to break through desperately.

Thinking about it, Qin Wuge suddenly pressed his forehead, swayed his body, and pretended to be slightly poisoned.

King Sparrow's eyes lit up immediately, "Haha~ You see, she is indeed poisoned, don't worry, just wait! We'll just wait until her poison becomes more severe, and then we'll do it again, isn't it once and for all!"

"Sure enough, it's poisoned, and it's still the sparrow king!"

Liu Qing cheered up again, and saw that Qin Wuge, who was deeply trapped in the poisonous situation, was getting worse and worse. She was shaking her head, her body was staggering, and she was swaying around. clear appearance.

"Is it ready to act?"

Seeing this, Liu Qing asked the bird king next to him.

But King Sparrow narrowed his eyes slightly, he felt something was wrong.

His poison formation, poisoning should already cause colic in the five viscera, bleeding from the seven orifices, and fall into a coma. He shouldn't be unconscious.

And Qin Wuge's swaying figure... I always feel that something is wrong there.

But thinking that Qin Wuge is just such a young girl who has already shown shocking abilities in formations, and it should be impossible for her to be stronger than herself in the way of poison, that would be too monstrous.

The Sparrow King put away the weirdness in his heart immediately, and said, "She must be seriously poisoned, let's do it!"

Liu Qing raised his hand, "Go!"

Following his order, more than a dozen black shadows suddenly appeared from all around, approaching Qin Wuge, who was clutching his forehead and swaying.

"Dare to break into the barracks alone, I will take it down!"

Liu Qing drank heavily and rushed forward.

However, at this moment, Qin Wuge, who was holding his forehead with his hand, suddenly raised his head, a pair of eyes that were darker and colder than the night, seemed to have absorbed the light of stars all over the sky, and stared sharply at Liu Qing.

"It's just right! Try your aunt's rice rolls!"

As she spoke, she suddenly raised her hand, and suddenly there was a gust of cool wind all around.Immediately afterwards, some fluorescent powder was brought up and fluttered with the wind. Before anyone could react, the powder exploded suddenly, and in an instant, black smoke lingered in the Ten Thousand Poison Formation.

"what happened?"

Liu Qing and the military masters who rushed up were immediately enveloped in black smoke, so smoky that even Qin Wuge's people could not be seen there.

His eyes were burning, and a strange smell came into his nostrils.

"Not good! It's poisonous! Go back! Go back!"

It's a pity that it was already too late, and with the sound of falling to the ground with bang bang bang, the screams kept ringing out.

It was those masters who rushed into the Ten Thousand Poison Formation who were poisoned and fell down one after another, even Liu Qing was not spared.

"what happened?"

"That thick smoke is in the formation!"

"Why in the formation? General Liu!"

The rest of the military masters ambushing around jumped up one after another, staring at the Ten Thousand Poison Formation with dignified, angry and suspicious faces.

The Ten Thousand Poison Formation was arranged by King Que himself, and just now they were all given the antidote, saying that as long as Qin Wuge stepped into the Ten Thousand Poison Formation, they would definitely be poisoned.

However, what they saw now was that the poisonous formation was swaying in the formation, and the poison could only linger in the formation, but Qin Wuge was fine. Instead, it was their own people who rushed into the formation and triggered it Very poisonous, poisoned now!

"Help... help..."

"It hurts... ah..."

"I don't want to die..."

The poisonous smoke was billowing, and everyone couldn't see the scene in the formation clearly. They only heard the screams, but no one saw what was going on.

And this kind of invisibility makes people even more frightened, and makes people fall into uneasy suspicion.

King Sparrow was stunned, and then he realized that the rest of the military masters were all looking at him, and their eyes were very wrong!

With a sudden change in his mind, King Sparrow's expression turned extremely ugly!
damn it!That girl was just pretending, she wasn't poisoned at all, and she was also proficient in poison techniques.

She was wandering around in the formation just now, not only destroying his Ten Thousand Poison Formation, but also transforming the Ten Thousand Poison Formation to be used by her!
"King Sparrow! Tell me, what's going on here?"

"King Sparrow, you set up the poison formation, what do you say now?"

Two little leaders among the military masters stepped forward and stared at King Que questioningly.

The Sparrow King felt a little inexplicable. He opened his mouth, but before he could defend himself, he heard Qin Wuge's voice coming from the thick smoke.

"King Sparrow, thank you for helping me attract them all, now I can do it! Get rid of them, and I will give you the antidote!"

It was Qin Wuge's voice, and the girl's voice was clear and joyful, not as if she had fallen into their trap, but like a oriole behind her.

"Not good! King Sparrow is with her!"

"Damn it! It's been tricked, this rotten evil cultivator specially lured us here!"


"Help! It hurts..."

In the formation, the screams of colleagues continued to ring out.

Immediately, the expressions of the remaining masters in the army all changed, and they showed a guarded and hostile posture in an instant, separated from the evil cultivator brought by King Que, and the atmosphere was tense.

"Damn it! Don't listen to her! Don't fall into the trap of the stinky girl!" Que Wang jumped up angrily.

It's a pity that at this time, figures crawled out of the black and thick poisonous smoke.

It's the colleagues of these military masters. Just now they went in one by one, and now they crawled out of the formation one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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