Chapter 277 I Don't Blame You, Don't Be Afraid

Chapter 277 I Don't Blame You, Don't Be Afraid


Ling Feng was shocked, and rushed to Bei Mingye's side, raised his front paws to support Bei Mingye.

Yuanyuan was also frightened, she didn't dare to fight with Ling Feng anymore, her figure changed, and she turned into the appearance of a little girl again, she also ran over, crouched in front of Bei Mingye and looked at him nervously.

"Woooo, sister is already like this now, brother Beiming, why are you vomiting blood again, Yuanyuan is still pointing at you to save sister."

Just now, Bei Mingye's soul was shaken too much, so that his soul was damaged, and he was sent out from the eyes of the magic well all at once.

At this moment, he only felt excruciating pain all over his body, and his entire abdomen and six internal organs seemed to be displaced.

Knowing that he must have suffered another internal injury, he didn't have time to care about it, he adjusted his breath slightly, and suppressed the blood that was still surging upwards, he opened his eyes.

"It's okay."

He comforted the concerned Ling Feng and the crying Yuan Yuan, then pushed them away and walked to Qin Wuge's side.

Then, he knelt down in front of Qin Wuge, stretched out his arms and hugged Qin Wuge, who was trembling slightly, and his spiritual power was rushing wildly.

"Ah! It's not that you can't touch it randomly..."

Yuanyuan exclaimed, and wanted to go forward, but was caught by Ling Feng in front of her, and her huge claws pressed against Yuanyuan's mouth.

Ling Feng was huge, Yuanyuan was grabbed by it, like a tiger pinching a rabbit.

Yuanyuan was not afraid of it, her mouth was pressed down by its thick pad, and she couldn't make a sound, she was about to breathe fire.

"Be quiet! My master has his own reasons!"

No matter what the master does, Ling Feng will support the master.

Yuanyuan thought about it, and felt that Bei Mingye would not harm her sister, so she calmed down.

Over there, Bei Mingye hugged Qin Wuge, Qin Wuge's body trembled, and the trembling became even stronger.

But Bei Mingye never let go of her, and hugged her even tighter, and kept talking soothingly in her ear.

"I know you didn't mean it, I don't blame you, don't be afraid..."

After all, he understood Qin Wuge's inner demons. These words were like a good medicine, entering Qin Wuge's ears, and also like a ray of sunshine breaking through the darkness and shining into her world.

Qin Wuge gradually stopped trembling and calmed down slowly.

The spiritual energy that was flowing all over her body finally gradually disappeared and quieted. Qin Wuge seemed to have exhausted all his energy and collapsed.

Bei Mingye reached out to take her limp body, hugged Qin Wuge in his arms, and stroked her slightly messy wet hair.

"Sister! Is my sister okay?"

Seeing this, Yuanyuan quickly broke free from Ling Feng and ran over, looking worriedly and nervously at Qin Wuge who was being held by Bei Mingye and asked.

She could actually feel it, and Yuanyuan herself felt much more comfortable now.

"Well, it's alright."

Bei Mingye didn't look at Yuanyuan, he responded casually, took a handkerchief from his own space and wiped the cold sweat on Qin Wuge's forehead, his movements were delicate and gentle.

Ling Feng stayed not far away, his beast eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

It has never seen its master be so considerate and gentle to anyone.

Master to that fierce woman...

It was obviously not what it thought. No matter how you look at it, it looks like the fierce woman has already succeeded, and she has firmly controlled her master under the pomegranate skirt.

sky!this is too scary!

Why did it leave its master for a while, and the master changed from a cold-hearted person who was not close to women to a fool who was bewitched by women and didn't know where to go?

At this time, Mayan City was the nearest to Junsai City.

Yan Feimo took the remaining royal cavalry and temporarily stationed there.

As a second-line defensive city, Mayan City also has a garrison of tens of thousands of troops. In addition, the fourth prince brought royal masters and iron cavalry, and they have the power to survive.

But they never went to rescue Junsai City, which was attacked by Kunmo.

Yan Feimo knew very well that no matter how many troops went to face Kunmo, they would just die.But he didn't expect Junsai City to be saved in the end!

When he got the news, he was extremely shocked.

"How is it possible? It was saved?"

"That's right, the fourth prince. Now Kunmo has fled from the city of Junsai. Not only that, I heard that the city of Junsai has also strengthened its defense. I heard that it is not someone else who is guarding the city of Junsai, but the one who caused the earth-shaking disturbance in Anqing City earlier. That Miss Qin San, Qin Wuge."

The scout sent by Yan Feimo to inquire about the situation knelt in front of Yan Feimo and reported the latest news one by one.

Yan Feimo stood up and walked back and forth.He looked at the two of Yanwucheng, "You two, how about we take over Junsai City now?"

Yan Feimo was very anxious. If he had known that Junsai City could be saved, he would not have left with the disabled soldiers.

When Yan Feimo was stationed earlier, he communicated directly with the royal family through sound transmission and reported the situation in Junsai City.

The royal family has already issued an order, and passed the order to the surrounding cities: let the army blockade the city as a bait to hold Kunmo, and the royal family has notified the mainland of the news of Kunmo's resurrection, seeking the help of experts.

Whether it is the royal family or others, they all feel that Junsai City cannot be defended at all, and must be destroyed by Kunmo.

But who knew things would turn around like this!

Junsai City actually defended.

Moreover, Kunmo was seriously injured and fled.

Yan Feimo wanted to bring the royal cavalry back to control Junsai City, but he was worried that Kunmo would attack Junsai City again.

As for Junsai City, will it refuse his control?No need to think about it at all.

From Yan Feimo's point of view, Junsai City belongs to Dayan, and he has the right to take it back at any time.

Yan Wucheng, Yan Wuxuan and others thought so, and what they were considering now was only the threat of Kunmo.

"Fourth Prince, Kunmo's whereabouts have not been determined yet, I think Kunmo may take revenge on Junsai City at any time!"

"Indeed, Kunmo was injured in Junsai City, so he will definitely retaliate, but I don't know how bad Kunmo was injured? How soon will it take revenge on Junsai City? After we accept Junsai City, will we have time to prepare to fight Kunsai?" Devil! Is it worth our huge manpower and material resources!"

Yan Feimo felt that what his subordinates said made sense, he added.

"I asked a few powerful people, and they all said that Kunmo is a sealed combination of ancient evil beasts. After being cut in half, it will take a period of time to recover, ranging from a month to a year. Everyone thinks that this period of time is enough for us Ready to deal with it?"

Yan Wucheng pondered: "If it takes three months, it will be enough for masters from all over the mainland to come here. Killing Kunmo is the responsibility of the power of the entire continent. Kunmo just recovered and his strength has not yet recovered, which means that it is still Kunmo. During the weak period of the demon, if the Kunmo recovers its strength, it will bring disaster to the mainland. Every evil beast that makes up the Kunmo has the power to destroy, how many disasters have brought to the mainland!"

"Yes! It is our responsibility to eliminate Kunmo. Therefore, we can't sit idly by. It is imperative to take over Junsai City!" The fourth prince said with emotion.

Before, they were very hesitant about taking over Junsaicheng, but after hearing that Kunmo would need some time to recover, these people showed hypocrisy.

Ma Hengdu, the guard of Ma Yancheng, has never spoken. In fact, he despises these shameless people in his heart.

You said it so sanctimoniously, why didn't you guys go to help when Junsai City was attacked before.

I'm looking for a cheap one now.

"Since Kunmo appeared in my Dayan, my Dayan has the responsibility and sovereignty. After we take over Junsai City, we still need to make arrangements for the reception of the powerful people from all walks of life. We must make those powerful people feel at home to my Dayan , if possible, try to attract as many powerful people as possible, if they can be used by my Dayan, why worry about Dayan's displeasure."

Yan Feimo feels more and more that this is an opportunity!An opportunity for Dayan to rise.

The mainland is vast, and Dayan is only a third-rate country, but Kunmo appeared in their country. Perhaps this can be regarded as God's favor for Dayan, giving Dayan the opportunity to organize a powerful organization to kill the ancient Kunmo.

This sort of thing will go down in the history books.

Moreover, Dayan can also make a name for herself in this operation!

"Since the fourth prince has an idea, we naturally support it. However, Junsai City has been destroyed a lot. Once His Highness takes over, he will need to mobilize financial resources for disaster relief. I don't know where to mobilize it?" Yan Wuxuan asked.

It seemed that General Saicheng had been included in Yanfeimo's sphere of influence.

Yan Feimo was only slightly silent, and then said: "Since Kunmo is an enemy of the mainland, how about we initiate a fundraising? All countries and forces in the mainland should show their bravery for our army's fortification of the city."

In this way, they can also take the opportunity to gain some benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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