Chapter 291 I'm Just Worried

Chapter 291 I'm Just Worried

After the earth-walking dragon was infected with the curse of the inscription, it has completely become a madman.

But after it was carried into the secret room, it became afraid of the surrounding black iron stones.

This discovery surprised Qin Wuge.

"The black iron stone is generally used to block spiritual power, and it also has a strong isolation function against the explosion of the formation. Does it also have a blocking effect on the curse of the inscription?"

Qin Wuge wanted to refine a piece of black iron stone, but Leng Yu had already broken off a piece from the wall with his bare hands and brought it to her.

"Thank you! I think you are more than enough to be my assistant."

Qin Wuge laughed and joked with Leng Yu.

Although Leng Yu just smiled and didn't speak, but his heart seemed to be affected by something. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with being Qin Wuge's assistant at all. Instead, he was born because of her approval. A little happy.

Fu Zhonghu also got a black iron stone, but he was not as fast as Leng Yu. When he took it to Qin Wuge's side, the lady had already accepted his black iron stone, and Fu Zhonghu had a melancholy expression on his face.

Hey~ This man really likes Miss San.

For someone as outstanding as Miss Qin, it is reasonable for someone to like her.

Take a look~ there is Shui Yuehan next to him, waiting to be courteous.

Moreover, Shui Yuehan has already regarded the secret room as his home field, and is telling the guards "what's missing here" and "what's missing there", and is busy getting the guards to purchase.

Qin Wuge took the Black Iron Stone and was refining it with the Nine Heavens Profound Fire, and she also specially ran to the ground dragon to remove impurities from the Black Iron Stone with the Black Fire, making a certain element in the Black Iron Stone more pure.

Because he didn't know what Zongdilong was afraid of, so Qin Wuge just looked at Zoudilong's reaction after removing a certain element.

The original quantity contained in the black iron stone is hundreds of kinds according to the high technology, and Qin Wuge can control, refine and purify only a few dozen kinds by using the black fire.

The black iron stone was slowly consumed in the profound fire, and the solid stone finally slowly turned into a small ball of psychic liquid, and the earth-walking dragon seemed even more afraid, trembling even being chained.

Leng Yu was standing beside Qin Wuge, staring at Zongdilong, obviously guarding against Zoudilong's sudden runaway and hurting Qin Wuge.

"There are more than a dozen elements in this group of psychic liquid, and we can only eliminate one by one. We can confirm it by observing the reaction of the earth-walking dragon."

Qin Wusinger controlled the spiritual power, held the ball of psychic liquid, and approached the earth-walking dragon, and the earth-walking dragon shrank back in fear.

But this group of psychic liquid also contains more than ten kinds of elements. To do the same experiment, you can only refine a few more black iron stones.

Fu Zhonghu hurriedly sent Heitieshi up, "Hey, Miss San, how much more do you need? I'll get it for you!"

Leng Yu directly took the black iron stone from Fu Zhonghu's hand, and his spiritual power penetrated both palms, breaking the huge black iron stone into dozens of pieces, and placed it in front of Qin Wuge, The voice was calm but considerate.

"Small pieces can be refined to save spiritual power. In addition, the earth dragon is a monster with slow perception. Now I will help you catch a few short-legged mice. It is best to infect the curse of the inscription and use it for experiments."

Qin Wuge strongly agreed, "That's right, Zodiac dragons are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so they are indeed a little slow to be used as test materials, but don't you mean the short-legged rats you are talking about are impatient?"

Leng Yu nodded, "It's possible, then I'll help you catch a few more and some other kinds."

In fact, Shui Yuehan has been observing this man Leng Yu all the time. It can be seen from the shot just now that the man's strength is unfathomable, and the man is full of nobility. He is obviously a nobleman of noble birth, maybe someone from the four great empires. uncertain.

It is such a man, but he is willing to be Qin Wuge's striker, and he is also willing to catch monsters for experimentation.

what is this?It's simply pampering!

Fu Zhonghu also noticed that this man was too dangerous by Miss's side, but his master was not around yet, so he didn't know if Si Han had told his master about the situation.

"Don't bother Mr. Leng, let the guards do this trivial matter!"

A cold voice suddenly came from outside the gate of the base, and then the tall Bei Mingye appeared at the gate of the base.

The light in the base was already dim, but as the man appeared, his tall figure and oppressive aura followed, filling the entire base with his aura.

Even the few ancient beasts following Qin Wuge looked up at the man who walked in in horror.

This man obviously has no spiritual power fluctuations, and should be just an ordinary person, but why does the ancient beast species feel inexplicably dangerous.Especially the highest-ranking Vajra Falcon, it looked at the man in astonishment and sensed the fluctuation of the divine blood on the man.

Even the tied ground dragon flinched, staring at the man with scarlet eyes full of fear.

Qin Wuge looked up and saw the man walking into the base, his face flashed with joy, but then he frowned and taught: "Why did you come out?"

The body injury has not healed, so I ran outside, what should I do if something goes wrong?
Hearing her question, Bei Mingye became angry for no reason, hum~ and asked himself why he came here, was it because Si Han said that you brought two men with you and came here instead of returning to the city!

Bei Mingye saw clearly just now that Leng Yu was so close to her, and with ambiguous hospitality, he helped her catch monsters for experimentation.


Si Han, who was following Bei Mingye, was very nervous. He felt that his master was getting angry too easily, so he went to report it in a hurry, asking you to come here is not to make you angry. It doesn't matter if you get angry, but put The lady is so angry that it's nonsense.

However, Bei Mingye's anger did not flare up at all, because Qin Wuge had already walked a few steps quickly, came to his side, grabbed his wrist, and sent a burst of spiritual power into his body.

Seeing her concern, Bei Mingye only felt refreshed all over, his brows raised unconsciously, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Murong Beichen was behind, looking at Bei Mingye's face, he snorted dissatisfied.

"I checked it out when he first came out, and it's no problem, he's as strong as a monster! What do you care about!"

Qin Wuge rolled his eyes at him, "I'm just worried!"

King Yi suddenly became angry, "You are doubting my medical skills!"

Qin Wuge ignored him, he was really afraid that the quarrel would continue, he lost his temper like a child, and he still had to coax him.Forget it, just treat it as the special care of the elders.

"What kind of eyes do you have? Why do I feel that you disdain to quarrel with me! You..."

King Yi still grabbed hold of him, but Bei Mingye's big hand directly covered his face, pulling him aside.

That action is clearly disgusting!
(End of this chapter)

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