Chapter 301 Stewed Frog in Warm Water

Chapter 301 Stewed Frog in Warm Water

The soul-protecting pill was refined by Qin Wuge. Because of the addition of rare high-grade spiritual materials, the refined soul-protecting pill has been upgraded to a higher grade. You can feel the surging power flowing from the pill when you hold it in your hand.

This kind of soul-protecting pill can guarantee that when helping Shui Yuehan to expel the poison, his pill soul will not be hindered.

After having the elixir, formations are needed, and the exquisite evolution of the ancient remnants of formations was carefully carved by Qin Wuge on a piece of spirit sealing jade. The formations made in this way can be used repeatedly.

The preparation time was a bit long, for half a day, Qin Wuge shut himself in the room and did not come out.

The palms of Shui Yuehan who were waiting were already covered with thin sweat.

For no reason, Shui Yuehan was very nervous. He was not worried about his illness, but because of Qin Wuge in the room. She hadn't come out for such a long time. Was it because the antidote was too difficult to make?

He didn't find the materials he needed to detoxify, and as the fire phoenix poison in his body became more and more serious, Shui Yuehan had no hope.

But I didn't expect her to say that it's okay without the ice toad!

Shui Yuehan believes that if the ice toad is not used, more complicated and troublesome materials are needed to refine the elixir, so she didn't come out of the room for a long time.

Is it too hard for her?

Shui Yuehan was still hesitating: Should he stop her?
"Master, Miss Qin is lying. She can't cure the young master's poison at all, so she is just delaying."

The guards around Shui Yuehan didn't think so anymore. Anyone with a bit of knowledge knew how terrible the fire phoenix's poison was. They followed their master for so many years and tried countless methods, but none of them worked.

However, Qin Wuge said that the poison can be detoxified without using the ice toad, how is it possible?
They only felt that Qin Wuge was cheating their master.

"How long have you been with me?"

Shui Yuehan heard the guard's words, but his eyes turned cold, and he looked over with piercing eyes.

The master's eyes without any emotion made the guard's heart tremble, and he immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing, and the master was very angry.

" years..."

The guard lowered his head and his voice was low.

"It's been seven years and I haven't learned how to be a bodyguard. I'm very disappointed."

Shui Yuehan lowered the corners of his eyes, and the expression between his brows and eyes became more and more serious.

The guard realized the seriousness of the matter, and hurriedly knelt in front of Shui Yuehan: "This subordinate knows his mistake, I beg the young master not to chase this subordinate away."

Shui Yuehan lightly tapped him with his fingers, and before he could punish him, he heard a knock on the door: "Master Shui, it's me."

The coldness on Shui Yuehan's face disappeared in an instant, and he got up to open the door himself, forgetting to ask the guards on the ground to get up.

When Qin Wuge came in, she was a little surprised to see a guard kneeling on the ground, full of mourning.

"Didn't bother you."

Shui Yuehan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "How could it be, it's just that the guards are ignorant."

Shui Yuehan gave the guards a look before letting them back out, but was stopped by Qin Wuge.

"It's just right, let your guards stand by to protect the law. The detoxification method I want to use is quite special, and there may be emergencies."

When the guard heard this, he immediately looked up at Qin Wuge, his eyes full of vigilance.

Shui Yuehan saw the guard's eyes, and was about to reprimand him, but Qin Wuge said to him: "Very good, such a heartfelt guard is rare."

The guard bowed his head in embarrassment after being praised, Qin Wuge explained.

"The fire phoenix poison penetrates deep into the soul of the pill, so it is very difficult to solve. Even if there is an ice toad to refine the antidote, there is a failure rate. My method is to separate the toxins in your body and the soul of the pill with a formation method. I am [-]% sure, but it fails. If you say it, it may damage the Pill Soul, but the damage will not be large, and it will not affect your cultivation..."

Without waiting for her to finish explaining, Shui Yuehan stretched out his hand to stop her, with a calm smile on his brow and eyes.

"No one can cure my poison, but if you are [-]% sure, please give it a try. Besides, I believe in you!"

Facing his calm eyes, the trusted Qin Wuge smiled.

"Okay! This is the soul-protecting pill I refined. Even if it fails, this soul-protecting pill can guarantee that your soul will not be damaged!"

Shui Yuehan was very surprised when she saw the elixir held in her hands: "This is... the ultimate soul-protecting elixir refined with Qitiancao?"

When the guard saw this soul-protecting pill, he was so shocked that he couldn't say anything. The top-quality pills are hard to find, and even their Wanbao Pavilions all over the mainland are in urgent need of this kind of pills.

In order to detoxify her master, Miss Qin was able to use the best soul-protecting pill to assist her, which showed her sincerity and ability.

When Qin Wuge unfolded the drawn ancient remnant formation in front of them, the mouths of several people could not be closed.

Even the well-informed Shui Yuehan had never seen such a complex but exquisite magic circle.

When the magic circle unfolded, the majestic power of the formation was ready to come out. With the high-grade spar put in, when the golden and red two-color sharpness appeared on the formation, the ancient and mysterious power was released, making them feel as if they were on the verge of death. temple.

Qin Wuge with a calm face was like a temple priest, pointing his finger to guide the power in the formation, and the mysterious spiritual power began to flow around Shui Yuehan.

Shui Yuehan has already forgotten how he took the elixir, how he was drawn and suspended by the formation, his consciousness seemed to be in a trance due to shock, but he clearly felt that something was "pulled" out of his body.

He didn't know how long it had been, but when it was over, he felt the coolness and comfort he had never had before, but Qin Wuge, who was manipulating all this, was so tired that he sat on the ground, her face was pale, and she spoke with a smile.

"Successful, your fire phoenix poison has been cured."

Her voice was so weak, Shui Yuehan wanted to go up to check in a daze, but saw the door was opened, Bei Mingye walked in with a cold look, glanced at Shui Yuehan indifferently, picked up the woman on the ground and left.

"Master... are you really well?"

The guard couldn't believe it. Everything that happened just now was like a dream. Miss Qin was the master in the dream, with the power to summon wind and rain. With a touch of spirit, she "forced" the poison out of the master's body.All of them were collected into the weird ancient formation.

They had many self-proclaimed formation masters, but those people were nothing in front of Miss Qin.

The formation that Ms. Qin drew alone is enough to instantly kill all the formation masters, not to mention that she can pull the formation with emptiness, which is simply against the sky.

And Qin Wuge, who was carried out of the room, was feeling the extreme pressure on Bei Mingye's body.

"Hey~ Why are you unhappy again? I have detoxified the fire phoenix poison, and I can detoxify it with only a formation. Am I powerful? You don't even praise me?"

Qin Wuge was talking in his arms, and once again made a breakthrough in detoxification, she was a little excited, her tone was charming, and she sounded a little unconsciously coquettish.

The man looked down at her, met her shining eyes, then moved his lower lip, reluctantly said: "En, you are amazing."

Seeing her acting like a child begging for praise, the man really couldn't bear to let her down.However, in order to save Shui Yuehan, she was so tired that Bei Mingye was still angry.

Who knew that in the next second, he heard the girl's crisp voice say two words, like the wind and rain, which instantly softened his irritable heart.

"Haha~ I not only saved Shui Yuehan, but also separated and extracted the fire phoenix poison in his body! Bei Mingye, if anyone bullies you in the future, I will give him the fire phoenix poison, okay?"

Qin Wuge was very proud of holding the poison condensed from the ancient formation.

Bei Mingye looked at her eyes that were too bright, he stopped in his footsteps, his eyes darkened, and he spoke suddenly!
"Qin Wuge, don't you think you are too kind to me?"

Qin Wuge, "?"

She is too kind to him, does he have any objections?

Seeing her dazed and ignorant appearance, Bei Mingye gritted his teeth in helplessness and resignation.

Forget it, stew the frog in warm water, eat her sooner or later!

(End of this chapter)

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