Chapter 319 Yo?you are still there

Chapter 319 Yo?you are still there

Not only Qin Wuge, but even Sihan and the others knew that it was impossible for Yan Zun to break the barrier, and there was also a miniature Heavenly Thunder Armor Formation left by Qin Wuge in this barrier.

The Tianlei Armor Formation used to block even Kunmo, what kind of thing is Yan Zun!

"Haha! Look at them, they are afraid that we will break the barrier, and they are running away in a hurry!" Yan Wucheng was still flattering Yan Zun.

The crowd joined in.

"My lord, hurry up, they are about to escape, let's go in and catch them!"

Yan Zun's complexion has turned into a pig's liver color, which is the backlash from the power of the formation.He thought that this palm strike would be enough to shatter the formation, but he didn't want the formation to appear as a shrunken golden formation after being deformed by his own spiritual power.

Moreover, the power on the magic circle is gathering and preparing to counterattack.In order to fight against this kind of power, Yan Zun suppressed himself like this.

In fact, Yan Zun has already sensed the horror of the formation in front of him, he is also aware of the danger, and knows that he should immediately withdraw his hands and back away to avoid the backlash of the formation.

But Yuan Hong and Xuan Ao behind him are all watching, these people are hidden masters in Dayan.

Everyone has unparalleled prestige and influence.If he loses face in front of them, it's over.The entire Dayan, and even the entire continent will know about it.

I would rather get hurt than lose face!

Absolutely not!

Yan Zun made a decision ruthlessly in his heart, and pressed his hands firmly on the formation, urging a stronger spiritual power. Yuan Hong and others behind him applauded, all of them were shocked by the power Yan Zun displayed.

The coercion of the monks in the distraction period is no joke.

Hearing the applause behind him, Yan Zun couldn't be happy.

Only he knows the pain in his heart, and he feels that he can't hold on anymore.

Just at this moment, Bei Mingye, who had already stepped into the secret realm, turned around, gave Yan Zun a sneer, and mouthed him a title: Idiot!


Yan Zun couldn't bear it anymore, would such a young man dare to laugh at himself?
He clearly saw that Bei Mingye's bone age was only in his 20s, and that girl was only in her teens, and he was despised and frustrated by them for being hundreds of years old.

The enraged Yan Zun cursed loudly, and at this time the Heavenly Thunder Armor Formation on the formation also began to rebound.

Back then, the Tianlei Armor Formation not only resisted Kunmo's attack, but also wounded Kunmo. Compared with Kunmo, Yan Zun was far behind, and he was asking for trouble.

The golden thunder light flashed like a scourge, and in an instant the golden light filled the sky, blowing Yan Zun upside down.

Until Yan Zun fell to the ground in embarrassment, Yuan Hong and others remained in a state of shock, unable to believe that Yan Zun was counterattacked back.

how can that be possible?
What happened to the power of thunder and lightning just now?Did that power, like the divine punishment from gods and demons, really flashed from the formation?

"Pfft~ I was careless...Pfft~"

Yan Zun vomited blood while explaining, trying in vain to regain some dignity.

The monks around were silent, but Yuan Hong took a step forward. The pair of shining eyes on his old face were particularly inappropriate. He stared at the magic circle for a long time before saying.

"This formation was really manipulated by that girl. But her design is too delicate."

Yuan Hong's formation is not inferior to Yan Zun's cultivation level, but his cultivation level is lower than Yan Zun's, so he sold Yan Zun's face and let him break the formation in front of him. As a result, Yan Zun failed to unlock it twice, This time I will make excuses.

Yuan Hong could only go into the battle himself, but he didn't dare to be careless. He carefully picked the position of the eye of the formation, and dismantled it tentatively. As soon as he found that the formation had triggered the golden light circle inside, he would stop and switch to other formations.

"The girl was obviously in a hurry just now, that's why she randomly combined the enchantment and this mysterious formation. If she had enough time to disrupt the two formations, then it would be even more difficult for us to crack it. .”

While talking, Yuan Hong observed the range of the mysterious formation in the barrier.

He didn't know that this formation was the Heavenly Thunder Armor Formation. He just felt that this formation was mysterious enough and almost impossible to solve. The only way was to avoid it.Fortunately, the range covered by the Thunder Armor Formation is not large, as long as the secret barrier is opened, it can still pass by.

"Immortal Yuanhong, don't let other people's ambition grow. After the barrier is broken, I will go to the secret realm and teach those boys a good lesson!" Yan Zun had already meditated cross-legged to heal his injuries, feeling aggrieved.

Those people made him lose face so much, he must get it back.

Yan Zun also knew that Yuan Hong's level of formation was higher than his own, so let him break the formation, but he was disgusted by Yuan Hong's high evaluation of Qin Wuge.

"Immortal Venerable, wait a moment, it may take half a day to untie it. That girl's formation technique is really good."

Yuan Hong is also a person with a temper, but because of Yan Zun's strength, he is modest, but he will not be humble. After listening to him teach him, Yuan Hong responded indifferently and concentrated on breaking the formation.

"Everyone, let's take a rest first, and after Immortal Yuanhong breaks the formation, we can go in!" Xuan Ao hurried out to smooth things over.

Everyone is here for something, so we can't start a conflict before entering the secret realm.

The monks brought by Yan Zun belonged to the royal monks, about a dozen of them, and Yuan Hong and Xuan Ao also brought a dozen of them each. Therefore, everyone does not belong to a single faction. It is unpleasant to make trouble at this time, isn’t it? Does it affect the exploration of the secret realm?
Yan Zun held his breath, obviously he had a problem with Yuan Hong, he thought sullenly: Qin Zhenshan, come quickly!The Qin family belongs to the subordinate family power of the Great Yan Dynasty, so it is naturally easier to control it than Yuan Hong and others.

And Qin Zhenshan did not disappoint Yuan Zun, and came quickly.

Because of the previous injury, Qin Zhenshan's strength dropped a bit, but he brought many masters in the family, and the addition of the Qin family immediately made Yan Zun more confident.

"My lord, what did you say? It was Qin Wuge who went in?"

When Qin Zhenshan heard that Qin Wuge had gone in, he was furious.

The reason why he brought all the masters of the family this time was to deal with Qin Wuge!

After suffering such a big loss last time, how could he swallow this breath?This time, taking advantage of Yan Zun's exit, he came to win Yan Zun and asked Yan Zun to help deal with Qin Wuge and others by the way.

Unexpectedly, Qin Wuge and others are right in front of them!


How can this opportunity be missed?

Qin Zhenshan was filled with righteous indignation: "Yan Zun, do you know how shameless Qin Wuge's rebellion is? She not only occupied Anqing City, but also killed her father and relatives, betrayed her family and Dayan, it is even worse than Kun Mo, I think killing Kun Devil, let's punish the girl Qin Wuge first!"

As a member of the royal family, Yan Zun naturally wanted to maintain Dayan's dignity, and since Qin Zhenshan was the mainstay of their Dayan, he naturally had to give him some face.

"Okay, I will definitely not let that girl get away with it!"

Yan Zun agreed solemnly, just right, he also wants to punish that girl.

"If you want to catch her, you'd better break this formation first!"

Yuan Hong, who was breaking the formation, admired the girl more and more. He had studied the formation for so many years and thought he was proficient, but only after he really started to break the barrier did he realize that it was so difficult.

But the girl before broke the barrier in a very short period of time.

That girl's formation cultivation base is already far above her own.

"Yan Zun, why don't we crack the formation together?" Qin Zhenshan was eager for revenge and invited him anxiously.

Yan Zun frowned and agreed, but just as the two of them came up, they saw Qin Wuge approaching from the transparent barrier.

Hasn't she already entered the secret realm?
What do you mean by walking back again?

Yuan Hong paused to break the formation for a while, and looked at her in surprise, and saw that girl's eyes were bright, as if she had found some treasure in a secret place.

"Yo? You are still there, there are quite a few fairy grasses at the entrance of this secret realm, so I'm sorry, you should stay outside for a while!"

As Qin Wuge said, he sat down on the opposite side of the enchantment, and smiled at Yuan Hong, and then began to point at the transformation spirit, which affected the formation line and began to modify the formation.

Yuan Hong was dazed by her gentle smile at first, but when she came back to her senses, she found that the formation that she had worked so hard for a long time just now was repaired by her in an instant, and she began to give the mysterious formation and the enchantment formation to her. It's continuous.

Yuan Hong was dumbfounded. After the two formations continued, it would take at least three days to decipher them by himself, but instead of getting angry, he cheered up instead.

"Wow~ little girl, what method did you use?"

(End of this chapter)

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