Chapter 321 White Eyed Wolf

Chapter 321 White Eyed Wolf

The girl on the ground was in tattered clothes, almost unable to cover her body, yet he kept staring at her.

Normally, she didn't realize that Bei Mingye still had the nature of a pervert?
Qin Wuge felt an inexplicable strange and impulsive anger and heartache in his heart. Before he could react, he turned around and covered Bei Mingye's eyes.

"Don't look!"

Bei Mingye was slightly stunned, feeling the girl's soft little hands firmly pressing on his eyes, he understood it belatedly, and his heart trembled unconsciously. she jealous?
What does it mean to be jealous?It goes without saying!
The corners of his lips curled up, and Bei Mingye raised his hand to hold Qin Wuge's wrist, making a gesture to pull her hand down, and said with a smile.

"Why can't I see it?"

Qin Wuge, "!"

Smelly man!
He still wants to see it!

"The girl's clothes are disheveled, why are you so ungentlemanly! Don't look!"

Qin Wuge said angrily, and saw that everyone was staring at him, and their eyes seemed to have deep meaning, thoughtful, Qin Wuge suddenly panicked, and hurriedly opened his mouth again.

"And you! Turn around!"

When Si Han and the others heard the words, they also felt that it was not good for them to stare at the disheveled woman, so they all turned around.

"You turn too!"

Seeing this, the heat on Qin Wuge's face subsided a little. She covered Bei Mingye's eyes with one hand and grabbed his shoulder with the other, forcing him to turn around.

After doing all this well, Qin Wuge released him, and snorted again: "No peeking."

Bei Mingye still had his eyes closed, with a distinct smile in his voice.

"Well, when you let me open my eyes, I will open them again."

Qin Wuge nodded in satisfaction, just as he turned around, he heard Bei Mingye said again: "Be careful, Yuanyuan?"


Yuanyuan was standing aside, staring at the girl curiously, and was a little puzzled when she heard Bei Mingye's cry.

"Watch your master."

Bei Mingye's order reminded Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan was not prepared for the woman who was apparently unconscious on the ground, but after Bei Mingye reminded her, she immediately cheered up, stared closely at the man on the ground and followed Qin Wuge side.

Qin Wuge checked the body of the girl on the ground, but Leng Yu's cold and calm voice came from behind.

"The Royal Wind Clan."

Although he had only glanced at it just now, and didn't even remember the girl's appearance on the ground, the aura exuding from that girl's body was unmistakable.

Bei Mingye still closed his eyes, but nodded.

"That's right, it's the Yufeng Clan."

"She's still alive, but what is the Yufeng Clan?" Qin Wuge quickly checked the girl on the ground. Although she was seriously injured, she was indeed still alive.

Murong Beichen heard that she didn't know the Yufeng Clan, so he explained to Qin Wuge.

"The Yufeng Clan is a group that belongs to the Tianyuan Continent, or even belongs to the Kongjing area. It is said that they were originally on the Tianyuan Continent. Because they didn't like human disputes, they moved to the Outer World Continent away from the disputes. They were born with Yufeng Ability, the ethnic group is friendly and does not like to fight, the temperament is gentle and harmless, and the clansmen are handsome and beautiful, their temperament is different from ordinary people, and they are more ethereal and graceful."

Qin Wuge also noticed the girl's unparalleled beauty, even though her face was stained with blood, it did not conceal her charming youth.

However, when Qin Wuge checked her body, she found that her body structure seemed to be slightly different from theirs.

"She appears to have lost a few ribs, and her bones are thinner and lighter."

Qin Wuge told Bei Mingye and the others what he had discovered.

"That's right, it is indeed the Yufeng clan! According to legend, the appearance of the Yufeng clan is not much different from that of humans, but their bodies are lighter and easier to withstand the wind. Therefore, they have fewer bones than humans, and their bodies are very light."

As Murong Beichen said, he stroked his chin, thoughtfully, "How could the Yufeng Clan appear here?"

Is it because the Yufeng clan came here from the Outer World Continent for some reason, or did they not go to the Outer World Continent at all, those are just rumors, the Yufeng Clan has always lived in this place?
"Look around."

Bei Mingye ordered in a deep voice.

Because of the appearance of this girl, everyone's expressions became tense.Because there is something wrong here, there are usually a lot of monsters and crises in this kind of secret realm.

Just like the secret realm in the Bone Forest back then, it was guarded by dragon turtles.

But instead of a guardian beast here, an unconscious girl appeared, and there seemed to be no danger or monsters lurking around. This abnormality made people feel even more uneasy.

"Master, we checked the vicinity and found nothing unusual."

Fu Zhonghu and others returned soon, and they were all safe and sound.

Bei Mingye's expression eased slightly, and he exchanged a glance with Leng Yu beside him.

"Could this be the overlapping of the Ethereal Continent where the Yufeng Clan lives and the secret realm?" Leng Yu and Bei Mingye exchanged opinions.

At present, it is still important to figure out the surrounding environment and where they are, so that it is easy to know the next countermeasures.

Bei Mingye shook his head slightly, and said in a firm voice.

"No, this is still the Tianyuan Continent. I just thought that other continents overlapped with the secret realm, but look at every plant and tree here."

Bei Mingye pointed randomly for a week, and Leng Yu understood after two glances.

Although the Yufeng tribe appeared here, there were no obvious weird or unfamiliar species in the surrounding plants and trees. If the secret land overlapped with other continents, there should be species they are not familiar with here anyway.

If it is still Tianyuan Continent, even if there are fierce beasts here, they should be familiar with or know about them.

That's okay, everyone thought, and the tense nerves slowly relaxed.

"Then it can only be that the Yufeng Clan has experienced some changes, so that they came here."

As Murong Beichen spoke, he saw Bei Mingye beside him suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, his eyes turned slightly cold.

He looked up, but found nothing.

"What's wrong? What are you looking at?"

Bei Mingye stared at the clear blue sky, and keenly noticed that there was something unusual about a cloud.

That doesn't seem to be a real cloud, but a floating object formed by some kind of air mass, or even a disguise of some kind of flying magic weapon.

Bei Mingye stared intently, as if the real sight was extremely penetrating, and Bai Yun seemed to find himself exposed, and suddenly drifted away into the distance!

How can there be such a cloud that floats without wind, and it floats so fast!

"What the hell?" Murong Beichen also realized something was wrong, and exclaimed.

"I'll go and have a look." Leng Yu, who was at the side, had already swept away and chased after him.

Bei Mingye squinted his eyes, and ordered in a deep voice, "Fu Zhonghu, Zhang Sheng follow."

Although Leng Yu is not popular, he can be regarded as a gentleman.

Just now, no matter what Leng Yu's reason for helping to resist the attack of the demonic beasts, he didn't make trouble, and provided help, Bei Mingye would always remember it in his heart.

At this moment, he didn't hesitate to let his own people go to Leng Yu's arrangement and support.

Just now the cloud stayed above them, monitoring their every move, but they didn't notice it.

A strange sense of crisis began to pervade the surroundings, and everyone became alert again.

Bei Mingye approached Qin Wuge in case of accidents.

"She's fine, she won't die."

Qin Wuge was treating the girl's wounds. When she saw Bei Mingye coming over, she thought he wanted to ask about the girl's condition. She rolled her eyes and said sullenly.

Could it be that Bei Mingye really fell in love with her girl's beauty?

How superficial!
Qin Wuge probably didn't notice that her tone was a little sour.

The corners of Bei Mingye's lips curled up, enjoying the feeling that she was jealous for him.

Therefore, following Qin Wuge's words, he pursed his lips and said, "When will she wake up?"

Qin Wuge gritted his teeth, "How would I know!"

Tsk, this tone is so hot.

"Aren't you very powerful? Can't you make her wake up now?" Bei Mingye felt that he was light, and continued to tease Qin Wuge's nerves without fear of death.

Hearing the man's urging voice, Qin Wuge felt his heart was constricted as if a big stone had been pressed down on it.

She didn't understand why she felt so uncomfortable, anyway, she really wanted to give up.

"I'm not a god! I'm already trying to save her, but she can't wake up, so blame me?"

Qin Wuge was obviously angry, and he scolded Bei Mingye bloody in his heart.


Care about whoever looks good, superficial!
In order to save him before, I almost exhausted my whole body's spiritual power. Is it easy? Why can't I see him caring about me?

White-eyed wolf!Stinky bastard!
(End of this chapter)

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