Chapter 323 Your Lover Is Very Handsome

Chapter 323 Your Lover Is Very Handsome

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

After resolving the misunderstanding, Feng Qingying looked at Qin Wuge and his party again and asked.

"We are here to explore the secret realm. My name is Qin Wuge, and he is Bei Mingye. They are all our partners. We are here to find medicinal herbs." Qin Wuge pointed to Bei Mingye and others Hefeng explained lightly.

Feng Qingling's gaze followed Qin Wuge's introduction, and her gaze fell on Bei Mingye's body, and she froze for a moment.I didn't expect that there would be such a handsome and flawless person in the non-Yufeng clan.

The man in front of him, his temperament and appearance are undoubtedly top-notch, even more dazzling than the most handsome man of their Yufeng clan, because his temperament is more fierce, unique and unparalleled.

Thinking of the way Bei Mingye talked to Qin Wuge just now, Feng Qingqing nodded slightly at Bei Mingye, looked at Qin Wuge and said.

"Your lover is also very handsome, and you are a perfect match."

Qin Wuge didn't expect her to say that at all, and after a moment of surprise, he blushed immediately.

"You misunderstood, we..."

Before she finished speaking, Bei Mingye interrupted her naturally.

"Why are you Yufeng clan in the secret realm? Who hurt your sister?"

Seeing that her younger sister was well taken care of by Qin Wuge, Feng Qingying's face turned slightly rosy at the moment, she was very grateful to Qin Wuge, and thought that Bei Mingye was Qin Wuge's lover.

When asked about this by Bei Mingye, she didn't hide it and said.

"Yes, we are all Yufeng Clan. We came here three years ago for some reason. My sister...she was injured by people from the Sunset Empire!"

"People from the Sunset Empire? What is that?"

Qin Wuge was attracted attention unconsciously, and forgot to explain any more. She was surprised for a while, could it be that there are other people living in this secret place besides Yufeng Clan?
"It's those filthy goods under Nether Lake!" Feng Qingying was filled with righteous indignation.

"The Sunset Empire? I heard that there used to be an empire in the Sunset Canyon, which sank into the valley and disappeared. Could it be that you are talking about the descendants of that empire?"

Murong Beichen interjected at this moment and asked.

Feng nodded lightly, "That's right! They claim to be the Sunset Empire, occupying Nether Lake and the secret place here, not allowing our clansmen to live here, and treating our sisters as prey. They have been rounding us up and robbing our sisters to become Their playthings and taboos, many sisters in my family died in their hands! My sister Qing Wu was captured by them before, but fortunately Qing Wu escaped, but..."

Feng Qingying said that the circles of her eyes were slightly red, "It's just that the maidservants who protected my sister are gone."

"Avenge my dead sister!"

"Our Yufeng Clan and the bastards of the Sunset Empire are sworn to death!"

"We just thought you were also from the Sunset Empire, so that's why..."


Hearing Feng Qingying's words, the other sisters of the Yufeng clan also shouted, every weak girl's face was full of hatred.

When Qin Wuge had just treated Feng Qingwu's injuries, he found that the girl had many tortured injuries. No matter what the reason was, it was not good to treat a weak girl like this.

Therefore, it is said that as a woman, she has a bad impression of the Sunset Empire.

Bei Mingye was very sensitive, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Where are the men of the Yufeng clan?"

He keenly noticed that what these girls said and what happened didn't seem to mention the men of the Yufeng Clan.

It's only natural for a man to protect a woman, but these girls of the Yufeng clan seem to have lost the protection of their clansmen, thus fighting alone.

When he asked this question, Feng Qingyao's expression changed slightly, and he fell silent for a moment.

Bei Mingye squinted his eyes, it seemed that the Yufeng Clan had really suffered some devastating blow.

At this time, Leng Yu, who went to investigate, came back.

Leng Yu didn't look surprised when he saw Feng Qingying and the others appearing, he just glanced at them and stood beside Qin Wuge.

"There is another entrance to the secret realm, just below Nether Lake."

Qin Wuge knew that there was an entrance under the Nether Lake. When she first came to Sunset Canyon, she took her pets to explore the Nether Lake.Yuanyuan also said that there is a mystery under the lake, but she didn't expect it to be connected to this secret place.

It seems that they are exploring the Nether Lake, and the direction to enter from here is correct. Yuanyuan said that Feng Weiling is under the Nether Lake, which means that Feng Weiling can indeed be found in the secret place from now on.

Qin Wuge was excited for a while, her eyes flickered slightly, and said: "It is impossible for a secret realm to have two entrances, the entrance under Nether Lake may be just a teleportation array supported by the enchantment!"

As soon as Qin Wuge expressed his guess, Feng Qingyao on the opposite side laughed.

"You are really smart, the entrance under the Nether Lake is indeed a teleportation array created by the Sunset Empire! The Sunset Empire sank into the ground, and they live under the Nether Lake all year round, like a group of gopher mice who have seen no light! Evil and vicious!"

"Why don't they live on the ground?"

Because Yuanyuan said that Fengwei Ling was under the Nether Lake, and Qin Wuge also heard that the Sunset Empire lived under the Nether Lake, so he became more and more interested in the Sunset Empire.

"That's because they can no longer live on the ground. When the empire sank, the Sunset Canyon produced some poisonous atmosphere, and their clansmen were also infected with that poisonous mist in that disaster, although some people survived. come down, but this kind of poison exists in their bodies, which has been passed down from generation to generation and cannot be eradicated, and this kind of poison in their bodies makes them afraid of the sun, and their skin will fester and cannot heal when they are exposed to the sun."

Feng Qingqing opened his mouth to explain Qin Wuge's confusion again.

"I see."

Feeling that Qin Wuge was not his enemy, Feng Qingyao became more refreshed, and said again.

"They sank into the ground and opened up a new residence under the Nether Lake. They became an evil underground dark race!"

Leng Yu was a little surprised, "But I saw those people in this secret realm, they are no different from us, except that their skin is very fair, aren't those people from the Sunset Empire you mentioned?"

Feng shook his head lightly, hatred once again appeared on his cold face, "No, what you saw should be them. They live underground all year round and can solve the problem of light sources with arrays, but they are very different from the real sun. They Your complexion is as white as if you have applied flour, which is the basis for me to tell that you are not those people."

"Since they can't see the sun, why can they appear in this secret realm?"

Leng Yu frowned slightly, his eyes were sharp.

Feng Qingying smiled wryly, "That's a long story."

She glanced at Feng Qingwu lying in her arms, and spoke to Qin Wuge.

"My sister now needs a quiet environment to rest and recover, and may need your diagnosis and treatment. Since you are not from the Sunset Empire, you are the guests of our Yufeng Clan. Would you like to be a guest of my clan? In the new home, there are countless delicacies and delicacies!"

Facing a race that appeared in a secret realm, do you dare to agree to go to their base camp?

Qin Wuge naturally didn't want to agree, but when she heard that there were countless spiritual herbs, Qin Wuge was tempted.

She carefully looked at Feng Qingying's eyes again, and had to say that a good-looking person is easy to gain the trust and favor of others.

Qin Wuge really couldn't treat Feng Qingying as an insidious person with evil intentions, she thought for a while before saying.

"We came to the secret realm to search for medicinal materials. Time is running out, and there are still people waiting for us to go back to save our lives, so it's better not to be a guest!"

"Medical materials? I don't know what medicinal materials are? We have all the spiritual herbs and spiritual medicines. There are all kinds of spiritual herbs and spiritual materials of various levels. You also know that since we have come to the secret realm, we must have all kinds of spiritual materials in the secret realm. Collect some, and we Yufeng Clan are very good at growing spiritual herbs."

Feng Qingyue was overjoyed, and said again: "We haven't entertained any guests since we came here. We can give you any medicinal materials you need, Wuge."

She was so sincere that Qin Wuge also laughed without realizing it.

She looked up at Bei Mingye, "Bei Mingye, shall we go to visit?"

Qin Wuge thought rationally, and also knew that the secret realm was full of dangers, and she and Feng Qingying were just acquaintances. If they followed her to their base camp in an unfamiliar environment, they would be very passive if their intentions were wrong.

But she always believes that people still need some trust and sincerity to get along with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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