Chapter 328 Yuanyuan Is Missing

Chapter 328 Yuanyuan Is Missing

Thousands of Yufeng clan women burst into tears. They struggled to survive in the secret realm, it was too hard.

They once expected to have the powerful magic-like power of the Dark Empire, but now the power of their race has appeared.

In the entire Yufeng Clan camp, there was extreme tranquility. Under this powerful force, it stimulated their inner peace, as if they had found their homeland, and gave them a sense of belonging and security.

The wind in the room was light, watching Qin Wuge continue to draw colorful formations, form formations, place formation centers, and constantly change positions.

Such a huge magic circle was completed by her alone.

In addition to giving Feng Qingyao a strong shock, she has already decided in her heart that she will be with Qin Wuge from now on.

There is a submissive power in this girl, where there is her, there is peace!

Qin Wuge didn't know that he had a fan girl unconsciously. Under Qin Wuge's control, several formations balanced the restlessness of the ancient remnant formation.

The formations complement each other and run peacefully with strong power, so that Wizard Ye in the formation can feel the power of the formation, as well as the strange fluctuations in his body.

Qin Wuge gradually felt that there were several clear auras of clan blood around him, and this feeling was constantly expanding and becoming clearer.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands!

"my power……"

Wizard Ye was shocked and speechless.

Feng Qingying and the others outside the formation saw their priest's eyes turn pure blue.

"Blue enchantress-like eyes, this is the most sacred ancestral power of the Yufeng Clan!" Feng Qingliang's voice trembled in shock.

Their Yufeng clan used to be one of the most noble races, and their high priest also had the purest and most powerful natural power. When using power, his eyes would turn a strange blue.

Known as the "Blue Enchantress".

It's a pity that for thousands of years, the Yufeng Clan has never had such a powerful bloodline.

And Qin Wuge actually used the power of the formation to help their high priest become a blue enchantress.

Feng Qingying couldn't help but knelt down on the ground, devoutly grateful, and following her knelt down were all the girls of the Yufeng clan.

Bei Mingye and others who were still outside were fortunate enough to witness such a grand occasion. Thousands of Yufeng clan women in the entire camp knelt down and prayed devoutly towards the room where Qin Wuge was.

The plants in the entire camp felt their thoughts and began to sway.

It's like being in a living plant world.


It wasn't until this moment that they deeply realized that there were so many creatures around them.

"Wizard Ye, can you feel the captured sisters in the Dark Empire?"

After Qin Wuge completed the formation, he was exhausted and his face was terribly pale.However, she asked the most concerned question first.

How much the power of Wizard Ye has grown, this is a sure thing.Therefore, Qin Wuge only cared about whether her abilities met his expectations.

"Your Excellency, I'm sorry, my bloodline is too weak, so I can't feel as far away as the Dark Empire."

Wizard Ye came down from the center of the formation. Her eyes were still noble blue, but in front of Qin Wuge, she didn't have a bit of nobility and reserve. Instead, she regarded herself as a servant. Like her god of rebirth.

"No, it should be too far away, or the position of the dark empire is too deep. To survive underground, they must strengthen the barriers of living space, and even prop up some kind of enchantment. It is the existence of this enchantment, blocks your perception."

Qin Wuge is confident in the power of her formation and the blood power of Wizard Ye. She quickly thought of the enchantment of the dark empire's survival place.

Humans on the ground still have air crystal walls to protect the city, but as underground survivors, they must have more sophisticated protection.

"Yes! They have to guard against other threats. Naturally, they have a barrier of residence. I once went to investigate the Dark Empire, but it was blocked by a barrier they propped up. How should I put it, their barrier is essential!"

Feng Qingying confirmed Qin Wuge's guess.

"That's right, it's true that it's more convenient to build a living space underground." Qin Wuge let out a sigh of relief, and smiled at Wizard Ye.

"It seems that there is no problem with your ability, and the formation is very successful!"

Wizard Ye nodded reverently, withdrew the released power, and after her eyes returned to normal from blue, she knelt on the ground to salute Qin Wuge.

"No way, Master Ye, get up quickly."

Qin Wuge hurriedly pulled Wizard Ye up. She also saw Feng Qingying and others kneeling on the ground, as if praying devoutly. She thought they were grateful to the gods and ancestors, and didn't care.

But now, Wizard Ye was bowing to her in a serious manner, and Qin Wuge suddenly came to his senses.

So it turned out that they were kneeling down and worshiping her just now?
Qin Wuge didn't think that he would become the savior of the world by drawing a formation, so he couldn't bear their bowing down.

"Sister, you can afford it, do you know that you helped our wizard obtain the power of the blue enchantress! You are the benefactor of our tribe! The eldest princess of the Yufeng clan, Feng Qingying, leads all the clansmen, thank you!"

Feng Qingying was sincere, she said, avoiding Qin Wuge's obstruction, knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

As she knelt down, Wizard Ye and the others also knelt down again.

Qin Wuge hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Feng Qingyong, her strength was much stronger than Feng Qingyong of the Yufeng Clan, she immediately pulled her up from the ground, and said with a smile.

"You call me younger sister. Of course I can't be this younger sister in vain. Relatives and friends should help each other. If my elder sister sees me like this, she doesn't regard me as a friend, but she is just verbally close and polite to me."

Qin Wuge said pretending to be angry, Feng Qingyao immediately laughed.

"Oh, what kind of luck am I, to pick up such a powerful younger sister for no reason!"

Qin Wuge also laughed, touched Feng Lily's face frivolously, and said with a tusk.

"Who made you look so beautiful!"

Like a swinger, she immediately made the whole room laugh.

"My sister doesn't accept our big gift, but I must accept this box of gifts. It is the Lingwu tea you drank just now! Just treat it as a meeting gift from my sister to my sister."

Although Feng Qingying was no longer polite to Qin Wuge, she turned around and brought a blood-red jade jar to Qin Wuge.

The jar was about the size of a person, and the body of the jar was fiery red, but cold to the touch. The material was a very rare jade, which had the function of isolation and stillness in the portable space.

"Such a big pot, is it all the tea left in your race?"

Qin Wuge didn't take it in a hurry, after all, she was embarrassed to ask for so many.

"You are so young, why do you have so many worries and thoughts, take it quickly!" Feng Qingying unconsciously tapped Qin Wuge's forehead and laughed.

Now that she had said so, Qin Wuge no longer refused, and put away the tea leaves readily.

However, she made a few cups on the spot, and everyone in the room had one.

The maids around Feng Qingying looked shocked, obviously they did not dare to drink the spiritual tea in front of them.For them, this tea is like a treasure.

This kind of spirit mist tea may have been popular in their hometown before, but they came to the secret realm for three years and only brought out this can of tea, which they treasured like a treasure.

Now, in fact, all of them were given to Qin Wuge.

And Qin Wuge probably guessed it, that's why it happened.

"Drink it at ease, maybe in the future I will be able to cultivate a Lingwu tea tree like yours!"

Qin Wuge said with a smile, Feng Qingying also laughed and waved his hands.

"Since you are asked to drink, let's drink all of it."

Hearing what she said, several maids stepped forward one after another, thanked Qin Wuge and drank tea cherishingly.

Qin Wuge nodded in satisfaction, and said lightly to the wind: "Sister wants to drink this tea, remember to find me at any time, otherwise this tea will be very hot for me to keep."

Feng Qingqing laughed, "Don't worry, I won't be polite to you."

The two were chatting and laughing, but suddenly there was a burst of anxious footsteps outside, followed by Fu Zhonghu's deep and anxious voice.

"Miss San, it's not good, something happened!"

Qin Wuge heard his urgent voice and hurried out of the room.

"what happened?"

"Yuanyuan took the golden retriever and ran out secretly. Just now the golden retriever ran back by himself, but Yuanyuan disappeared..."

Before Fu Zhonghu finished speaking, Qin Wuge ran outside in a gust of wind.

(End of this chapter)

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