Chapter 341 Did She Think He Died?
Chapter 341 Did She Think He Died?
Feng Qingying was also thinking about Feng Weiling's matter, she had been observing the surrounding spiritual fields just now, hoping to find Feng Weiling's trace.

Hearing Qin Wuge's question, Feng Qingying said apologetically: "I didn't feel it, let's go over there and have a look."

The lightness of the wind can resist the wind, and the breath of the spirit grass can be detected when the breeze blows, but the range is still limited, so the lightness of the wind suggests expanding the search range.

Wizard Ye immediately said: "There may be some over there."

The power of being close to nature makes Wizard Ye more convenient and quick to find.

There are countless spiritual fields in front of us, and if we want to find Fengwei Ling in this kind of place, we can only have the help of Wizard Ye and Feng Qingying.

A group of people continued to approach, and they had already reached the vicinity of the city.

The entire dark empire should be this huge city in front of them, and the surroundings of the city are their spiritual fields, planted with various plants needed for life, thousands of dark people are working in the fields, and the caged Women are their reward after work and rest.

Qin Wuge saw a group of hell lizards along the way. They followed the hell lizards to a rocky pit, and saw countless dead bones.

Comparable to hell Shura field!
The dark empire has plundered the population for many years, and under cruel treatment, many people died and were thrown here, becoming food for the hell lizards.

Standing by the bone pit, Qin Wuge seemed to be able to hear the wailing of these people. After their flesh and blood were eaten by hell lizards, their bones became the lizard's teething sticks or were weathered and corroded, forming in the pit. A thick layer of off-white bone sand.

"Do you still remember the fertilizer that those dark people nourished the spiritual fields just now? It seems to be these bone sands. These hell lizards have been domesticated, and they should not attack people from the dark empire."

Wizard Ye gritted her teeth and said, thinking that there might be the bones of their women from the Yufeng clan inside, she castigated in grief and indignation, the Dark Empire is so insane!
The plundered population was treated as livestock by them!

Feng Qingying did not speak, but the wind blades gathered around her showed that her mood was not calm.

After trying hard to suppress her mood, Feng Qingyao began to sense the breeze, looking for the breath of Fengwei Ling.

Wizard Ye also closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they turned azure blue.

Not long after, Wizard Ye and Feng Qingying opened their eyes almost at the same time, and looked towards the pit of bones in disbelief. They felt the breath of phoenix feathers below.

"Could it be here?" The two looked at each other at the same time, apparently unable to believe their own judgment.

How could phoenix tail feathers grow in such a place?

Qin Wuge kept staring at the expressions of the two of them. Seeing this, her eyes lit up, and she stepped forward and said, "Did you guys perceive it?"

"Well, sister, Wizard Ye and I both noticed the fluctuation of Fengwei Ling's breath from below."

But this place is not like the environment where the spirit grass grows, and they can see that there are trillions of hell lizards surging under the bone sand, densely packed.

Wouldn't it be troublesome if the phoenix tail feathers were at the bottom? These hell lizards were a headache just now.

Qin Wuge was pleasantly surprised, she finally found it!

"Great, Bei Mingye, I found Feng Weiling!"

Qin Wuge happily turned around and grabbed Bei Mingye's hand. Bei Mingye looked at her star-filled eyes, and slightly raised his thin lips.

She may not have discovered this girl, but she is now used to sharing her happiness with him.

His warm-boiled frogs seem to be starting to pay off.

He raised his eyebrows and patted Qin Wuge's head, "Congratulations."

As Bei Mingye said, he held Qin Wuge's hand, and the two came to the side of the pit together.

They all used hidden charms made by Qin Wuge to completely hide their aura, but those hell lizards were actually very sharp.

As soon as the two of them stood at the entrance of the pit, several hell lizards climbed up from the pit. Before they could get close, Bei Mingye moved his fingers slightly, and two streamers of light easily popped out and were directly crushed into powder.

"Look there."

Bei Mingye said in a deep voice, pointing to the bottom of the pothole.

Qin Wuge followed the direction he guided, and saw a recessed cave under the pothole, "It is estimated that there is another mystery underneath, and the phoenix tail feathers grow underneath."

Feng Qingying and Master Ye nodded, they really felt that Fengwei Ling's breath came from there.

It's just that there are countless hell lizards under the bone pit, like densely packed ants, and the pit below is like an ant nest, and it feels impossible to enter.

Moreover, once a person enters, they will definitely be alarmed. There are so many hell lizards that can gnaw a person into bone sand in an instant.

"I'm going down!"

Qin Wuge wanted to jump down as soon as he said that, but Bei Mingye grabbed her and his expression turned ugly.

His hand holding her wrist was tightening, Qin Wuge felt the pain, she exclaimed, "Ouch!"

Qin Wuge turned his head to look at Bei Mingye, some physical tears welled up in his eyes, his pupils shrouded in mist were pitiful and very touching, but Bei Mingye didn't let go, on the contrary, he squeezed a little tighter .

His expression was gloomy, and his eyes were even colder. Qin Wuge blinked, feeling a little flustered in his heart.

She remembered what Bei Mingye said before, he said that she should get used to discussing things with him, but she seemed to have forgotten it when she was anxious just now...

Qin Wuge lowered his head in embarrassment, "I... I have a body protected by divine fire, I think it should be dark down there, with divine fire, they will stay away from me..."

The girl explained uneasily, but Bei Mingye still felt that his heart was clogged like cotton.

Does she think he is dead?
Standing here and watching her go down?
Just looking at Qin Wuge's innocent and uneasy eyes, Bei Mingye couldn't get annoyed anyway, he licked his back molars, and his voice came out from between the teeth.

"It's not your turn! I'll go down!"

"But..." Qin Wuge just opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Bei Mingye's expression became even more frightening, and she swallowed the words again with a strong desire to survive.

"Actually... you can let the war pet go down?"

Seeing that the two were still arguing, Feng Qing said weakly.

But Bei Mingye said in a deep voice: "The war pet doesn't understand the properties of medicine, let alone how to pick phoenix tail feathers, I'll go down!"

His voice was low, and it was already a commanding and decisive tone.

The man was already imposing, but now that he was speaking like this, the aura of a superior would almost make him bend down to obey.

Qin Wuge didn't say anything more, and the hand held by Bei Mingye carefully shook him back, "Then do you know how to pluck phoenix tail feathers?"

Bei Mingye raised his eyebrows, "I don't know, I moved the root system to the mustard space, and you can go in and deal with it yourself when you come up."

He couldn't be more thoughtful, Qin Wuge nodded immediately, "Then be careful."

"it is good."

Bei Mingye shook Qin Wuge's hand, let go, he waved his hand, a wave of light rose up, like a mask covering the potholes.

Qin Wuge knew that this was an enchantment set up by Bei Mingye, so he went down and moved his hand, and the outside would not be able to detect it.

Bei Mingye jumped into the pothole, and the densely packed hell lizards below were startled instantly, rushing towards Bei Mingye, and his figure directly entered the pothole.The dense hell lizards surged like a tide, and the hole disappeared instantly, and the shadow of Bei Mingye was no longer visible.

Qin Wuge's face was slightly pale, and the worry in her heart was like a tide, submerging her heart that she thought was invincible little by little.

"Sister, don't worry too much. Your lover is so powerful, so nothing will happen."

Seeing that Qin Wuge's face turned pale with worry, Feng Qingying hurriedly held Qin Wuge's hand to comfort her.

Qin Wuge nodded, forgetting to deny the lover's misunderstanding, she frowned and said, "No, I can't just wait like this, I have to do something."

Qin Wuge withdrew his worried eyes, thought about it and became busy.

She quickly made a small magic circle along the pothole, and as the magic circle was activated, there was a wave of spiritual power circulating in it, and the hell lizards in the pit seemed to be startled by this strange breath, rushing one after another. up.

"bring it on!"

Qin Wuge's eyes shone slightly, and a black flame in his palm burned towards the hell lizard that had entered the magic circle.

Feng Qingying and Wizard Ye were also very lucky. The hurricane rolled over the body of the hell lizard and smashed it directly.

The level of these hell lizards is not too high, and their combat effectiveness is not very strong, but their number is too strong, even if they go down to Beimingye, they will be dangerous.If they do this, they can attract some of them, which can be regarded as lightening Bei Mingye's burden.

(End of this chapter)

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