Chapter 361

Chapter 361

The sudden withdrawal of Bei Mingye and others made the monks who were fighting underground dumbfounded.

Especially people like Yan Zun, Qin Zhenshan and Sha Dahu who were thinking about small things, when they saw that the portal was closed, their minds went blank.

Only then did they realize that they failed to take advantage of Shangbei Mingye and Qin Wuge, but let the other party trap them all.

The portal is closed!This indicates that not only will they not be able to get out, but they will also face the crazy counterattack of the dark empire!

"The portal is closed!"

"We are left behind! Run for your life!"

The panic felt like a plague, and it spread almost instantly. These Dayan cultivators who were still thinking about plundering shouted instantly and became a mess.

Yan Zun's expression changed drastically, he hurriedly used his spiritual power and let out a loud roar.

"No retreat! Hold on!"

But now, all the monks are no longer willing to listen to Yan Zun's words, and instead curse Yan Zun one after another.

"It's all about you, you are the one who believed in the people of the Demon Sect, and you are going to kill us!"

"He also said that he would take us to rob the rare treasures of other races. Now that all of us are dying, you still want to harm us? Run! Run for your life!"

"The Heavenly Demon Sect harmed me! Yan Zun, you also harmed us!"

Many monks cursed and cursed, trying to escape in a panic.

The Dark Empire over there saw the opportunity, but the offensive became more violent. In an instant, the situation on the battlefield changed sharply, and a large number of monks fell.

Seeing this, Qin Zhenshan blushed anxiously and shouted loudly.

"Everyone, don't panic, don't retreat! The portal has been closed, and we have no way to retreat. Only by fighting with our backs can we survive!"

"I can't retreat! Dayan's royal iron cavalry has arrived! Let's fight! Enter the city, destroy the aliens, and loot treasures! Brothers, countless treasures are waiting for us! If we retreat, we will die!"

Yan Zun roared loudly, he tried his best to snatch a god weapon Fengshen crossbow from the city!

It was a defensive weapon erected by foreigners on the city wall. He snatched it and raised the Fengshen Crossbow high to inspire the fighting spirit.

Hearing Qin Zhenshan's roar and being so encouraged by Yan Zun, the monks barely suppressed their fear and stopped fleeing in a panic. However, their fighting spirit has been greatly reduced, and the battle formation is in chaos. Every step of the way.

Seeing that the portal was closed, the elite cavalrymen of Yan Kingdom did not dare to hide any longer. If they continued to hide, they could only be defeated by the Dark Empire one by one.

Now they have no way out, they can only rush out to join the battle.

"The cavalry is coming! We are saved! Kill!"

Seeing the cavalry from the Kingdom of Yan rushing over, Qin Zhenshan raised his arms and shouted, and the monks seemed to have received help and lifted their spirits.

However, they soon discovered that the situation was not much better, because these cavalry were supposed to be equipped with magic-horned warhorses and heavy armored cavalry, but this time they were riding Fenglie warhorses.

He was also covered in light cavalry equipment, so it was clear that he was here to pick up a bargain and leave as soon as possible, and it was not preparation for battle at all.

The cavalry equipped with light cavalry entered the battlefield, but they didn't play any role in the battle. They were soon turned over by the people killed by the dark empire, and they were extremely embarrassed.

Wails are everywhere.

At this moment, after the portal was closed, Qin Wuge and his party returned to the secret realm.

"Let's go back to the territory of the Yufeng Clan first."

Qin Wuge opened his mouth and said, Feng nodded lightly, just as the group turned around, they heard Yuan Hong's shout behind them.

"Your Excellency, please stay."

Qin Wuge turned his head to look, Yuan Hong walked over quickly, just now when he was underground, he heard Qin Wuge's words, and brought some people out with him.

Seeing that Yan Zun notified the royal cavalry, and when the royal cavalry arrived, they didn't want to attack the city together to avenge the suffering compatriots. Instead, they hid aside and only thought about profiting from the fisherman and looting treasures. Yuan Hong was completely disappointed.

He greeted Qin Wuge and followed Qin Wuge with a group of monks who thought the same as him.

"Your Excellency, can I follow you? We...we are all willing to follow you."

After Yuan Hong said, a group of monks with him stepped forward one after another, expressed their willingness to follow, and looked at Qin Wuge earnestly.

Qin Wuge glanced at them, the so-called things are divided into categories, and people are divided into groups, Qin Wuge can also see that the people brought out by Yuan Hong are pure in mind, not so greedy and cunning.

It seems that they all want to sincerely defect.

She nodded briskly, "Okay, then follow along."

Yuan Hong and the others showed excitement immediately, and knelt down to formally salute Qin Wuge.

"Tsk, you can do it, calm down, win back people's hearts, admiration."

Murong Beichen moved closer to Qin Wuge's side, said in a low voice, and glanced at Bei Mingye again.

"You and Xiaoyeye, this one is darker than the other, how can we become one in the future?"

Qin Wuge's ears warmed up, "What makes two into one? Don't talk nonsense! Also, it's not that I will buy people's hearts, but that Dayan is too disappointing!"

"How to say?"

Murong Beichen was not ashamed to ask.

Qin Wuge curled his lips, "You must know that most of the monks present are from the country of Yan, and most of the women looted by the dark empire are also from the country of Yan, but when their army arrived, they hid aside to watch the fun, just thinking about it." Trying to preserve their strength, waiting for a bargain, and watching the countless deaths and injuries of the monks of the Yan Kingdom, Yuan Hong and the others are sensible people, seeing it in their eyes, they were naturally chilled, and turned to me."

Bei Mingye and Leng Yu walked beside them, and naturally they both heard what Qin Wuge said to Murong Beichen.

Both of them pursed their lips at the same time, looking at Qin Wuge with eyes full of appreciation and admiration.

"The monks of the Yan Kingdom suffered a lot of casualties, and the weak ones are the forces of the Yan Kingdom!"

When Feng Qingying heard Qin Wuge's words, she also leaned over, puzzled and eager to learn.

Qin Wuge sighed, deeply mourning for Yan Guo.

"Perhaps this is exactly what the royal family of Yan wants to see. Weakening the strength of the sect and ebb and flow will strengthen the royal family? Isn't that how the hegemony begins! It's just that the structure of the royal family of Yan is too small. .”

Hearing her words, Feng Qingying suddenly realized, even Murong Beichen nodded without realizing it.

"The master is a rare transparent and wise person!"

Wizard Ye couldn't help admiring and said, these truths, an old woman who has lived for hundreds of years, can't understand them as clearly as a girl like Qin Wuge.

Sure enough, some people are born out of the pool!

While speaking, Qin Wuge and others had already returned to the Yufeng Clan's camp.

The women and children who were rescued before were all placed here, and Qin Wuge took advantage of this time to take out Wan Jieshi to treat them.

After a lot of busy work, when Qin Wuge came out of the temporary treatment shed, it was already dark, and Fu Zhonghu and Si Han were standing in the yard chatting.

"I don't know what's going on in the dungeon."

"What else can we do? It must be a fierce fight. That Yan Zun, who wanted us to fight against the Dark Empire in a whimsical way, turned out to be a loser by themselves."

"Haha, don't even look at our master, and Miss San, who are all smarter than monkeys, can they figure it out?"

Si Han only felt happy, he laughed and said.

This is what Yan Zun and the others call stealing chickens without losing money!

"Heh, who are you talking about like a monkey?"

Qin Wuge snorted lightly, Si Han turned around and saw her, and quickly patted his mouth.

"A slip of the tongue, the master and the third lady are like gods, they are wise and mighty, planning strategies!"

Qin Wuge smiled lightly, shook his head and said: "It is impossible to rely on Yan Zun and others to defeat the Dark Empire. The dome of the Dark Empire is strong, and the only weakness is the portal. Once they take care of Yan Jie and the others, they will be able to escape." Take a shot, re-modify the formation, and change the portal, and it will be difficult for us to deal with them."

"What my sister said is very true!" Feng Qingying came over just in time, obviously hearing Qin Wuge's words, she echoed.

Qin Wuge looked at Feng Qingying, frowned and said: "Sister, the Dark Empire has been exposed, and this secret realm has become public. It is not an option for your people to stay here, and there will definitely be troubles in the future."

Why doesn't Feng Qingying understand this truth? During this period of time, she was thinking about the issue of whether or not to leave her clansmen.

Seeing Qin Wuge mentioning it again, Feng Qingying didn't evade it anymore, and said directly: "We are planning to leave the secret realm. I wonder if there is a livable place next to my sister's Junsai City?"

Qin Wuge smiled, and immediately agreed, "That's great! I especially welcome you sisters!"

(End of this chapter)

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