Chapter 379 Mining Town
Chapter 379 Mining Town
"As the city lord, it is natural to control the mineral veins in the territory. I also want to see with my own eyes what these mineral veins look like and how many reserves there are."

Mineral veins are too important to the development of a city, Qin Wuge naturally wants to see it with his own eyes, so he knows what he knows.

Wizard Ye nodded, "Unexpectedly, at such a young age, Miss is more sophisticated than an old man like me."

"Elder Ye, don't make fun of me."

Qin Wuge pursed his lips and smiled, and Wizard Ye said again: "However, Miss brought us here quietly and didn't let the guards clear the way. Could it be that they are worried that these people below will conceal the real situation of the mine?"

Qin Wuge really thought so. Originally, she robbed Junsai City as a private act, and it was reasonable to disobey the territory.

And now she has accepted Dayan's award, and as Marquis of Jingbian, the management of the territory is justified.

Besides, this is her base and also her backing against the Demon Sect.If she wants to build Junsai City into a solid barrier, she needs to start with small things.

It is not possible to develop this city by sitting in Junsai City all the time.

"Miss, there are quite a few people here!"

Wushi Town had already appeared before her eyes, and Biyu couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised to see the large population in the town.

Wushi Town is a small town connected by five bazaars. The town has a city wall and is continuous in an irregular shape. Now Qin Wuge and others are standing on the top of the hill, so they can overlook the whole town.

The town has a large population, but most of them are yellow and emaciated, and the whole town has a decadent look.

"Is there any disease here?"

Qin Wuge glanced at the guards in the small town, all of them were fat and strong.She instantly understood that it must be because of the exploitation of the town management that caused the decline of the town residents.


The golden retriever, who had been sniffing east and west, suddenly barked in one direction.

"Huh? There's a kid here."

Biyu saw a ragged child about five or six years old in the grass in the distance at a glance.

The child was skinny and skinny, squatting on the ground looking for something, raising his hand from time to time to stuff the things he picked up on the ground into his mouth.

A scene of misery and hunger emerged spontaneously, and Biyu almost shed tears watching it.

The child seemed to be aware that someone was looking at him, and he looked up. On his dirty little face, those eyes were bright and vigilant.

When he saw that Qin Wuge and the others were still carrying a battle pet, the child got up and ran away.

Biyu hurriedly chased after him, "Don't run away, we are not bad people!"

But how could that child listen, his thin body was dedicated to burrowing into the bushes, and he didn't care if the thorns pricked his body to bleed.

And at this moment, a low growl came from the bushes into which the child fled.

"No, it's a sparrow cat!"

Qin Wuge flew over and rushed over.

Quemao Beast is a small third-level magical beast, best at sneak attack and stealth, with extremely fast speed, no matter how fast the kid is, it is not as fast as Que Mao Beast.

Just when Qin Wuge was approaching the bushes, the little boy who had rushed in turned around and rushed out. He was as fast as a black shadow and fell to the ground, while another shadow chased after him even faster. Pounce.

Wu Zai, who fell on the ground, had no time to get up, and saw that the sparrow beast's minions had arrived in front of him. He could only roll to the side with all his strength, hoping to avoid the sparrow beast's attack, but his speed was still the same after all. slow.

The half-foot-sharp paws of Quemao beast landed on his chest, making him close his eyes unwillingly.

But the strange thing is that the pain didn't come, instead, a wave of warmth sprinkled on his body, he looked up in surprise, and saw that the sparrow beast that was chasing and killing him was cut in two, and part of his body fell on his body. body.

And the one who killed the sparrow beast was the young man I saw before, holding a knife-like weapon in his hand, and looking down at him from above.

Wu Zai opened his mouth in astonishment, he felt that the boy in front of him was really handsome, with shining eyes and extremely long eyelashes, he was the prettiest person he had ever seen.

"Why are you running?"

Qin Wuge shook off the blood on the weapon, lowered his head and asked him.

Wu Zai lowered his head and remained silent.But silently got up and left.

"Is he a mute? How pitiful!" Biyu immediately chased after the boy in distress, and pulled the boy back.

The little boy who was hugged by Biyu struggled desperately, but he was only a five or six-year-old child, and he was too thin to die, how could he break free.

"Kid, don't move, we are not bad people."

Biyu held him in her arms desperately, because she was afraid that when she held the child's arm, it would break his thin arm like a hemp stick.

But when she held the child in her arms, the child suddenly opened his mouth and bit her arm fiercely, the painful Biyu trembled all over, after releasing him, the child was like a Like a dexterous monkey, he rushed out.

But before he ran far, the child was picked up by Qin Wuge.

"Boy! If we were bad people, you would be dead by now."

Qin Wuge held the child so that his eyes were parallel to his own, and reprimanded him in a rather fierce tone.

Only then did Wu Zai get frightened. He saw the silent ferocity in the eyes of the young man in front of him. The abyss-like ink color was different from the eyes of those bullies.

"You're not an evil cultivator!" Wu Zai met Qin Wuge's eyes with a hoarse voice.

Evil repair?

Hearing the child's voice, Qin Wuge stared at his throat, frowned and said, "Open your mouth!"

Wu Zai hesitated for a moment before opening his small mouth.

After opening his withered and cracked mouth, he saw that the sparse teeth grew ugly on the gray gums.But there was a black burn at the bottom of the throat, the wound had suppurated, and what flowed out was black rotten water.


Qin Wuge was quite surprised. The wound caused by this sorcery was on the child's throat, and it was getting worse and worse. In the end, he would lose his voice and become completely dumb. And because of the wound, he would touch the wound when he ate. And the pain was unbearable.

But just now, Qin Wuge saw the little boy swallowing wild vegetables.How did he endure the severe pain in his throat and eat these throat-slapping wild vegetables?
The sparse teeth in the little boy's mouth were due to long-term malnutrition. Looking at his skinny body, Qin Wuge fell silent.

"Let me go." But the little boy struggled again, and even opened his mouth, biting Qin Wuge's hand.

He was like a little beast that had fallen into a hunter's trap, baring its ferocious fangs crazily.

"I can heal your throat."

After putting Wu Zai down, Qin Wuge drew a talisman with one hand, and the white lines of spiritual power swam in her hand, intertwining into a sacred halo, and the little boy who was watching was immediately stunned.

Qin Wuge sent spiritual power with his fingertips, and arrived in front of the little boy, waiting for the little boy to open his mouth.

As if taming a wild beast, Qin Wuge had enough patience and means.

Wu Zai raised his head and stared at Qin Wuge for a while, then opened his mouth decisively.

When the white spiritual power entered the mouth, there was a hint of sweetness in the cool feeling, and the swelling and tearing pain in the throat gradually disappeared.

Wu Zai greedily enjoyed this feeling. Since he could remember, he had never enjoyed this kind of tenderness. This kind of comfort made him drowsy.

However, the feeling quickly disappeared, and he raised his head in surprise to see that the young man had put away his spells.

The strong sense of loss immediately made Wu Zai's little face look a lot grayer.

"Your throat is healed, now you can tell me what happened to you!"

Qin Wuge sat down on the rock opposite Wu Zai, with a relaxed look, as if he was not at all worried that the child in front of him would hide something from her.

Wu Zai swallowed a few times, and after feeling that his throat did not hurt anymore, he was pleasantly surprised and shocked.

After watching Qin Wuge for a long time, he opened his mouth, and there was a bit of maturity in the immature childish voice.

"The miners in Wushi Town are dumb."

One sentence shocked both Biyu and Wizard Ye, but Qin Wuge didn't have much expression, nodded lightly, and signaled Wu Zai to continue.

"My family members are all dead, so I sneaked out to find food. I wanted to run farther, but I was too hungry. We are in danger here, and those evil cultivators will come here at any time. After being caught by them , will be made dumb!"

When Wu Zai said this, he trembled a little, clearly reminding Qin Wuge that they should not stay here, but should leave quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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