Chapter 382
Chapter 382
Taking advantage of Jasper to attract Wang Dun's attention, Qin Wuge quickly released his Sky Eye and looked aside the situation in the mine.

Hey~ This vein is really about to be mined.

Qin Wuge did the same, and asked Wang Dun to take him to see the other two veins. After seeing that the two veins were almost exhausted, Qin Wuge turned around and left.

"Mr. Qin, what do you mean? Don't plan to stay? Don't you still want to trade with us?"

How could Wang Dun let her go so easily, and immediately led someone to stop her, quite viciously.

"I was wrong. I thought you were rich in minerals, but it turned out that there are only three veins, and they are almost all mined."

Hearing that the other party saw through their mineral vein reserves at a glance, Wang Dun was quite surprised. After examining Qin Wuge up and down, he asked, "How did you find out?"

"I figured it out! It's been a long time since the mining equipment of your veins has been updated, and the supporting wood is as old as it is. It's clearly because the mining of the mines is about to end, so you're too lazy to care about it!" Qin Wuge responded carelessly.

When Wang Dun was stunned, he couldn't help admiring Qin Wuge's intelligence, and he saw the clue.

"Hehe, Mr. Qin is indeed a smart person. Our mine reserve is indeed running out, but we have a warehouse." Wang Dun laughed.

Qin Wuge was very surprised: "Warehouse? Aren't you all going to supply the army fortress?"

Wang Dun didn't bother to go around in circles, he felt that it didn't matter if he told Qin Wuge the truth, so that he could keep Qin Wuge and let her get more spiritual materials.And after those spiritual materials are in hand, just detain the three of them.

The reason why I tell you all the secrets is because I treat you as a dead person.

"Oh? Is there really a warehouse? Take us to see it?" Qin Wuge looked very interested.

"Tomorrow, it's too late today. Besides, we haven't seen your spiritual material yet, so we want to see our stuff, isn't it appropriate!" Wang Dunpi smiled.

Qin Wuge nodded kindly: "That's right, then I'll get them to bring the spiritual materials quickly, and let's go to the warehouse tomorrow! Please arrange a place for us to rest now."

"That's natural!" Wang Dun restrained the gloom on his face, smiled and brought Qin Wuge to a small courtyard in a dead end, and let them live there.

As soon as Wang Dun left, Biyu couldn't help crying.

"Miss, it's too miserable. As soon as we went in, several people were killed in the mine and sent out."

Wizard Ye also didn't say a word. He saw the dark side of the world when he first came to this continent. He believed that this Wushi town was just a microcosm of the mainland, and there were more people living in such dire straits.

Qin Wuge didn't say a word, but took out a formation scroll and put it on the table. After injecting spiritual power, he saw that the formation on the scroll was drawn into countless small grids, and a red shining point It was flashing on the scroll.

Qin Wuge immediately spread out a piece of paper beside him, drew the map of the entire Wushi Town from memory, and compared it with the red dots on the scroll.

"This is... a tracking circle?"

Wizard Ye finally understood what this scroll was for.

I see!No wonder Miss Qin wants to play tricks with a small character like Wang Dun. She wants to find out all the conditions of Wushi Town and the mine before doing anything.

Finally, the dots of light on the scroll stopped, and Qin Wuge had already marked it on the map, which was located in the north between Nanjiang Town and Wushi Town.

"This should be a lake, so they put all the ore here!"

Qin Wuge's eyes lit up, and he immediately made a decision: "Wizard Ye, please go and investigate to see if this is their mineral storage point!"

Wizard Ye immediately agreed, and his figure turned into a wind shadow and disappeared in place.

At the same time, Qin Wuge detonated a magic circle south of Wushi Town via remote control, and the strong explosion instantly attracted all the surveillance in Wushi Town, providing cover for Wizard Ye to leave.

The magic circle Qin Wuge had set up in the south of Wushi Town was so powerful that the explosion shook the whole town.

It made many people mistakenly think that the mine collapsed.

Therefore, at this moment, countless miners ran out of the mine, and the whole town was in a mess.

And in this chaos, Qin Wuge was shocked to find that there were three Nascent Soul stage coercion covering it, calming down the chaotic town.

And those guards became vicious after feeling the coercion of their masters, and brandished whips to drive the miners who ran out into the mine pit. Anyone who disobeyed would be beaten to death with sticks and sticks.

It doesn't matter if you kill a few people, but it can better deter other miners.

Qin Wuge saw all this, but did not rush out to rescue impulsively.She will keep all the evil deeds of these people in her heart, and tomorrow is the time to settle accounts with them.

"Miss, it's such a small town. There are actually three masters in the Nascent Soul stage. Are they all evil cultivators?"

Biyu can also distinguish the Nascent Soul cultivator now, so when she felt the coercion, Biyu was shocked.

Qin Wuge explained: "There is an evil cultivator here, the coercive and cold one, and the other two should be members of the Dayan royal family."

Three Nascent Soul Stages appeared at once, Qin Wuge was not in a hurry or worried, but was secretly happy. It seemed that his investigation was in the right direction this time.

Wushi Town is a gap in all the mines in the territory of Junsai City. From here, we can find out all the problems of the mine veins.

Now, Qin Wuge just waited for Wizard Ye's investigation.

The turmoil in Wushi town was quickly suppressed, and the powerful war repair force in the town was revealed at this time.

When the town was quiet again, some people brought Zhan Xiu to Qin Wuge's place to wander around to see if they had escaped.

"Huh? One of you is missing?"

Seeing Wizard Ye missing, the team leader was about to enter the room to check, but Qin Wuge stopped them and pointed at the bed.

"She is unwell and has rested."

"Then let's go and see!"

Several Zhanxiu wanted to rush in, but after Qin Wuge stopped him angrily, they gave up and left, but before leaving, these Zhanxiu gave Qin Wuge a look of "you wait".

At this moment, Wizard Ye came in through the window and nodded at Qin Wuge.

Qin Wuge was overjoyed. Wizard Ye was indeed a master of stealth detection. It took only a little more time for her to come back from the investigation.

After seeing Wizard Ye nodding, Qin Wuge no longer had any scruples, and stopped those war repairers on the spot.

"Go and call all your miners, I bought it!"


Those war repairers suspected that they had heard wrong.


Qin Wuge threw out a bag of high-grade spirit stones. The bucket-thick bag was filled with top-grade spirit stones. As the currency in circulation on the mainland, one high-grade spirit stone could buy ten slaves.

Therefore, when the bag of spirit stones was thrown out, the guards were dumbfounded.

"Why do you want those miners?" Several war repairers still didn't understand.

"Naturally, it is useful. I see that you have been well trained, so I want to buy it back to be a coolie! Don't worry about the price, I will give you a price of a high-grade spirit stone!" Qin Wuge said seriously.

Now it's the turn of a few war repairers to be dumbfounded again, is there something wrong with this kid!
It's just a miner, how can I sell it for the price of a high-level spirit stone!

This is clearly ten times higher than the market price, okay?

"Wait a minute, our Captain Wang will be back soon." The Zhanxiu couldn't make up his mind, and hurriedly sent someone to find Wang Dun.

And Wang Dun also just came back from the outside, and he was also very suspicious when he heard that Mr. Qin wanted to buy a miner at the price of a high-grade spirit stone.

After seeing Qin Wuge, Wang Dun threatened with a sullen face.

"You can't lie to me, let me tell you. If I call you all the miners and you play me, the consequences..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qin Wuge threw out another bag of high-level spirit stones.

"I only have one condition, you help me send all the miners to the place I designate, and the deal will be done at the price I just said!"

Wang Dun sneered: "It will take a lot of work for me to call out those miners, so you take out the spirit stones first!"

"How many miners do you have?" Qin Wuge asked solemnly.

"Three thousand eight hundred and thirty fifty!" Wang Dun had already quickly calculated in his heart.

First agree to her conditions, and when you get the spirit stones, you can put on a look of helping to transport the miners, and then pull the miners back halfway, just kill these people, and earn more than 3000 spirit stones for nothing, blood earning ah !

(End of this chapter)

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