Chapter 440 Vixen

Chapter 440 Vixen

"Disciple, while the spaceship is on the way, I will teach you a Qiankun technique as a teacher. It is best to use it with the fairy pot."

Excited, Nie Xi dragged Qin Wuge away.

Bei Mingye did not follow, but took Yi Wang to another room.

"You asked me to search for someone before, and you were talking about this monk, right? However, the identity of this monk has not been found out yet, so you can rest assured."

King Yi felt that it was not easy, because the monk didn't know who he was, Bei Mingye actually allowed Qin Wuge to be a teacher, and now he handed Qin Wuge over to the monk with confidence.

Bei Mingye ignored him, put a barrier first, and then took out the information sent by the dark guard, and asked him: "What about the information you collected?"

Yi Wang pointed to his head, "It's all here! It's not like you, I still need to write it down, are you pretending to be an old man too really and starting to forget!"

Bei Mingye kept moving, and after he put out several spiritual weapons, King Yi was dumbfounded.

It turned out that he was not forgetful, but was planning to use these things to guess the monk's identity. He glanced at the spiritual weapons and found that there were even divine weapons in them.

Although it is broken, it is a divine product after all. This kind of spiritual material may be difficult to find.

The artifacts used all have the marks left by their masters, and even the fragments can find the master's information. Every weapon fragment once had a powerful master, and now their masters have either fallen or disappeared.

Among the remnants or fragments that Bei Mingye found, they were all selective. After meeting the direction of the monk's investigation, he got these things, and after screening and inspection, the identity of the monk could be determined.

"The dark guard under your command is pretty good. This should be the Dark Cloud God Feather Spear from the Tianlan Empire, huh? Is this the Dragon Scale Thorn from the Haisheng Empire?"

Bei Mingye didn't answer, but just looked at Yi Wang with indifferent eyes. Knowing that he was waiting for the information he collected, Yi Wang took it out and said.

"Okay~ I didn't find the artifact. I thought that Hewei must be the one who used the artifact, so I only found a fairy container Natian. This Natian is very interesting. It can accommodate a world. Wherever you like, you can directly Incorporating it, you can also dress it up as your own small garden, wandering in it with the people you like, not to mention how beautiful it is, by the way, it can compete with your meson space..."

Before King Yi finished speaking, Bei Mingye interrupted, "Do you think this Natian belongs to the monk?"

"Yeah! He's a monk. Why did he want to become a monk? He must be hurt by love! Besides, after checking, there is no trace of the monk in the Buddhist world. So he must have become a monk later, then There must have been an accident, and this accident must have been caused by emotional injury! Then he must have had a lover before. Therefore, this Natian looks suspicious!"

Seeing that Bei Mingye did not refute, King Yi continued: "By the way, once there was a general in the Tianlan Empire who fell in love with a female official in the palace. The two of them had a deep relationship. This Natian was a gift from the general to the female official. Why was the female officer killed for committing a crime, and the general is said to have died in love and disappeared, and his whereabouts are unknown, this Natian is the only clue left by the two of them."

"How long has this happened?" Bei Mingye frowned.

"16 years ago." King Yi said proudly, "How is it? Do you now think that the monk might be the missing general? Do you want to use Natian to verify the monk?"

Bei Mingye shook his head, "The monk is definitely not that person."

"Why are you so sure?"

King Yi was not convinced, but thinking of Bei Mingye's deep knowledge of things like a god, and he never missed all the things through his speculation, King Yi couldn't help but feel that the clues he found were wrong.

"What's the lady's name? What was her cultivation back then?" Bei Mingye didn't reply to him, but asked lightly.

Yi Wang was very curious, but he still took out the investigation materials about the female officials.

"Didn't you say that my investigation is in the wrong direction? Why do you still care about this?"

Bei Mingye looked at it seriously and even frowned to show a thoughtful expression. After reading it, Bei Mingye put away the information and Natian together.

"Hey! I still want to use this as a portable space! Don't you have a portable space!" Yi Wang suddenly felt pain.

Natian is far worse than the portable space, but it's better than nothing.

If he stays, he can still create a world, and when he has leisure time, he will bring the girl to have fun in it, but he will be snatched away by Bei Mingye!

"I will return it to you." Bei Mingye said in a calm tone, but the tone was quite irritating.

When King Yi was angry, he saw Bei Mingye throwing the Nether Lotus Throne to him.

"Give it to me? Bei Mingye, this is something that has been with you for more than ten years. If it weren't for this lotus seat, you would have died of poison a long time ago! Don't you want it?"

King Yi was shocked to death. This lotus seat comes from the abyss of the netherworld, which is cool and has the effect of suppressing poison and exorcising demons.

Back then, Bei Mingye was poisoned many times, and when he couldn't get rid of the poison, he sat on this lotus seat, not only suppressing the poisonous hair, but also helping to cultivate with a pure heart.

Give it to yourself so easily?Why is Yi Wang so unbelievable?

"I don't need it anymore." Bei Mingye rolled up his sleeves, revealing the nine-day rough stone bracelet on his wrist.

King Yi's eyes straightened immediately, for an alchemist like him, he was too aware of how precious and important the Nine Heavens Rough Stone was.

Has such a good thing been taken over by him again?

When King Yi was surprised by the greedy black color, he saw a small word "Ye" engraved on the bracelet.

"You are really hypocritical, no matter how precious the nine-day rough stone is, you don't need to engrave your name on it."

Bei Mingye was not angry at all, instead he leisurely held the bracelet and said with a slight smile, "She gave it to me!"

King Yi, "..."

It's really fucking hot, so it turned out that the pavement for such a long time was all to give him a handful of dog food!

It's inhumane!
He ground his teeth, and immediately gave Bei Mingye a big roll of his eyes, "You are really nasty."

"En." Bei Mingye raised his eyebrows and nodded.

King Yi was surprised, "You seem to be very happy, is there something good?"

King Yi felt that Bei Mingye was so happy because of the Natian Immortal Artifact he found and the matter about the female officer of the Tianlan Empire.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Bei Mingye stood up, left King Yi behind and walked out.

King Yi gritted his teeth, looking at Bei Mingye's sullen look, he deserves a beating, is there any?

"Yi Wang, we have arrived at the imperial city." The subordinate's report came from outside.

"Huh? So fast? Doesn't it take two or three days to travel from Anqing City to the Imperial City spaceship?"

King Yi walked out suspiciously, only to see quite a few monks standing on the deck, looking in amazement at the surroundings and the enchantment propped up above their heads.

Because the speed of the spaceship is too fast, Qin Wuge's spaceship needs to be protected by a physical barrier.

When the spaceship is moving, the people on board can see the magnificence of the airflow and clouds colliding with the enchantment and dissipating, which is not too beautiful.

Even Mingjie and Wang Yu from Haoranmen couldn't help watching from the deck.

"Although the speed of the spaceship is not as fast as teleportation, it is better than the endurance. As long as there is sufficient energy, this spaceship can quickly transfer a large number of monks."

"That's right, the monks at the fusion stage have mastered the rules of space and can teleport over long distances, but those monks below the fusion stage may not be able to chase the spaceship."

Ming Jie and Wang Yu discussed a few words, which attracted people from several nearby sects to also nod.

Su Xue was standing behind Mingjie and Wang Yu, hearing these words, she felt uncomfortable like a stone was stuck in her heart.

She frowned, what's going on.

Obviously she had already said that to Qin Wuge's master before, and her master seemed to believe her words, and looked very angry.

But why didn't he see him attacking or reprimanding Qin Wuge? She was so anxious to death!

Just as Su Xue was thinking, Qin Wuge, Bei Mingye and his party came out.

Su Xue looked over and saw Qin Wuge raised his face and said something to Bei Mingye. A smile flashed across Bei Mingye's face, and he raised his hand to hook the broken hair by Qin Wuge's ear Afterwards, move gently.

And Qin Wuge was used to being treated like this by her master, and even raised his head and smiled at him.

Su Xue, "..."

why?Immortal!A bitch like a vixen!

Sure enough, all the men have been seduced by her, it's simply too hateful!
(End of this chapter)

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