Chapter 475 You Know Your Woman

Chapter 475 You Know Your Woman

Even, Bei Mingyue faintly felt that the one who died should be the six emperors in the fusion period.


The third prince was thinking about it, when he saw Qin Wuge coming out of the room, he ran out in a gust of wind.

King Kong Bai Falcon has been waiting in the hall, and when he saw her running out, he was about to follow her. The third prince didn't know what to think, and hurriedly asked Mr. Wu to stop Bai Falcon.

Elder Wu was also surprised. After stopping Bai Falcon with his hand, he lowered his voice.

"Your Highness, this Bai Falcon didn't make a contract with Miss Qin, but it followed her like this, could it be..."

The third prince frowned, with a pensive look on Qingjuan's face, he said after a while: "Did the Qin family of the Yuling clan in the Tianlan Empire really become extinct?"

Elder Wu nodded, "It should be. That catastrophe not only wiped out the entire Feather Spirit Clan, but also implicated a lot of people. Some palace ladies and generals were also implicated to death."

The third prince suddenly said, "Yes, Su Dingfang, the general Anping of the Tianlan Empire, died because of this. But how did I hear that Su Dingfang's wife is not dead?"

Mr. Wu shook his head, "This matter is too involved, no one can tell how many people died, the massacre blood stained the emperor's forest back then, so many people were killed and injured, so that the blood in the emperor's forest lingered for three days, and blood demons were bred, attracting Evil beasts are the cause of disaster. Until now, the Emperor Forest is still occupied by several fierce beasts!"

The third prince smiled wryly, "However, the Emperor's Forest has also become a place of adventure. Many monks have gone there to experience life and death, and have made breakthroughs."

However, the bloody resentment in the emperor's forest was indeed too heavy, so that the surrounding area was deserted for thousands of miles.

"Where's our lady?"

Biyu ran in with Xingran from the outside, saw the third prince and an old man there, and asked anxiously.

When Biyu heard that the young lady was injured, she naturally rushed to take care of her.

And Xingran also followed because of worry.

Xing Ran, who was tortured in prison and was in a state of disfigurement, has recovered a lot after a few days of recuperation.

"She seems to have gone to the city wall. Are you Miss Qin's attendants?"

Mr. Wu greeted them enthusiastically. It can be seen that Mr. Wu is a kind-hearted old man who is very kind to boys and girls.

"Yes, thank you, old man."

Biyu took Xingran and ran away, but the third prince suddenly woke up looking at Xingran's back.

"Mr. Wu, don't you realize that the boy looks like a person?"

Mr. Wu was puzzled, "Who is it?"

It didn't look good at all.

"It's nothing, maybe I read it wrong."

The third prince let go of the doubts in his heart. Recently, he didn't know what happened. Everyone looked alike.

Seeing Nie Xi and Qin Wuge, he felt that the two of them seemed to be related by blood, but Nie Xi possessed a beast soul, so it should be an old monster thousands of years ago, and should not be related to Qin Wuge.

At this time, Nirvana was bombarding Yinfeng indiscriminately in the void, throwing out the immortal skills for free.

The clever Nirvana swallowed the elixir while throwing the immortal technique, so as not to run out of animal souls again.

Busy with Nirvana's countless immortal skills, Yinfeng felt extremely strenuous.

Moreover, Yinfeng was disappointed when she realized that the beast soul on Niexi was mixed with the chaotic divine blood. Could it be that the guiding stone made a mistake again?
Was this monk the one he was looking for?
Obviously this monk is a lunatic, and his bloodline is impure, and he doesn't know how he made his bloodline so complicated and chaotic.

"Senior, we are not enemies!"

The internal injury that Yinfeng suffered before faintly flared up, and after enduring the violent fairy skill of Nirvana, she only felt the qi and blood in her chest surging.

He opened his mouth and said, hoping that the crazy monk would stop.

Nirvana scolded fiercely.

"You have ungrateful plunder and greed in your bones and blood. If you are not a bad person, there will be no bad people in the world. When I saw your white clothes, I knew that you were a bastard with a false chart!"

Nirvana is completely murderous, as if the person in front of him is his enemy who killed his father and took his wife.

Yinfeng retreated while fighting, and the huge and boundless Kunpeng came to help in the battle, setting off a storm that covered the sun and swept towards Niexi, which forced Niexi to retreat.

Nie Xi, who fell on the city wall, swallowed the elixir, planning to fight again.

Qin Wuge, who was looking into the distance, saw that he was dying like this, and hurriedly called to stop.

"Master, you can't add too much elixir, otherwise it will reverse your meridians, making it difficult for you to practice and become dependent on the recovery elixir!"

Nirvana didn't listen, "I'm a beast soul! I won't be affected by pills."

Qin Wuge was speechless, no matter how rough the beast soul is, it is impossible for you to create it.

The air crystal wall of the imperial city was almost intact, and it had been supporting it all the time. Qin Wuge later reinforced and repaired the air crystal wall.

With the protection of this layer of air crystal wall, the safety factor of the imperial city has been greatly improved. Even Yinfeng and Kunpeng have to pay a certain price if they want to forcibly break into the air crystal wall.

The reason why Qin Wuge came here to look at Yanshan Mountain as soon as he woke up was because he was anxious to know how Bei Mingye was doing.

Although she fainted before, she could vaguely feel what happened.

"Master, come with me to Yanshan."

Qin Wuge didn't feel Bei Mingye's breath for a while, and was very anxious.

Niexi was held back by Qin Wuge, but he stared aggressively at Kunpeng far away in the sky, and answered absent-mindedly. "No! Aren't you afraid that Master will be in danger if he goes?"

Little heartless!
"You know who he is, how could he be in danger? The crown prince of the imperial clan has the power to wipe out the top sects." Nirvana had a look of resentment.

Qin Wuge oh~ said, yes!

I seem to always ignore his prince status habitually.

Bei Mingye knew very well that after he killed Zuo Huang, his identity might have been exposed.

To crush the six monks who were at the peak of the fusion stage, there is only absolute suppression of strength, or a battle formation.

The Shura Guard of the Prince of the True Yuan Empire is famous, and he once slaughtered top sects overnight.

Therefore, it is easy to doubt whether it was the prince's Shurawei who killed the six monks at the integration stage!

Bei Mingye had done enough to be Qin Wuge's master, so he naturally wouldn't try to pretend any more. He was also worried about Qin Wuge's situation, so he went back to the imperial city directly.

He tore through the void and went straight to the palace.

King Yi was sitting on a big rock in the yard and flipping some herbs, when he saw him coming back, he rolled his eyes.

"She wasn't in the room."

Bei Mingye's footsteps paused, and he looked at King Yi sharply.

King Yi rolled his eyes, "I'm fine, I ran away after waking up, you know your woman, how can I trust her!"

Bei Mingye didn't say much after hearing the words, turned around and strode outside.

He left, but was seen by the Third Prince and Elder Wu from afar.

"That's... Qin Wuge's strange master?"

Elder Wu's eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

How could he be alive, he wasn't dead?

Is that the emperor who died?
Zuohuang can be said to be the most powerful evil force in this Great Yan conflict, even more terrifying than the Witch King, this person has come back safely?
After the third prince's eyes were condensed for a while, he suddenly realized.

"So it was really him."

"Who?" Elder Wu hadn't reacted yet.

The third prince's expression was slightly complicated, "Prince, my prince's outstanding brother."

"What? That's His Highness the Crown Prince?" Elder Wu's expression changed instantly.

The murderous demon leader of the True Yuan Empire, and the evil and depraved iron-blooded prince sealed in his body?

That His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who is cold all day long and full of evil aura that no one dares to get close to?
Mr. Wu has seen Bei Mingye before, but why does he feel that the aura of this person in front of him is not similar to that of Bei Mingye?

Although the person in front of him was cold, he didn't have the cold and violent aura he had before.

It was also because of this that the third prince did not recognize him as Bei Mingye for a long time.

"Now it can finally be explained, no wonder he doesn't have the slightest fear of this prince!"

There was a bit of mockery in the third prince's tone, he looked up at the direction of the city wall.

"But before we clearly received the news from the hidden pile, saying that the prince has not obtained the divine fire, has been tortured by the evil dragon, and has been missing for a long time, and he has probably destroyed himself."

Old Wu frowned and said.

The third prince couldn't help laughing, "What kind of person is my brother, how can people find out his whereabouts easily? Self-destruction of the primordial spirit? Heh, it is clear that he has turned danger into good luck!"

Elder Wu also sighed and said: "The crown prince came here for the country of Yan. Now, the country of Yan has fallen into the hands of that Qin Wuge. The crown prince and that woman are very close. This country of Yan has also fallen into the hands of the prince."

(End of this chapter)

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