Chapter 502

Chapter 502

"Lianchenghe, what are you doing here?"

Seeing the people of Hunyuanzong, Xuan Mo also expressed his surprise. After arriving in Yan Kingdom, he found out that this small country actually intersects with many sect empires.

The situation is quite abnormal!
"The one who came to ask for debts, Dayan developed recklessly, but was unable to continue. This is a decision-making mistake!"

Lian Chenghe's words were somewhat gloomy, Xuan Mo immediately recognized it.

Hunyuanzong and Dayan are at odds!It seems the legend is true.

"Emperor Yan drove you out of the imperial city, it is indeed too much."

Because of this incident, there was a lot of trouble in the mainland. A small country of Yan dared to not give face to the five major sects so boldly. Several sects already held grudges, and Hunyuanzong was the most Jump out and express your opinion first.

I believe that several other sects will also take action at this time.

"General Mo is a sensible person. Emperor Yan's actions are far from excessive. After the five major sects helped them deal with the evil cultivators, they were ruthlessly driven away, and some sect disciples were even punished. This is a humiliation to the sect! My Hunyuanzong has decided not to conduct any trade with Yan!"

Xuan Mo nodded thoughtfully.

"Then they are really going too far. Are your sects just planning to block Yan Kingdom? No other sanctions? For example, the Hundred Nations Congress. I heard that Yan Kingdom has already obtained the qualification to participate in the conference."

Lian Chenghe shouldn't be too surprised.

"What? How is it possible! It is still in the review stage of participating in the conference, how could it be possible to determine the qualifications of the Yan Kingdom."

"As far as I know, Yan Guo is indeed qualified and has already received an invitation letter."

Xuan Mo laughed, because his appearance was too gloomy, and even when he laughed, there was a bit of gloomy air, which made Lian Chenghe have the illusion that he was plotting against Yan Guo, and couldn't help getting closer to Xuan Mo.

"If Yan Guo really dares to participate in the meeting, then she must be prepared to suffer revenge from several major sects!" Lian Chenghe cursed viciously.

Xuan Mo smiled and said nothing, despised Lian Chenghe in his heart for being a fool, and did not ask Yan Guo why he got the invitation letter in advance, and expressed his opinion in such a hurry, no wonder he was being used as a gunman!
However, the conflicts between Yan State and several major sects cannot be reconciled.

Moreover, the Yan Kingdom may become the outbreak of conflicts between several major sects. In this case, does the imperial city of the Yan Kingdom still need to be rebuilt!
When Xuan Mo was despising those Golden Armored Guards for being reckless and useless, he suddenly saw a somewhat familiar figure on the city wall.

The woman was wearing a long blue dress with an elegant temperament. When she supervised the formation of formations on the city wall, she showed her powerful cultivation of formations.

And when she draws the formation, there will be a faint breath floating, and others can't tell the difference between that breath and spiritual power.

But Xuan Mo was too familiar with that breath.

"Who is that woman?"

Xuan Mo asked Lianchenghe beside him, Lianchenghe raised his head and cast a glance, and couldn't help but look a few more times before saying.

"It's Qin Wuge's mother, she seems to be called Fu Hongxue."

"Hongxue." Xuan Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and the dark light in his eyes flowed.

It turns out that Qin Wuge is not from Dayan at all, but from the Tianlan Empire, which also explains why Leng Yu brought Jin Jiawei to help her build the city wall.

"I see!"

Xuan Mo pondered for a moment, took out a sound transmission talisman to record and crushed it.

He only needs to expose her identity, and someone will deal with them. This is called killing with a borrowed knife.

Xuan Mo's mood suddenly improved a lot, and he said to Liancheng He with a smile.

"If I help you deal with Emperor Yan, you Hunyuanzong will give us a discount on the military supplies of the Haisheng Empire. In addition, I would like to ask you Hunyuanzong to help find someone."

Surprised, Lian Chenghe simply nodded in agreement, and listened to Xuan Mo's words.

"We are here to hunt down the evil emperor Haisheng and Meng Fang. He has appeared here before. I believe that the tour Yan of the Hunyuanzong can help us track down his tracks."

Lian Chenghe naturally knew about the bad things about the Haisheng Empire, and Meng Fang was the only survivor of the overthrown imperial family.

However, it is also the only divine blood.

The divine blood of the Haisheng Emperor Clan lasted the longest, but in a riot in the country, the Haisheng Emperor Clan was slaughtered, and the Emperor Clan was replaced by the powerful Xuan Clan of the Empire.

Now, the Xuan family wants to kill the Meng family.

"It's easy to say, since the Meng family appears here, it must have something to do with evil cultivators. I, Hunyuanzong, can help you hunt down and kill Meng Fang."

Lian Chenghe readily agreed, everyone knew that the Meng clan could not turn over, so it was better to curry favor with the Xuan clan.

Moreover, the vast majority of people have a bad impression of the Meng family, because the Meng family is crazy, their own bloodlines are rather dark, and the family seems to have a tradition of madmen. Back then, as the Haisheng Emperor family, they had a lot of trouble .

Such a family just disappeared!
Xuan Mo expressed his gratitude and asked for it.

"Elder Liancheng is too polite. Naturally, we can do this kind of thing by ourselves. You just need to help us find Meng Fang's trace!"

Lian Chenghe wanted to be more polite, but seeing Xuan Mo's eyes were a bit threatening, he just remembered that the reason Xuan Mo didn't let himself help in the hunt was because he wanted to capture Meng Fang alive, so that he could extract the divine blood from Meng Fang and use it for himself Bar.

Regardless of how sanctimonious these top sects and imperial clans on the mainland are, they must be doing dark things behind their backs. It is nothing new for Xuan Mo to steal Meng Fang's divine blood power.

However, Lian Chenghe was still scornful in his heart: What is there to grab for the blood of a lunatic like the Meng family? After robbing his power, what if you become a lunatic yourself?
"The honored guest of the Haisheng Empire is married, and I'm sorry for the disappointment."

Qin Wuge came to greet him with a guard of honor, and saw Hunyuanzong fighting with Xuan Mo and others from a distance, but Qin Wuge didn't seem to notice, and greeted them attentively.

Lian Chenghe's attitude instantly became indifferent, he just wanted to clearly show Hunyuanzong's attitude to Dayan.

But Xuan Mo smiled all over his face and greeted her familiarly.

"I didn't know Yanhuang was on the spaceship before, how offensive."

Lian Chenghe's jaw dropped in shock, why was Xuan Mo so polite to Qin Wuge?
Although Xuan Mo is a general of the Haisheng Empire, he is part of the current Haisheng Emperor clan.Faced with a small emperor like Qin Wuge, he has a natural sense of superiority.

Besides, people like Xuan Mo don't seem to give face to others at all.

There must be a reason for it!

"You're welcome, I've prepared a place to stay, and please don't dislike it, General." Qin Wuge enthusiastically took Xuan Mo and the others away, but left Lian Chenghe in place.

Even Chenghe was astonished. Wasn't Qin Wuge very polite to him before?Why are you so defiant now?

It must be that he owed them too much by forcing them, Lian Chenghe was thinking whether he should give them a blow, and persecute them a few more times, and saw Wang Jinfu greet him with a flattering face.

"Oh, elder, what a negligence, don't be offended, Your Highness asked me to serve you, and the next official is currently in charge of Dayan's household department and etiquette department."

Lian Chenghe showed no expression. No matter what Wang Jinfu said about his official position, Lian Chenghe didn't take it seriously. Isn't it just an official position of the Yan Kingdom? Your Emperor Yan doesn't take it seriously, okay?

"Elder Liancheng, you see that Shuai Long is on the city wall." Wang Jinfu pointed to Lianchenghe, and Lianchenghe nodded to show that he saw it.

Wang Jinfu continued.

"The relationship between Tianlan Empire and Haisheng Empire has always been bad, you know that."

Lian Chenghe was a little surprised: the officials of Yan State knew quite a lot.

"But your Hunyuanzong is in the Tianlan Empire. If you get too close to the people of the Haisheng Empire, will the Tianlan Empire mind?"

Hearing Wang Jinfu's rhetorical question, Lian Chenghe's heart skipped a beat. Looking up, he seemed to see Long Shuai's gloomy and cold gaze, which was clearly a warning.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, even Chenghe's voice became more polite.

"Thank you, Lord Wang, for reminding me."

Wang Jinfu smiled brightly.

"It should be, it should be, after all, it was our Emperor Yan's special order, Hunyuanzong and Haisheng Empire are too close, Tianlan Empire will be unhappy."

Lian Chenghe felt that why did he seem to owe Qin Wuge a favor?Didn't you just blame others for not respecting yourself enough?

It turns out that Qin Wuge is such a delicate and transparent person who thinks of himself.

After Xuan Mo followed Qin Wuge to the arranged residence, he asked tentatively.

"Where does the old monk who lives with you live?"

(End of this chapter)

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