Chapter 531 The Haisheng Empire Are Crazy
Chapter 531 The Haisheng Empire Are Crazy
Thinking that it might be a fairy bean given to him by a prince of the True Yuan Empire, those monks who got the fairy bean couldn't help but cherish it.

In fact, these low-level hunters rarely have the opportunity to contact the powerful.

Some powerful hunting regiments are okay, but small hunting regiments and casual cultivators are bullied all day long.

Speculation about the possibility of a war between the two empires continues, and objections have been raised:

"What can the Zhenyuan Empire's [-] troops do? The Tianlan Empire has millions of troops, and there are frequent wars between the two countries. Chen's [-] troops is not a trivial matter."

The sloppy hunter squinted and roared:
"What if the [-] troops are all Prince Zhenyuan's Hades?"

Charon?Prince Beimingye is directly under the army, the most powerful elite of the Zhenyuan Empire, the army that makes the Emperor Zhenyuan fear three points?
"Wow~ I heard that Prince Zhenyuan is in Tianlan Emperor's Capital. It would be great if I had a chance to meet him." The hot girl who spoke just now had a look of nympho emotion again.Unfortunately, no one paid attention to her.How can a figure in the sky like Prince Zhenyuan fall in love with hunters like them!
On the contrary, it was the Hades of Beimingye that made them more eager to talk about it. After all, it was the army that really moved the mainland.

"Then my Tianlan Empire has Marshal Long's Golden Armored Guard, which is enough to compete with Prince Zhenyuan's Hades!" A hunter from Tianlan's own country joined the debate, speaking passionately.

Due to the pressure of the soldiers of the True Yuan Empire, Long Shuai's attention has once again increased.And this kind of attention is not only raised among the hunters, but now the entire Tianlan Imperial Capital is paying attention to Long Shuai and his Golden Armored Guards, especially after Bei Mingye destroyed a certain trading house of the Tianlan Empire.

King Yi scoffed:

"This is a program arranged by Long Shuai himself. I didn't expect him to play tricks."

King Yi pointed to the scruffy hunter below, and said: "This man must have been arranged by Commander Long."

Qin Wuge smiled and said:
"It's just a means of self-protection. If he doesn't know this, how can he protect his soldiers?"

King Yi took the opportunity to ask: "You have a good opinion of Long Shuai, it seems that you have a good impression of him?"

"We are friends!" Qin Wuge felt that King Yi was simply baffled, so why did he ask such a question.

Seeing Qin Wuge's reluctance to answer, King Yi seemed to lose interest. As soon as he went up to the second floor, he found Xuan Mo with a gloomy face shopping, but Xuan Mo put the materials in his hands after seeing someone coming upstairs. The ring was put away.

King Yi felt that Xuan Mo was acting guilty, so he went up to negotiate:
"General Xuan Mo, what a coincidence?"

Xuan Mo didn't want to pay attention to him, threw a ring containing spirit stones to the shopkeeper and left.But when he saw a piece of Qin Wuge coming up, Xuan Mo became interested. Using the Immortal Artifact Thousand Illusion to Disguise, he could hide it from ordinary people, but the powerful Xuan Mo could see through it at a glance.

"I think this little brother looks like an old friend. If he asks, I'd like to answer."

Xuan Mo's tone was frivolous, and he even approached Qin Wuge while talking, and King Yi hurried up to stop him, but Xuan Mo used his spiritual power to shake him away.

Fu Hongxue immediately blocked it, Xuan Mo let out a light snort, obviously he didn't expect that the guard was good, but Xuan Mo is a great power at the fusion stage, his strength is powerful, and his attack is even colder and vicious, like a poisonous snake.

After a few strokes, Fu Hongxue was hit on the chest with a palm, and he was beaten back a few steps.

"Stop!" King Yi desperately stepped forward to stop and protect Fu Hongxue, and Qin Wuge rushed forward with him, Xuan Mo was slightly surprised, but it was just a guard, was it worth King Yi's desperate efforts?

But Xuan Mo left King Yi behind, and stepped forward to meet Qin Wuge, entangled her like a poisonous snake.

"I really want to know what kind of divine fire is in your body." Xuan Mo's spiritual power spread, as if countless poisonous snakes had drilled out of his body, and his whole body was like a huge octopus, entangled by countless tentacles Leaving Qin Wuge alone, he bullied her body wantonly, wrapped her and wanted to retreat into a certain room.

"Xuan Mo, let her go!" King Yi saw that he dragged Qin Wuge into the house, and was furious.Fu Hongxue struggled and rushed forward regardless of the serious injury he received from the slap on his chest.

Qin Wuge couldn't help but be surprised to see the guard's appearance of protecting himself with his life.

Seeing that Xuan Mo's attack was about to fall on the guard again, Qin Wuge fought back.Black flames flew out from her palms, carrying a deadly poisonous mist.

"Being overestimated..." Seeing her resisting, Xuan Mo was about to laugh at her, but suddenly found that the poisonous mist was actually mixed with Buddhist vows.

Although Xuan Mo is not the divine blood of the Nether Ten Thousand Snake Clan, their Xuan family once served the Nether Ten Thousand Snake Clan's Meng family, and some of the exercises they cultivated had dark attributes, which happened to be suppressed by the Buddha's golden light wish.

The countless dark tentacles wrapped around Qin Wuge's body collapsed under the golden wish power and the poisonous mist. This is because Xuan Mo withdrew faster, otherwise it would be painful for him to be driven into his body by these golden wish power.

Moreover, the poison Qin Wuge released was so overbearing that Xuan Mo had no choice but to let her go.

"You actually have... Buddhist vows?"

While Xuan Mo was angry, his face also became more gloomy.It seems that Qin Wuge's attack just touched some of his bottom lines, making his rationality go crazy.

Qin Wuge, who took the opportunity to break free, had already run to the side of the guard, just about to check the guard's injuries, but saw the guard dodge, King Yi hastily explained:

"It's okay, it's just a little internal injury, I've already given her the pill."

Qin Wuge also felt relieved, so he wanted to leave with King Yi and his guards.

"Want to go?"

Xuan Mo's sneer was gloomy, and his eyes were bloodthirsty when looking at people, and they looked a bit like the fallen demon Meng Fang.

"Xuan Mo, do you dare to attack this king?"

King Yi stopped in front of Qin Wuge, and took out his shield of King Yi of the True Yuan Empire.

"Why don't you dare?" Xuan Mo's spiritual power condensed again, more gloomy and dangerous than before.Obviously, even though he fought Qin Wuge just now, he didn't take it seriously, but now he was completely enraged and became crazy and bloodthirsty.

"Are you sick? Mad dog disease?" Qin Wuge was also very angry. The people in Haisheng Empire are all madmen, they bite people when they disagree with each other, they are all mad dogs.

Xuan Mo, who was being scolded, laughed out loud, with a masochistic tendency: "Do you have medicine? Oh~ I forgot, you are an alchemist, maybe you really have medicine."

Xuan Mo's dangerous eyes focused on Qin Wuge again, his vertical pupils loomed, and his voice was low and ferocious: "Then give it to me!"

Before he finished speaking, Xuan Mo rushed up, and the entire second floor was shrouded in his terrifying and gloomy aura.

Wang Xuan, who was guarding outside, just heard the movement, and when he came up with the imperial guards, he saw that this crazy man was about to attack the goddess.

"The imperial guards form an array, stop this lunatic!"

Wang Xuan hurriedly blew the police whistle.

"Reinforcements are coming immediately, the nobleman will follow me first!"

Wang Xuan asked the Imperial Guard to stop Xuan Mo, while he brought Qin Wuge and others downstairs.

It's a pity that Xuan Mo is like a mad dog, crazy and difficult to deal with, the team of imperial guards did not stop him, and he was easily overturned to the ground, his octopus-like figure enveloped Qin Wuge's body.

Wang Xuan was very desperate, but seeing that the goddess was in danger, and when he planned to defend it with his own life, a domineering and staunch aura appeared.

That aura rushed straight at Xuan Mo, and collided with his octopus-like spiritual power tentacles, knocking Xuan Mo back like a crushing blow.

Xuan Mo turned his head in horror, and seeing Long Shuai who appeared on the second floor, he couldn't believe it: "How could it be you? You also have the blessing of wish power?"

Xuan Mo originally thought that it was the old monk on the spaceship who made the move, but such a terrifying wish was actually made by Long Shuai?
Long Shuai eagerly went to Qin Wuge's side, and after seeing that she was not injured, he was relieved.

"Xuan Mo, you are too presumptuous!"

After coming to Tianlan Empire, Long Shuai had always felt guilty towards Qin Wuge, but now seeing her being bullied, Long Shuai was naturally furious, especially Xuan Mo was still his old opponent, this time he would not stop dying.

Xuan Mo and Long Shuai are equal in strength, the two have been rivals for so many years, and they have won and lost each other, but this time Long Shuai completely suppressed Xuan Mo.Beat him so badly.

In Long Shuai's attack, there was a faint golden light flowing, which was the Buddhist vow power, which just suppressed Xuanmo's dark spiritual power, and the trigger of these vow power seemed to be emitted from the pendant around Long Shuai's neck .

"It's because of the teacher's succession stone that master gave us!" Qin Wuge also thought of the golden wish power that burst out from his body just now, which turned out to be a gift from master Miaoxuan to them.

How precious!
But at this moment, a golden light purely composed of wish power struck towards him. It was countless times stronger than the golden light wish power on Long Shuai's body, and it was sacred and vast.Long Shuai was so shocked that he was stunned, while Xuan Mo was chopped and flew to the wall.

Kill in one move~!
(End of this chapter)

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