Chapter 562 Come, Surprise You
Chapter 562 Come, Surprise You
Bei Mingye obediently followed Qin Wuge and left the weapon mound, and was under the surveillance of so many magic weapons.

The other elders of the sect also came out, and they all found nothing, only Lightning was carrying a huge axe.

"There was an inexplicable turmoil in the weapon mound just now. We didn't dare to stay longer, so we came out!" Mingjie looked disappointed. He saw a lot of weapons, but when he wanted to try to get them, he found that there were all kinds of weapons on them. With the power of the blood of the Qin clan, foreign clansmen are rejected.

In other words, this weapon tomb is exclusively for the Qin family, and they can't use it at all.

Lightning, however, came out smoothly carrying an axe. The ax was lying beside it, dull and like a piece of scrap metal. of the Yiwen axe.

A spirit treasure that can freely change in size and can be upgraded.Although the level is not high, it is just right for Qiu Lao to use.

Seeing Qiulao's appearance of carrying the weave ax is very harmonious, all the monks can't help but be jealous.

Bei Mingye would not admit that the turmoil in the weapon tomb was caused by his own intervention. Since these sect monks couldn't take away the weapons inside, it was useless for them to go in.

"Since this is the case, I will compensate everyone with materials, and let these haters go in and choose suitable weapons."

Bei Mingye let these Qiu Lao go in and explore, which naturally made them happy.

Naturally, Mingjie and the others would not leave in a hurry, but recuperated outside the weapon grave, which could be regarded as protecting them.

"We still have to go in?" Seeing that Bei Mingye was already preparing, Qin Wuge couldn't help asking.

"Yes~ I'll change my appearance this time." Bei Mingye grinned and followed Qin Wuge into the gate, then restrained his breath and turned into a white-haired old man.

Since you can detect your own divine blood in the weapon tomb, then it's fine to restrain the divine blood yourself.

Especially the breath of the ghost beast, which was hidden by him without a trace.

A few Qiu Lao followed in, and Bei Mingye arranged for them to scatter to find their treasures.

Bei Mingye and she went straight to the place just now.

Still the same as last time, Qin Wuge's appearance aroused the resonance of the weapons. Countless weapons that produced weapon souls rushed to her side, and even a few illusory weapon spirits came out, maintaining the human form. With an illusory gesture, he showed his favor to Qin Wuge, and mocked Bei Mingye by the way:
"Look at that old man, at such a great age, he is still a Nascent Soul."

"Foreigner, you are not of Qin's blood, so you cannot make a contract with us. It is useless for you to come in!"

"That's right, stupid or not, if foreigners enter Qin's weapon tomb, aren't they afraid that their souls will be refined!"


Qin Wuge could hear the conversations of the spirits clearly, especially the sentence that refined the soul.

Refining human souls into magical artifacts can enhance the ability of magical artifacts. This trick is often used by evil cultivators. The people of the Qin clan are descendants of divine blood, so they will also use this evil refining technique?
Qin Wuge wanted to prove it, so he came to the place where the magic circle was found before.

The lotus-shaped trace is still obvious, and the magic weapons around are still deliberately avoiding it. There are only a few scattered remnants, who have long lost their aura, and look even more lonely.

The magic weapon spirits originally followed Qin Wuge, but after Qin Wuge came here, those weapon spirits automatically avoided a certain distance. It seemed that the breath here made the weapon spirits feel uncomfortable.

Bei Mingye's disguise successfully deceived Qi Ling, and he, who was no longer attacked by Qi Ling, stepped forward to help Qin Wuge check whether there was any danger.

The material used to engrave the magic circle on the ground seems to be the same as the iron sheet in his hand, but he didn't find any suspension cables here. When he was staring at the blood stained with the lotus pattern in a daze, Qin Wu Song felt a stronger throbbing.

It was as if there was an aura that resonated with her on the blood that had already dried up.

"I'll try to use the Soul Gathering Array."

After Qin Wuge asked Bei Mingye to take a step back, he drew the formation lines beside the lotus figure.The iron-like ground formations are naturally inclusive, making her more handy when drawing formations.

With the completion of the formation, when the power of the formation was activated, wisps of light red floated from the dry blood, gathering more and more in the formation, and finally gathered into an illusory girl form.

"Sister~ run, they are going to kill you..."

Before the girl finished speaking, she stopped abruptly.

A sharp red light exploded from one end of the weapon mound, instantly annihilating the gathered phantom of the girl.

Qin Wuge could feel that there was a lot of malice in the sharp red light.

"The Qin Clan's Weapon Tomb hides such an evil magic weapon?"

Qin Wuge became angry, sacrificed the divine fire, and ran towards the direction where the red glow shot out.

Bei Mingye followed closely behind. Although there was danger ahead, he had a premonition that it was the secret hidden in the weapon tomb, and it was also the key to unlocking Qin Wuge's secret.

Along the way, countless weapon spirits dodged one after another. Although these weapon spirits did not speak, Qin Wuge felt that these weapon spirits were stopping her.

These spirits knew the danger ahead, and they didn't want Qin Wuge to take the risk.

But at this moment, Qin Wuge had to go.

The magic weapons in front began to appear densely, and a desert lay in front of them, with countless dark iron swords stuck on them, scattered in disorder, like weapons in an ancient battlefield, when outsiders approached, those scattered weapons suddenly all moved. Standing up, they were infused with life as if they had been summoned, forming a terrifying sword array.

Facing the sharpness of countless black iron swords, Qin Wuge hastily stopped Bei Mingye:

"Don't move, let me do it."

Bei Mingye is still in a state of converging his spiritual power, so he only has the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage, and he cannot cope with this kind of sword array.

"Okay, I'll help you here." Bei Mingye simply agreed, and took out a radiant umbrella.

Qin Wuge only felt that the umbrella looked familiar, and judging by the product festival, it must have reached the level of an artifact.

However, she didn't think too much, because the sword array in front of her had already started to attack.

Several wide and thick black swords were in front of them, stabbing down with a buzzing sound.Even the most solid magic weapon defense may not be able to stop the powerful attack of this giant sword. The black giant sword is like an armored warrior in a battle formation, charging bravely, while the slender black sword keeps harassing and assassinating from tricky angles.

More black swords attacked in front of the group. If it weren't for Qin Wuge's Heavenly Thunder Armor Formation, ordinary monks would probably collapse under one round of attacks from the sword formation.

"The power of this sword formation is already comparable to the sword formation of Wan Jianzong."

Bei Mingye commented that Qin's ability to have such a sword array shows its strength.

And the one who can manipulate this sword array is probably not just the weapon spirit of a certain weapon, maybe there is a certain great power hidden here.

Facing the power of this kind of sword formation, Qin Wuge did not back down, on the contrary, she became more and more courageous as she fought. It was also a kind of experience for her to have the opportunity to fight such a battle formation.

The Heavenly Thunder Armored Formation was crumbling under a round of attacks from the Sword Formation. Qin Wuge did not continue to add spirit stones to the Sword Formation. Instead, at the moment the Heavenly Thunder Armored Formation was destroyed, he activated the Divine Fire to envelop his whole body and move towards the sword formation. The center of the sword formation greeted them.

Every battle formation has weaknesses, and the weakness of this battle formation is the weakness of the center position.

Qin Wuge, who was protected by the divine fire, went on a rampage. When the iron swords touched the divine fire, they fell one after another and fell to the ground and turned into ashes.

"Sure enough, these iron swords are not magic weapons, they are just manipulated by you!"

Qin Wuge believed that it was impossible for the opponent to operate so many magic weapons to form a sword formation, so she dared to drive the Shenhuo Bodyguard and confront these weapons head-on.

"Hehe~ I'm not cowardly, but reckless!"

The old voice sounded again, hidden among the countless black swords was a distinctive narrow sword, just as Qin Wuge forced his way in, the narrow sword pierced Qin Wuge directly under the cover of countless black swords. The heart of the song.

A narrow sword with unquenchable fire, one hit will kill.

"Watch your back!"

Bei Mingye exploded at this moment, and the hidden blood power reappeared. Even because of his eagerness, the blood power that had been dormant in his body showed up, and black scale phantoms appeared on his arms.

He grabbed the narrow sword that was about to pierce Qin Wuge's back.

It was only after he grabbed the narrow sword that he saw that she was carrying a fairy pot on her back. The pot that could hold divine water and various divine materials could naturally hold the narrow sword.

She had already prepared everything to deal with it, but she was too impatient.

At this moment, Bei Mingye reflected in his heart, his worry about her was that he didn't trust her, should he change it?
(End of this chapter)

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