Chapter 564 Family Evil
Chapter 564 Family Evil
"Your race has been slaughtered, this is the only pet left in your race."

Bei Mingye threw the snatched dragon finch to the ground.

The juvenile dragon finch is extremely ugly, it is completely a gray-haired, bald duck. When it was thrown on the ground, it obviously hurt from the fall.

The man yelled in distress, and ran over to pick up the sparrow on the ground.

The dragon bird felt very safe in the man's arms, rubbing against the man's chest affectionately, screaming, looking at Bei Mingye frequently, as if complaining.

"You horned dragons are vulgar, don't you know how to love young animals?"

The man was filled with anger when he thought of Bei Mingye's rude action of throwing the dragon bird just now.

Bei Mingye ignored the other party's questioning, turned around and pulled Qin Wuge out:

"There is only one single seedling left in the dragon finch, and it is useless for you to feed it. It cannot reproduce at all."

That full of dislike made the man furious. Seeing that Bei Mingye and the others were about to leave, the man rushed up to make a move. The pure blood of the Yuling clan was sharp and tyrannical. The man's spiritual power could be transformed into countless flying feathers, mixed with lightning all over the sky.

This is the true strength of the Feather Spirit Clan, the terrifying power that once made the entire continent tremble.

Beimingye's Nether Beast rushed forward, but failed to effectively block it.

Bei Mingye protected Qin Wuge and retreated quickly. Fortunately, they were not far from the weapon mound. With Bei Mingye's blood power and the Nether Beast blocking them, they returned to the door smoothly.

Nie Xi was taking a few Qiu Laos to pick up weapons and go out. Seeing that Qin Wuge was in danger, Nie Xi turned back and ran out with Qin Wuge.

The man seemed to be attracted by Nirvana, leaving Bei Mingye behind and chased him out.

"There's a lunatic! Let's work together to take him down."

Nirvana shouted after leaving the weapon mound, and the elders gathered outside the weapon mound happened to be fine, so they rushed up in a frenzy. Miaoxuan charged at the front, waving his Zen staff, with bright eyes on his dignified face But he didn't hide his excitement.

"I am the king of the Feather Spirit Clan, you can't do anything to me!"

"Qin Feng, come and save me!"

How could the man be the opponent of so many people, but he was hit by Miaoxuan's Zen staff after a while, and the elders among them rushed forward and released their magic weapons and various fairy weapons, binding the man tightly Reality.

The man stared straight at Nirvana and shouted for help.

Nirvana still looked contemptuous and cursed:
"Who is Qin Feng! I'm a monk, why save you a lunatic!"

The man's eyes were scarlet, and after staring at Nirvana for a while, blood flowed out: "Qin Feng, you pretend to be a member of the Qin clan!"

"I am a monk!" Nirvana repeated again.

As authentic monks, Wanfozong and others looked at each other in blank dismay.They will not recognize this monk.

The other sect monks were also full of embarrassment. Niexi has been called Qin Feng twice in a row, and the man in front of him has become crazy so that they all recognize Niexi. It seems that they can't be wrong.

Miaoxuan stood up, glanced at the crowd peacefully, and waited for the crowd to silence before he spoke:
"The Qin royal family has self-mutilation behaviors, so it is not surprising that there are a few lunatics. You have all seen his eyes. Once he left the weapon tomb, his eyes became blind, and he became blind. I can’t go back to the weapon tomb to control the spirit.”

Everyone could see that there was indeed something wrong with the man's eyes, and he started to bleed after scarlet.

It didn't take long before he really went blind.

"Who are you?" The man listened to Miaoxuan's words, and when he turned his head to look at him, his eyes had turned into blood holes.

Miaoxuan sighed and continued:

"Hey~ Blindness cannot be cured, this is the backlash he received from the weapon spirit!"

The erudite Miaoxuan continued to explain to everyone:

"Every large weapon mound needs to be suppressed. Now there are suppressing magic circles in the weapon mounds of the sects on the mainland, and the Qin family should not have suppressed magic circles. They still use the most primitive way to control magic weapons. The method is to have people with the most powerful bloodlines in the clan, control those weapon spirits through the world soul stone tablet, so as to prevent the powerful weapon spirits from swallowing the weak weapon spirits, and suppress those restless weapon spirits."

Everyone knows that magic soldiers need to be suppressed and sealed, and some weapons that are too bloody or too hostile also need to be sealed and suppressed.

The weapon tombs of the various sects have all kinds of magic circles and soul-suppressing objects, and only the Qin clan is so backward, choosing the most primitive and cruel living people to control.

"In the past, there were more things that sealed monks' souls into weapons, so these conscious weapon souls would resist more fiercely."

Miaoxuan's explanation made everyone nod their heads in amazement. Needless to say, the weapon spirits in the weapon tomb need to be suppressed. Many magic weapons with owners need to be suppressed by their masters, especially those magic weapons with strong anger. If one is not careful, it is easy to be suppressed by weapons His sternness was backlashed, and he fell into a demon.

"It is not the patent of evil cultivators to quench the soul into the magic weapon. In the past, many races on the mainland liked to seal the monk's soul and primordial spirit into the magic weapon, especially among relatives and Taoist companions."

Those who used to have the deepest feelings, when they died and couldn’t take it back or didn’t want to take it away, they would melt their souls and souls into their beloved magical artifacts, which not only increased the level and energy of the magical artifacts, but also made them more concerned. In, sent a sentiment.

But the disadvantages of this approach will be revealed after many years. Those souls who have no body and are sealed in the magic weapon will eventually become distorted and dark, which will naturally affect the magic weapon itself and become full of negative energy.

But people didn't realize that there was something wrong with the method of sealing the soul. Instead, they thought that the sealed soul itself was not strong enough.

Even now, many orthodox monks still secretly refine and seal the souls of relatives into magic weapons, never to be separated.Human beings have extremely high intelligence, but they are also emotionally rich and fragile.

"The magic weapons in this weapon tomb are all contaminated with the power of your people. It should be your people who were sealed in it, and he is the victim of suppressing the resistance of those weapon spirits!"

Miaoxuan pointed at the man on the ground with pity in his tone.

Master Voldemort said cautiously:
"Master, he should have deserved what he deserved. He has a lot of obsessions and doesn't know how to repent."

Miaoxuan nodded in agreement:
"That's right, but our Buddhist family is merciful. We can't just watch him die like this. There is no cure for blindness, but we can save his life!"

Miaoxuan hit the back of the man's head with a Zen stick, and after knocking the man unconscious, Miaoxuan squatted down, stretched out his hands and pinched several big acupuncture points on the man's body, and used his vast spiritual power to drive out a lot of blood in the man's body.

After the blood dripped to the ground, it disappeared automatically. It was very strange, as if the blood was not real, but was transformed by the breath. Miaoxuan didn't stop until the dark red blood fell on the ground and did not disappear.

He sat on the ground with a pale face, cross-legged in meditation.

Master Fu Mo led the monks of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect to protect him. The surrounding monks were extremely moved when they saw Master Miaoxuan personally save people.

"Teacher, he has too much physical deficit and needs to be healed. You are the best at this." When Miaoxuan was healing weakly, he still did not forget to speak to Qin Wuge.

Qin Wuge hurriedly took the best elixir and gave it to the master first. Miaoxuan took it with satisfaction, swallowed it and closed his eyes in satisfaction.

The man on the ground was bleeding profusely, and his originally thin body was now shriveled, skinny and haggard, and if he was not still panting, one would doubt whether he was a mummy.

When Qin Wuge was about to go up to check, he was held back by Bei Mingye, and the leisurely King Yi was pushed up:
"You come!"

"Bei Mingye, you are heartless, don't you know that I have a cleanliness? I am even more ugly and reject those who are not good-looking, do you think anyone can let me see a doctor?" Yi Wang resentfully expressed his resistance.

"Heal him, and the stone pillar inside will be given to you." With a single sentence from Bei Mingye, King Yi rushed up to check it out, and even smiled at Qin Wuge very courteously:
"Don't blame me for robbing your Qin family's treasure, he gave it to me!"

Qin Wuge didn't care, she had a bad impression of that stone pillar, and even instinctively rejected it.

Taking advantage of King Yi's time to check on the man, Bei Mingye whispered to her:
"There are a lot of secrets on that stone pillar. He can't finish his research. He will still look for you when the time comes. Now handing it over to him is to let him help you take the lead."

King Yi is eager to learn but not skilled, and his curiosity is not easy to be teased. Bei Mingye has seen through this point of him, so it is really easy to deal with him.

Qin Wuge looked at Yi Wang who was working hard to save the man, and suddenly felt that he was so pitiful as a little uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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