Chapter 606 Fortunately, there is him
Chapter 606 Fortunately, there is him
The people of the Qin clan by the holy lake also spotted Qin Wuge approaching.

For a moment, the faces of these clansmen were filled with surprise and even panic, as if Qin Wuge was an intruder.

Most of the people here are old and weak, women and children, and the guards on duty are all teenagers. When they saw her, they held up the sword in their hands nervously, and asked a little stammeringly:
" did you come here? Outsiders can't get in, this place is protected by the holy lake!"

Qin Wuge was surprised to find that Miaoxuan did not follow her. She looked back, but she couldn't find him. There seemed to be a transparent barrier around the holy lake. In other words, the holy lake formed its own space, unless Qin Wuge Clan blood, other people can't get in.

It's no wonder that the remaining blood of the Qin clan can survive by relying on the holy lake.

Moreover, although people outside have heard of the holy lake, no one has ever found it.

Apart from the top ten blood gods, the holy lake is one of their legends.

"Hehe~ Sure enough, there is such a place."

Han Zichen's voice suddenly sounded beside Qin Wuge, Qin Wuge was surprised, he threw out the magic fire, and after the magic fire approached the shadow, Han Zichen jumped out of the shadow.

The thin middle-aged man had an evil and cold smile on his face, and his aura and coercion also changed.Where is he still a monk in the previous fusion stage, he is clearly already a master in the Mahayana stage.

Just now, relying on Qin Wuge and being in her shadow, he entered this holy lake together.

"You've lived too long."

Han Zichen's eyes like poisonous snakes swept over the surviving members of the Qin clan, and the aura of killing pervaded them.

Those frightened Qin clansmen wanted to find a place to hide like frightened birds, but the holy lake was the only shelter they had left. Once they entered the range of the holy lake, there was a flat river. Except for jumping into the lake, they could no longer find it. any hiding place.

"Where's Elder Qin?" Qin Wuge stopped in front of Han Zichen, and asked loudly those clansmen who were fleeing in a hurry.

"The elder brought people to the devil's lair, why are you trying to kill us? Are you from the Qin clan? Why did you bring the villains in?"

Facing the questioning from the clansmen, Qin Wuge had nothing to say. She was too careless to notice that Han Zichen, a Mahayana monk, was attached to her shadow.

It turned out that the previous meeting was planned by them in advance, and the five-member team was just a cover.

"You want to stop me?"

Han Zichen looked at Qin Wuge with a smile, his eyes were mocking, and he felt that she was completely acting like a mantis.

"Your previous illusion was really powerful, but it's useless to me, a Mahayana cultivator!"

Han Zichen waved his hand lightly, and the thick stellar energy flew towards him with an evil aura. Even though Qin Wuge was protected by the divine fire, he was still forced to retreat by his aura.

"Hmm~ I even forgot that you still have the divine fire." Han Zichen laughed even more evilly. He was lucky this time, not only successfully broke into the holy lake, but also captured Qin Wuge who possessed the divine fire.

The flesh and blood of this royal family's divine blood can increase his cultivation, and the divine fire can be used by him.

Han Zichen had already seen the fighting power of these Qin clan gathering places. After Elder Qin took the warriors out, there were only old and weak people with little fighting power left here. He, a half-god, was enough to kill this place.

And Qin Wuge is not his opponent.

Only Miaoxuan who followed was difficult to deal with, but Miaoxuan didn't follow in, it was a great opportunity.

"What? You want to release Han Ya to threaten me? Hehe~ It's useless!"

When Han Zichen saw that Qin Wuge had released Han Ya, he sneered.On the surface, he is the royal guard of South Korea, but his actual identity is the elder of Zhushen Temple, so he doesn't care about Han Ya's identity at all.

"I just let her witness the defeat of you, a traitor."

After Qin Wuge threw Han Ya, he kicked Han Ya, only to wake up screaming and hurting Han Ya.

"You dare to hit me? You want to die! Han Zichen, kill her for me!"

Han Ya still had the irritable and savage temper before, she was sitting on the ground rubbing the sore spot from Qin Wuge's kick, and when she caught a glimpse of Han Zichen beside her, she immediately yelled for orders.

It's a pity that Han Ya shouted for a long time, but Han Zichen, who was very obedient before, didn't respond at all.

She looked over strangely, and found that Han Zichen was looking at her with mocking and cold eyes.

Han Ya simply doesn't know him anymore. Is this still the head of the Korean Royal Guard?
"I really admire your stupidity, don't you see the evil spirit in him?"

Qin Wuge sneered, looking like he was watching the fun.

Han Ya was so stimulated that she immediately retorted:
"None of your business!"

"It's none of my business, but it's just for you to come out and see his true face clearly. The chief guard you raised in Korea is that kind of guy." Qin Wuge's leisurely tone deeply stimulated Han Zichen.

"I'm very surprised, why are you still so confident? Do you think you can defeat me with magic fire and illusion?" Han Zichen felt puzzled, could this Qin Wuge be a fool, unable to see the situation in front of him clearly?
"Han Ya, have you seen clearly?" Qin Wuge ignored him, but said to Han Ya.

Han Ya has long been frightened by Han Zichen's evil aura, and his aura shows that he is a demigod at the Mahayana stage!There are no demigod monks in South Korea. Han Zichen hides so deeply, which only makes Han Ya feel terrified.

"Princess Han, please let me know that your father is dead, and now your father is one of us, and he likes you very much ~ quack quack ~"

Han Zichen's weird and crazy laughter made Han Ya tremble with shame and indignation. She felt that her father's behavior was very strange recently, especially when he was hugging her, his hands and feet were not at all disciplined.

Now after listening to Han Zichen's explanation, Han Ya realized that her father had changed!

Qin Wuge couldn't help cursing.

Han Zichen didn't care, and laughed wildly:
"Curse as much as you want, anyway, you will all be dead in a while!"

Han Zichen's momentum was bluffing, and a murderous aura filled the sky. The Qin clan huddled together, looking at everything that happened here with complicated eyes.They also felt the familiar clan aura from Qin Wuge, but it's a pity that she came to their gathering place with danger.

How does this make the Qin clan like her?But now she stood firmly in front of them and defended them, which moved the Qin clan.

"I'd be happy to keep the beautiful ones among you, and it's good for us to entertain!"

Han Zichen continued to release pressure, and his heavy breath suppressed everyone.His mood was excited and crazy. After the feast of blood, these beautiful women were left behind to humiliate him, which caused his blood to spurt now.

"I've never heard of anyone with a bad mouth like you."

Bei Mingye's voice suddenly appeared behind him, followed by his Shen Yan knife's volley slash.When Qin Wuge released Han Ya just now, Bei Mingye sneaked out of the portable space and sneaked behind him.

And Qin Wuge's illusion was activated at this time, and the illusion spread like a fabrication.

Han Zichen, who was shrouded in illusion, sneered again and again:
"You want to use illusions like yours against me?"

He has tried her illusion before, so he will never be trapped again, but what happened to the sharp flames coming from behind?

Han Zichen, who was in the illusion, dodged the attack behind him, and the pressure on his body swelled to the point that Qin Wuge's illusion exploded.

But at the moment when he broke the illusion, a tall figure rushed from behind again, slashing out scarlet flames with the Shen Yan knife in his hand.

"It turned out to be true?"

Han Zichen hastily raised his talisman, wanting to resist the opponent's blow, but he didn't want the Shen Yan knife to break his talisman directly, slashing on his shoulder, almost cutting off half of his body .


The seriously injured Han Zichen threw out the bracelet on his wrist, and after the bracelet fell to the ground, it turned into countless black beasts, and rushed ferociously at the surrounding Qin clan.

Han Zichen, who knew he was going to die, released the ferocious beast he raised before he died, intending to kill all the Qin clan members here, and let these people be buried with him.There are so many of these ferocious beasts, even if there are powerful ones to intercept them, they may not be able to intercept them all.

But he could not rest assured that the countless beasts stopped in an instant, and all of them fell down stiffly.

"It's your illusion again! The range is so large?"

Han Zichen vomited a mouthful of blood, desperate and unwilling.talent
"To deal with low-level beasts like you, my illusion is naturally the best!" Qin Wuge used this kind of range illusion for the first time, and the effect was so good.

Qin Wuge understood why Senior Hong Yu was able to cross the continent and kill fierce beasts alone, because Senior Hong Yu not only has a high level of cultivation, but also has divine weapons and divine fire assistance, plus the ability to weave illusions, no one in the world can beat him.

Even for Senior Hong Yu, dealing with a sect is as easy as dealing with a person. As long as her illusion can cover the sect, she can easily kill a cultivator in the sect.

Just like Qin Wuge's illusion can kill countless beasts, this makes Qin Wuge extremely excited.However, this trip was dangerous, but fortunately he was brought along!

(End of this chapter)

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