Chapter 608 The Best Feeling
Chapter 608 The Best Feeling
The lifespan of the Yuling clan is slightly longer than that of humans, so the growth rate is also slightly slower.

The war more than ten years ago exhausted the adult members of the Yuling clan, and those who hid in the holy lake area were old and weak. Now the new generation of grown-up warriors is the only fighting force of the Qin clan.

Therefore, the elders of several clans were so nervous after learning that the warriors led by Elder Qin might be in danger.

"Maybe they're just coming back late."

Qin Wuge couldn't bear these people's worries, so he comforted them, and by the way, gave Bei Mingye a look, signaling him not to scare these people anymore.

Bei Mingye nodded obediently, he was just intimidating.Who made these Qin clansmen look too unfriendly, but he ignored that these people are Qin Wuge clansmen, her roots and concerns.

Bei Mingye still remembered the dream he had seen her, the little girl who rejected everything and couldn't feel the warmth.

Now that she has found her clansman, it is natural to protect her shortcomings.

Everyone has something to protect, and so does she. These blood descendants are what she needs to protect. Moreover, these tribesmen have indeed paid a lot in resisting the evil spirits. They deserve such protection.

"It seems that the holy lake does not have the resources you need for life, so you need to go out to collect and hunt." Bei Mingye observed the surroundings of the holy lake, where there are pure lake water, grassland, and dense forests, but There was nothing edible.

After the Qin clan took refuge here, they did not develop or plant it. They tried their best to maintain the original appearance around the holy lake.

Therefore, the source of livelihood of thousands of clansmen became a problem, which is why Elder Qin often took warriors out.

Several elders in the clan remained silent, obviously they didn't want to continue on this topic, or talking about this topic would only make them feel embarrassed.

As a descendant of divine blood, he hides around the holy lake.They also want to go out, but they no longer have the ability to go out.

"Aren't you willing to leave this place? Since the holy lake is protected by your sacred-blood race and should not be defiled, is it wrong for you to live here?" Bei Mingye negotiated again.

The oldest elder in the clan looked at Bei Mingye and hummed:

"You, a race that has abandoned the Emperor's Forest, are not worthy of talking about the holy lake!"

The Horn Dragon Clan has always been at odds with the Feather Spirit Clan, and they are often scolded for treachery, because the Horn Dragon Clan moved out of the Emperor Forest.

Of the top ten blood gods that used to be in the Emperor's Forest, only the Yuling clan is left now.

After intermarrying with other humans, the sacred blood of the few sacred blood races that moved out became weak, which became an excuse for the Nine Heavens Feather Spirit Clan to laugh at the Great Desolation Horned Dragon Clan.

Bei Mingye did not deny the contribution of the Nine Heavens Feather Spirit Clan to guarding the Demon Cave, but after learning about the transformation of demons from Yinfeng, he couldn't help but wonder whether it would be most beneficial for all the sacred-blood races to move out. Woolen cloth?

"Are you worthy to talk about the holy lake?"

Qin Wuge kept silent just now, and she didn't speak out because she has gratitude and respect for the elders of the tribe, but it doesn't mean that she can let these people insult Bei Mingye!
So, when he heard the old man insulting Bei Mingye with a look of contempt, Qin Wuge questioned him angrily.

" you know how to respect elders?"

The old man knew he was in the wrong, and after being speechless after being questioned, he became angry from embarrassment. He put on a gesture of relying on his old man, pointed at Qin Wuge and questioned him.

The other old men also looked at Qin Wuge angrily. The only thing they can save face now is their age.

"Then do you know how to treat guests? He is the prince of the Zhenyuan Empire, and he brought the imperial guards to the Emperor Forest to bury your bones for you, to redress the tragedy that happened more than ten years ago and the crimes that were placed on your heads. Does it deserve your respect?"

Qin Wuge pulled Bei Mingye to his side and questioned the old men loudly, as if protecting the calf.

Bei Mingye, who was protected behind him, enjoyed it very much. The things he did were not small, and there was no need to publicize them, let alone the gratitude of others. Now it is enough to have Qin Wuge's protection.

Listening to Qin Wuge's words, several clan elders showed shame on their faces, and argued feebly:
"We have also been secretly burying the bones of our tribe all these years, but we are too weak without the protection of the dragon bird."

Only then did Qin Wuge realize that there was not a single sparrow in the place where their tribe lived.

In the past, the members of the Yuling tribe lived with the dragonfinch, and almost every clansman who could fight would have a dragonfinch. Although it is not a top-level beast like the dragonfinch king, as a sacred dragonfinch, it can be owned after adulthood Fifty to sixty percent of the fighting power of the beast.

This is also the reason why Qin's divine blood is so powerful, they can communicate with divine birds and make divine birds their fighting partners.

But after the massacre, they seem to have lost this ability.

"During the war more than ten years ago, our sparrows were slaughtered and their eggs were lost..." Speaking of the past, the faces of these elders were even more ugly. After all, it was embarrassing.

"If I can help you find the dragon bird egg, can you move out?" Qin Wuge asked suddenly.

As soon as they heard that the dragon bird eggs might be found, not only the few elders, but almost all the clansmen wanted to gather here. The dragon bird is the foundation of their battle. If they can find it, they might be able to recreate the glory of the Qin clan back then .

"I'll help you find dragonfinch eggs after you move out!" Bei Mingye interjected.

Bei Mingye could see that because Qin Wuge was negotiating with his own clan, he cared too much about his clan's feelings, and lacked negotiating skills and arguments, so he could only be the "wicked person".

The people of the Qin clan obviously hesitated. They didn't want to move out. The shadow of the massacre was still hanging over their hearts. Now that they have become weak, they have lived comfortably in the holy lake. They don't want to move out to take risks, let alone face Contempt for the world.

They used to be aloof gods, how could they bear this kind of insult?

Bei Mingye did not continue to negotiate with them, but directly pulled Qin Wuge out of their camp and went for a walk around.

"Blindly compromising will only make them push forward! Laziness and ease can change the characteristics of a race."

Beside the calm lake, Bei Mingye lowered his voice to remind her that he tried his best to soften his voice so as not to touch the rebellious scale in her heart of protecting the clansmen.

Qin Wuge was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly:
"I can also see their ease and cowardice, but they are the descendants of the demon warriors who guard the devil's lair, and they may be their children."

So, since it's those persistent and loyal descendants, what's the harm in being gentler to them and protecting them a little more?

Bei Mingye talked about the Haisheng Empire:

"The sacred blood of the Haisheng Emperor Clan respects pure blood, so even though they created the empire, they still adhere to the strict rules of marriage within the clan and no intermarriage with outsiders is allowed. In the beginning, it was indeed because of their persistence that they guaranteed The purity of the divine blood also allowed them to inherit powerful divine power."

"However, their marriage method caused dissatisfaction among the nobles in the country, and because of the intermarriage within the clan, many people died young and became disabled. The Haisheng Emperor clan gradually withered. When the Xuan clan overthrew them, the Haisheng Emperor clan was no more than ten thousand. People, after a massacre, the Haisheng Emperor Clan completely disappeared."

Qin Wuge heard what he meant. Although the Nine Heavens Yuling Clan used to have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people, if they still stick to the Emperor Forest, they will only end up in the same fate as the Haisheng Emperor Clan.

When the population base is insufficient, intra-clan marriage is equivalent to inbreeding, which will only wither.

"Have you noticed that there are not many newborns born in your clan?"

After the Qin family was wiped out, they now have a new habitat. If they are still stable, they should try their best to reproduce, but they have seen just now that there are thousands of people, very few children, most of them are old people and children. women.

Therefore, it is urgent for the Yuling clan to move out of the emperor's forest, and there is also the Temple of Zhushen, who has been trying to completely wipe out the Qin clan.

Listening to Bei Mingye's words, Qin Wuge realized the seriousness of the matter. It was all because of her lack of experience and knowledge. When looking at problems, she always saw the appearance. If he hadn't pointed it out, she would not have seen the essence of the matter.

When the Qin family is attached to this place and does not want to leave, even if she uses coercive means, she will take all these clansmen away!

"Fortunately, I have you!"

Qin Wuge looked at him, solemnly.This journey is indeed because of him, otherwise, how could she come to the present?
And Bei Mingye is not like this, if she is not there, he may have already gone crazy, how can he still have this sharpness and calmness now.

The best relationship is one of mutual progress and improvement.

(End of this chapter)

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