Chapter 629 The Secret Hidden in His Body

Chapter 629 The Secret Hidden in His Body

Luo Yunsheng discovered that Qin Wuge was there, which had a very positive influence on him.

Although the old prime minister Ji Yunhan was very polite to him before, the old prime minister would not stand on his side, but the appearance of Qin Wuge pushed the old prime minister to his side.

"Your son is only in his sixties. After having the Zengyuan Pill, he can naturally regain his youth. I will find a good woman in the empire to help him give birth to a more talented child."

The old prime minister is still very grateful for the words of the third prince. Although he can find a good woman for his son with the power of the Ji family as the old prime minister, wouldn't it be more convenient and beneficial to have the third prince!

"Yufeng Clan, I want Yufeng Clan!"

Ji Shuhe, who was already half-dead, opened his eyes at this time. When he talked about the Yufeng clan, his drowsy eyes shone greedily, which showed how much he cared about those Yufeng clan.

Ji Yunhan only felt that his old face was burning red, he was so smart, it was embarrassing in front of the third prince.

Fortunately, the third prince is good-tempered and educated, even if he despises Ji Shuhe's behavior, he will not show it. Even, the third prince hesitated for a while, and said:
"It's not impossible."

Ji Yunhan is already old, and has long since lost those desires for men and women, but Ji Shuhe is different, he is the kind of pervert who wants to "love" after death, and in this half-dead state, he is still thinking about those imperial lovers. The beauty of the Wind Clan.

Especially when he heard that the third prince actually intended to support him, Ji Shuhe was even happier, and expressed his position in front of the third prince more definitely:
"As long as the third prince fulfills my wish, I will follow the third prince from now on, and I will never hesitate to die!"

Ji Yunhan also has nothing to say, his son has become a useless person, his allegiance is cheap to anyone, and as long as the third prince doesn't dislike him, Ji Yunhan will try his best to help his son and the third prince.

"I heard that the surviving Yufeng clan are all women. They need to reproduce, so naturally they need men."

What Luo Yunsheng said was very skillful. He just explained the current situation of the Yufeng Clan, and had no specific meaning at all, but Ji Shuhe's blood boiled when he heard it.

correct!Those Yufeng people are all beautiful women, how can they reproduce?Men are definitely needed, and if the Tianlan Empire steps forward, maybe they can get a few women from the Yufeng Clan!Even marriage is good, he has a chance.

Ji Shuhe struggled to get up, and wanted to salute the third prince, but was stopped by the third prince.

"Now that everyone is in the Emperor's Forest, let's go to the Emperor's Forest first. We can discuss other matters after the matter in the Emperor's Forest is resolved."

Ji Yunhan and others quickly said yes, the old prime minister knew very well that if they want to get the support and help of the third prince, their Ji family must make a contribution, and after doing a good job in Emperor Lin's affairs, their Ji family can be regarded as having someone to help Capital.

Even, the Ji family is counting on the third prince to help deal with Emperor Yan.

Qin Wuge's spaceship has arrived at the border of the Emperor's Forest. All major sects and imperial forces have withdrawn from the Emperor's Forest, and are setting up a defense system next to the forest. The Tianlan Empire pays special attention this time. All the Golden Armored Guards came.

"We are not in a hurry, let me see your physical condition first."

After Qin Wuge made the spaceship dock, he checked Bei Mingye's body first. Although Mu Qingzhou appeared just now and Bei Mingye didn't run away, she was still worried.

Bei Mingye accepted the test in a happy mood, and naturally he would never let go of the opportunity to get along with her.

Moreover, she had just successfully crossed the tribulation, and he also wanted to know about her physical condition.

"The poison in your body should be cleared, only the magic element is still there." After Qin Wuge's promotion, he could check his body with ease.

But the magic element that has always existed in the position of his pill soul still made her helpless.

"Let me try to see if I can force your magic element out!"

Qin Wuge now has not only Shenhuo, but also Shenlei assistance.

The purple gold calamity thunder she suffered when she was promoted before directly remained in her pill soul, opening up a cloud of thunder pills, which is far away from the source of the divine fire, so now Qin Wuge can still use the power of the divine thunder.

It's just that Zijin Shenlei can't reproduce indefinitely like Shenhuo, it's for storage. After Zijin Jielei is used up, she really doesn't know where she can find supplements.

Therefore, taking advantage of the power of the Purple Gold Divine Thunder in her body, she wanted to try the effect of the Divine Thunder on the magic element.

"It will hurt, just hold on!"

Qin Wuge stored the power of the Purple Gold Divine Thunder in his spiritual power, and entered through his meridians to force out the magic energy. This process is very painful, and there will be tearing pain when the power of thunder and lightning passes through the meridians.

"Don't worry, I can stand it!"

Bei Mingye was not worried at all, let alone cared.

It was her who shot, even if he cut off one of his arms, he would not frown.Even, when he looked up at her with his head up, there was a bit of ambiguous charm in his eyes.

"Then I'll start." Qin Wuge only felt that he was too relaxed, and he was still not in shape at this time.

However, it was also his relaxed state of mind that made Qin Wuge a lot bolder. After Zijin Shenlei entered Bei Mingye's body, he felt what it was like to be struck by lightning. The power of lightning she controlled was very strong. Well, no harm done to him.

However, the power of thunder and lightning walking through the meridians feels like lightning exploded inside him, especially the power of thunder and lightning swelled the meridians.

"The effect is good, just be patient!"

Qin Wuge saw that fine sweat had appeared on his forehead. Although he didn't clenched his teeth or clenched his fists, Qin Wuge knew that he was in great pain. The reason why he couldn't see any tension or pain , I just don’t want to affect myself because of it.

Qin Wuge knew that he was in pain, but she had to keep going, because she found that Zijin Shenlei could remove the residual poison in his body.

His meridians were soaked in poison. Even though detoxification had been done before, there were still toxin residues and traces in his meridians, and Zijin Shenlei could completely remove the traces of poison in his meridians.

And as the poison in his meridians was continuously removed, his meridians expanded a lot compared to before.

The meridians are the foundation of cultivation, and the thickness of the meridians will naturally affect a person's cultivation speed to a large extent. Bei Mingye has been poisoned by poison since he was a child. These poisons have the effect of blocking the meridians, but he did not give up. Redoubled efforts, so that his meridians are still thicker than ordinary people's meridians under the influence of poison.

Now, with the removal of traces of meridian poison, his meridians have been expanded again. It is conceivable that he will also gain a faster cultivation speed.

"Great, you are expected to hit the fusion period!" Qin Wuge kept chatting with him, just to let him relax his body and divert his attention, so as not to be tortured by severe pain.

"I know."

Bei Mingye's promise was very brief, as if he didn't want to say more to her.

It is already very difficult for her to manipulate spiritual power and divine thunder, but wouldn't it be even more tiring to take care of her own emotions?

"You don't have to worry about me, just concentrate on manipulating Shenlei. I'm fine."

Bei Mingye simply told her, saving her from always worrying about herself.

"Okay! It's time for Pill Soul."

Qin Wuge suddenly increased the speed of his spiritual force, and more purple and gold gods gathered in his body, and began to repel and force away the magic element.

The magic element also felt the threat, and sped up and spun, and it could be seen from the inside that there were golden runes flashing in the black magic element group, like a storm with golden patterns.

Bei Mingye intuitively felt that the position of the pill soul was about to burst, and that feeling made him tremble all over his body uncontrollably.

He could even feel that something hidden in the deepest part of his body was about to move.

"hold onto!"

Qin Wuge was already sweating from exhaustion, but she couldn't give up, because the Zijin Shenlei was really useful to Mo Yuan.

Even, the magic element in his body has a tendency to loosen and collapse.

Qin Wuge's other hand is the power to control the divine fire to supplement it, and to keep the magic energy from collapsing, completely force the magic energy out.

But when she forced the magic element a little away from Pill Soul, a golden rune appeared.

It turned out that the golden rune was not mixed in the magic element, but locked on his pill soul.

She didn't recognize the treacherous runes, but she could clearly perceive the suppressive power constantly flashing from the runes.

"Is this... a suppression of his bloodline power?"

Qin Wuge hesitated for a moment, but didn't know how to respond.

(End of this chapter)

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