Chapter 633

Chapter 633

Evil is sometimes forced out.

Just like Meng Fang in front of him, he evaded hunting all the way, but he just wanted to survive, but he almost died several times, forcing him to become stronger by any means.

And he also bears a deep blood feud.

Therefore, everyone present could understand Meng Fang's mood, but they couldn't tolerate such evil as him, otherwise he would be completely fallen into the devil if he went on.

"Give up your contract pet, we can still talk!"

Leng Yu took out his natal magic weapon. Although the gentian gun was a fairy product, it showed the power of a divine weapon in his hands.

Leng Yu's Qishafengwolf bloodline is not pure, but as long as there is a part of the power of the divine blood, it is enough to crush ordinary monks in terms of momentum and primordial spirit.

"Heh~ I'm just here to give you something!"

Meng Fang raised a white light and shadow and flew towards Leng Yu. Leng Yu should have knocked the light and shadow away, but he reached out his hand to catch it.

"This is a memory belonging to the elderly in your clan. Sorry, I have already read it."

Meng Fang walked towards the boa constrictor, and the boa constrictor docilely crawled in front of him, allowing him to walk on top of his horned head like walking on flat ground. The huge snake body coiled up immediately, and Meng Fang stood high in the sky, Looking down at the crowd, ask:
"Where's Bei Mingye?"

"What do you want him for?" Qin Wuge responded.

Meng Fang's blood-red eyes swept around, and after confirming that Bei Mingye was not there, he looked at Qin Wuge with a smile, and said:
"He's not here, then take me out of the Emperor's Forest."

Seeing that Qin Wuge didn't agree immediately, Meng Fang smiled and said:
"If he was here, he would definitely not die, because I am of great use to him."

Qin Wuge was examining Meng Fang's face. His face was sharper and thinner than before, with prominent cheekbones. The pair of evil eyes on his pointed face made him look like a snake.

And when he talked about Bei Mingye, he was calm and even confident, as if he had secretly reached a consensus with Bei Mingye.

Qin Wuge also noticed the way the people around him looked at him. Nalanyu was obviously surprised why Bei Mingye was involved with someone like him, while Master Fumo folded his hands together and closed his eyes in pain.

Only Leng Yu didn't seem to care, and said:

"Prince Zhenyuan doesn't care about a person's life or death, even if you are the former Haisheng Emperor clan!"

"Really?" Meng Fang looked at Qin Wuge with a sneer.

Facing the eyes of Nalan Yu, Leng Yu and others, as well as the sect forces that blocked the entire Emperor Forest, Meng Fang knew very well that she would not be able to escape, so he needed someone to protect him.

Bei Mingye is the best candidate, of course Qin Wuge is also possible, but in Meng Fang's subconscious mind, he does not want Qin Wuge to help.

But Meng Fang didn't want to die even more, that's why he asked Qin Wuge so much.

And after the request, he spoke again and put forward the conditions:
"Guarantee my safety, I can tell you where those Qin clan members are."

Ever since Qin Wuge entered the Emperor's Forest, she wanted to find Elder Qin and others through blood connections, but the miasma and demonic energy in the Emperor's Forest was too thick, so that her formation method was useless.

Now that Meng Fang was willing to inform Elder Qin and others of their whereabouts, it fell into Qin Wuge's arms.

But Qin Wuge didn't rush to agree, but just looked at him calmly, waiting for him to continue.

"I hate the way you are in control of everything." Meng Fang looked at Qin Wuge and shook his head. He still remembered that when he saw her before, she was a strong and intelligent person, but she was not so well-versed in people's hearts. Ye's hateful appearance of playing with people's hearts.

But now, her eyes are really similar to Bei Mingye's.Obviously, he was greatly influenced by the dog prince.

However, Meng Fang was very honest with her, not afraid that she would not save her, so she simply said:

"Elder Qin and others and a monk were trapped in the holy lake."

"Impossible, we just came back from the holy lake!" Qin Wuge immediately denied it, but she was too shocked to believe it.

In all fairness, Qin Wuge still believed in Meng Fang, because she knew Meng Fang's character.

He won't tell lies, but why are Elder Qin and others in the holy lake?

"Hehe~ It seems that you still don't understand the holy lake. Do you really think that the holy lake is regarded as a sacred source and pure place by the blood of the gods, and you are reluctant to approach it? The holy lake is far more evil than you imagined!"

There were too many secrets in Meng Fang's words, so that everyone in the group didn't know how to believe them.

"I'll take you to see it for yourself." Meng Fang had a strange expression on her face, and she turned the giant python to clear the way.

Originally, after going deep into the emperor's forest, the black mist would get thicker and the miasma would get deeper and deeper, but with the giant python in front, they felt that the light in front was much brighter.

After everyone took a closer look, they discovered that Meng Fang's giant python kept growing its mouth when it opened the way, and the black miasma and evil spirits were absorbed by it. Countless evils turned into its power, making its The size keeps getting bigger.

It's just that the giant python's vertically-striped eyes are also constantly turning, as if under the pain, its tail is also trembling convulsively.

"If you don't stop your battle pet, it will become a beast!"

Qin Wuge spoke, with helplessness and a bit of reluctance in his voice.

"You care about it?"

Meng Fang suddenly turned her head and looked directly at her. The scarlet in his eyes had faded, but his eyes seemed to have become more terrifying, with less white and bigger and elongated pupils, more like the eyes of a snake .

When being stared at by Meng Fang, it will make people feel that they are being stared at by a cold snake, and feel very uncomfortable.

But Qin Wuge met his eyes calmly, and asked back:

"Don't you care about it? It's your battle pet!"

Meng Fang stared blankly for a second, then hummed:
"I don't want it to be a battle pet, so it's a good thing for me to die, as long as it can gain great power before it dies, and use it for me!"

The giant python meandering on the ground obviously understood its master's words. Although its movements did not change, its vertical pupils collapsed for a moment, which seemed to be a kind of death under despair and loss, but it quickly He cheered up again, and worked harder to absorb the evil spirits around him.

Qin Wuge inexplicably felt the giant python's emotions: it is loyal to its master, even if the master doesn't like it, it is willing to die for the master, as long as the master says a word, it can die.

That's why the giant python is so reckless in absorbing the evil miasma in the Emperor's Forest.It clearly knew that although the miasma it had absorbed would turn into strength for a short time, it would die in extreme pain in the end.

The improvement of the giant python's strength will help the owner to a certain extent, but the help is very small. Meng Fang must have other uses for using this giant python.

However, Qin Wuge didn't like it, let alone agree with his behavior:

"Since it has become your pet in battle, you have to be responsible for it. This is the same as making friends! I don't like the mentality and behavior that rejects you even more."

Meng Fang sneered, as if she didn't care much about her words, but only he knew the waves in his heart.

friend?He never has!

As a member of the Haisheng Emperor Clan, after being exterminated, only he was left with the blood of the Nether Ten Thousand Snake Clan. He was imprisoned in a dark dungeon and tasted the cruelty of the world. He escaped just for revenge.

For his mother and sisters who were ruined to death, for his parents and uncles whose flesh and blood and spirits were drained, and for those brothers and sisters who became experimental subjects when they were underage.

Xuan family must be responsible for the numerous crimes they committed!
He is still alive, just for revenge, and after revenge, he doesn't care about his own life or death.

What kind of friend does he need for the rest of his life with nothing but hatred?What more kindness is needed?
His attitude towards the big snake was like this, he didn't care if the big python died for his revenge, because he could also die after his revenge was avenged.

"Hurry up and let it stop!"

But Meng Fang didn't care, but some people cared. Qin Wuge's only purple gold god thunder was thrown out, and it was blowing up on the giant python's head. The black horns that grew out of the giant python were instantly shattered, and Meng Fang also He fell from above, very embarrassed.

The giant python rolled over on the ground, hissing and screaming, black blood kept pouring out from its head, the horns disappeared, and the evil power it had absorbed before also escaped, making the giant python shrink a lot .

"You ruined my plans!"

Meng Fang was furious, and raised her hands angrily, and the dark but purple spiritual power emerged from him, pointing directly at Qin Wuge.

Nalan Yu and Leng Yu immediately teleported in front of her to intercept Meng Fang.

But Meng Fang stared at Qin Wuge for a while, but didn't make a move. He put down his hand decadently, and said sadly:

"Are you preventing me from taking revenge because you are worried about my safety?"

"You think too much, I just can't bear to see this giant python suffer." Qin Wuge's tone full of disgust made Meng Fang smile.

(End of this chapter)

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