Chapter 640 Because I Care
Chapter 640 Because I Care
The water of the holy lake brings absolute death, the kind that even Mahayana monks cannot escape.

Therefore, the Temple of Punishment has always been afraid of the holy lake.

After the survivors of the Qin family fled into the holy lake barrier, the Temple of Zhu and other forces did not continue to hunt them down because of the water in the holy lake.

Everyone has always been in awe of the holy lake and will not approach it, thinking that as long as they do not enter the enchantment of the holy lake, they will not encounter the holy lake water, but they did not expect Qin Wuge to bring the holy lake water out.

That cloud of water mist is a man-eating demon, even the monks in the Mahayana period have nothing to do, what Mr. Xing can do is to save the soul of the monk in the Mahayana period:
"Hurry up and use the karmic fire to separate the water curtain and let Lao Wang's primordial spirit escape! His body cannot be kept."

Elder Xing rushed forward with a magic weapon in hand, and a Mahayana monk next to him assisted with karmic fire. After tearing apart the water curtain, Elder Xing used his spiritual power and the power of the formation seal to briefly suppress the water curtain, Let the monk Yuanshen who was swallowed by the water escape.

The monk's body was already dilapidated, and his soul was damaged when he escaped.

Frightened, several Mahayana monks around were stunned and did not dare to go forward. Qin Wuge and the others ran away. None of these people reacted. It was Old Xing who angrily reminded that only two Mahayana monks used their supernatural powers to kill Qin Wuge. Wuge and others are trapped.

But after Qin Wuge threw out the water from the holy lake again, the two monks backed away in fright, not daring to chase after him.

After all, it is so rare for them to be able to cultivate to the level of the Mahayana stage, and they don't want to be eaten by the water of the holy lake like the previous monk.

"Bastard, we have so many Mahayana monks, let them run away!"

Old Xing was angry, but being angry didn't help.

Just now, Elder Xing was only able to control the water of the holy lake for a short time, but now that the water of the holy lake has broken free of control, he has been chasing after Elder Xing.

Moreover, Mr. Xing sadly found that no matter whether he used teleportation or the magic weapon to fly, he could not get rid of these holy lake waters. It seemed that after being locked by the holy lake water, he could not escape by any means.

A few Mahayana period monks in the Zhushen Temple lost their temper at all by the water of the holy lake and were exhausted.

"Yan Huang, you can control the holy lake water?"

Nalan Yu, who escaped from the encirclement of monks in the Temple of Execution, was also extremely shocked.

Although he had never seen the holy lake water, he had heard a little bit about it. According to the records, the man-eating magic water would appear along with the demons and wreak havoc on the mainland. It should be the holy lake water.

"It's not control, I just pretended a little." Qin Wuge used up all the holy lake water in the fairy bottle just now, and she didn't dare to keep it. If the undead water could be tracked by breath, she didn't want to be so A tangle of difficult things to stare at.

Qin Wuge even roasted the fairy bottle with divine fire, in order not to leave a little bit of holy lake water in the bottle, so as to avoid causing further disasters.

Leng Yu woke up on the way. Leng Yu, who had hurt his alchemy soul, urgently needed to recuperate. Qin Wuge wanted Fu Mo and Nalan Yu to take Leng Yu back first.

"It's too dangerous for the two of you to continue exploring with Meng Fang." Although Leng Yu was weak, his tone was still firm.

Bei Mingye looked at him coldly. He knew that Leng Yu was worried about her, but since he was there, there would be no chance for Leng Yu to be courteous. Therefore, Leng Yu's behavior was a provocation to him.

Leng Yu naturally felt the look in Bei Mingye's eyes, but he didn't care. He took out his token from the storage ring and sent it to Qin Wuge:
"This is the command order of the Golden Armored Guards. With this token, you can mobilize the Golden Armored Guards. There are scouts in the Golden Armored Guards, which can definitely help you search in the Emperor's Forest. It is also good to use it to detain Meng Fang."

The Golden Armored Guard's scout group only had a few hundred people, all of whom were carefully selected.

Moreover, Leng Yu never trusted Meng Fang, so he must restrain people like him.

Meng Fang who was suspected was not angry, but looked at Leng Yu with a sneer. He was just showing his loyalty to Qin Wuge, but he insisted on using himself as an excuse.

"Don't worry, with Bei Mingye here, you can watch over Meng Fang. Besides, Meng Fang's cockscomb python is injured, and he himself has been injured all the time, so he won't pose a threat to us anymore."

Qin Wuge didn't want to pick up his Jin Jiawei, besides, accepting his help in front of Bei Mingye, wouldn't it seem that Bei Mingye was useless?

Qin Wuge has always known that Bei Mingye is a strong person, and he has always been able to protect himself, so Leng Yu's overture at this time seems a bit inappropriate.

And Leng Yu also wanted to understand this point. He wanted Jin Jiawei to be loyal to Qin Wuge, but he didn't want to provoke her relationship with Bei Mingye. Obviously, it was really ill-considered for him to take out Jin Jiawei at this time.

Silently received the token, but Leng Yu quietly sent out a signal to let the scouts come here, at least to provide some help to Qin Wuge.

Meanwhile, Beimingye's secret guards appeared at this time, Sihan Fu Zhonghu and a group of confidant secret guards rushed over with King Kong White Falcon and other war beasts.

"Master, those Mahayana monks from the Temple of Punishment have gone back. There is no danger around them for the time being."

Si Han came up to report, saying that they are fully capable of handling the situation at hand, and there is no need for Leng Yu to bother.

"Emperor Forest is so dangerous, let all your hidden guards go back." Qin Wuge disapproved of Bei Mingye's approach. Si Han and others are loyal and good at training soldiers and formations. They take risks in Emperor Forest It's too wasteful, Si Han is different from those adventurous monks, these hidden guards are not suitable for today's emperor's forest.

"Okay, just let Si Han stay. His strength is not limited to fighting." Bei Mingye immediately agreed, and that straightforward look fully demonstrated the attitude of a doting wife and mad demon.

Leng Yu looked very insightful, or he could see that he was very different from Bei Mingye.

He cared too much about Qin Wuge, and always self-righteously imposed some thoughts and behaviors on her, but Bei Mingye was different, he almost followed her in everything, but secretly arranged some things "following the yang and yin to the yin".

This is the real pampering, the unprincipled kind!
Leng Yu stopped talking and went back with Master Fu Mo and his guards, but Nalan Yu stayed behind. Although he was wounded, he was the only one who could deal with the Mahayana demigods of the Temple of Execution.

Meng Fang's legs were injured, and while receiving treatment, she was also waiting for questions from Bei Mingye and Qin Wuge. After all, he was the one who led them into the encirclement of the Temple of Execution and almost died.

But Qin Wuge didn't speak, and Bei Mingye didn't speak, which made Meng Fang feel puzzled:

"Aren't you angry that I almost killed you?"

Qin Wuge didn't speak, but Bei Mingye felt refreshed and relaxed when he saw that she was speechless.The reason why she didn't get angry and questioned was because she never believed Meng Fang, which showed that she had always been wary of Meng Fang.

So, why is Bei Mingye so angry?He should be happy, shouldn't he?
"You said you know the location of Elder Qin and others, can you still find them?" Qin Wuge asked calmly after throwing a pill to Meng Fang.

Seeing her so calm appearance, Meng Fang felt inexplicably upset. He seemed to feel her disappointment in him, and he was calm because of disappointment.

This calmness also carried an indifference that frightened him.

At this time, Meng Fang only felt that her heart became colder, and she couldn't even feel the pain from her leg injury.

But he felt even more that his argument at this time was useless, and the only way to redeem her sin was to help her find the remaining members of the Qin clan.

Meng Fang knew that Elder Qin and others were trapped by the holy lake, but where exactly were they trapped?Meng Fang didn't know.

You can only find it with your own ability.

He bit his own finger, fed some of his own blood to the cockscomb python, and the wound on the cockscomb python was recovering at a visible speed.

"Look for the fluctuation of the trapped breath."

The recovered cockscomb python knew what it should be looking for, and after looking at Meng Fang reluctantly, it escaped into the ground under Meng Fang's watchful eyes, exploring its surroundings by relying on the snake's naturally sensitive perception.

"Let me help you look at the wounds on your body."

Qin Wuge saw that Meng Fang looked so weak that she was about to faint after feeding the cockscomb python with her own blood, so she squatted beside him, probing his body with spiritual power, checking to see what kind of pills would work on him most.

And looking at Qin Wuge who was so close at hand, Leng Yu suddenly felt that he had found a good way to get along with her and get close to her.

Because she cares about her own life!
(End of this chapter)

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