Chapter 653 Continental Hope
Chapter 653 Continental Hope
In such bloody and fighting, the resentment and evil poison soared to the sky, even if it could not provide nourishment to Kun Mo, it was enough to breed other evil spirits.

Seeing such suicide and bloodshed, Qin Wuge thought: Is it wrong to let these people stay to fight against the evil spirits?
But as soon as this thought came to his mind, Qin Wuge suppressed it. Seeing Bei Mingye standing beside him, he stood tall and proud with his injuries all over his body. That unwavering look was everything. Human Dinghaishenzhen.

He is the true yuan prince, the decision maker, and the backbone of everyone.

When you hesitate, when you are afraid to move forward, he is the banner and guide, so that you don't have to worry about planning and consequences, because everything has him.

He is Qin Wuge's role model, making her understand that she cannot hesitate at this time, and understand that she has done nothing wrong.

Although the monks and soldiers of the bloody battle at the edge of the forest suffered huge casualties, they prevented the evil spirits from spilling out, preventing them from harming the mainland and causing even greater casualties.

So these immediate sacrifices are necessary.

As Emperor Yan, Qin Wuge will face more such choices and bloodshed in the future. Those in positions of authority must not be soft-hearted. If they can't bear it for a while, it will only increase the casualties.

"There's no need to bandage it, it's just a burn."

Bei Mingye felt her hesitant and slightly trembling hand when she bandaged him. He reached out to hold her hand. The thick and callused palm gave Qin Wuge a sense of comfort and dependability.

He looked at her with gentle and tenacious eyes, and in the tolerance and encouragement, her mood became stronger again.

The two people who get along are constantly becoming stronger through tolerance and encouragement, especially for Bei Mingye and Qin Wuge who are in high positions. Only when they are strong and powerful can they shoulder the responsibilities of the Yan Kingdom and the Empire.

"You take a break first, leave the rest to me, let Si Han cooperate with me!"

Qin Wuge did not bring many guards from the Yan Kingdom this time, only Shi Wanfeng and Zhou Yan led more than 500 guards, but Bei Mingye had a lot of troops. The 3000 Shura Guards were replenished after casualties. It is not a small force.

Bei Mingye also stated long ago that the Asura Guards of the Zhenyuan Empire must join the battle, not only to promote the prestige of the Zhenyuan Empire and represent justice, but also for the future of the mainland.

The mainland has been plagued by evil spirits, and it is the leaders of these countries who are worried.

As a casual cultivator or wandering hunter, you don't care what the continent becomes, but the leaders of the sect and the country need to consider the safety of the entire continent.

Therefore, Bei Mingye not only let Shurawei participate in the battle, but also transferred a hundred thousand Mingwei.

In this regard, the Tianlan Empire also gave the green light to the [-] Hades and provided convenience for them to travel through the empire.

"Master, I can cooperate well with Emperor Yan." Si Han immediately stood up and expressed his opinion.

Si Han could tell that the master was seriously injured in the battle just now, so Miss Qin wanted him to rest. As the most caring guard for the master and the person who respects Qin Wuge the most, Si Han naturally raised his hands to support him. .

"Okay. I'll watch you from the dragon boat." Bei Mingye made a difficult decision. He believed in his guards and Qin Wuge, but it was too dangerous over there.

Evil spirits are rampant, monsters are like a tide, and the Temple of God of Punishment will inevitably hide in the tide and wait for an opportunity to plunder and kill righteous monks and leaders. Qin Wuge will naturally be their biggest target.

As soon as Qin Wuge's spaceship came out of the Emperor's Forest, it was stared at by demons. Countless demons shot up from the ground into the sky. They were half-human, half-bird, ugly and ferocious, and started to attack the spaceship as fast as a bird of prey.

Evil is a general term for all monsters of different kinds. Among them, there may be a void of undead poisonous mist, or half-human, half-beast, or half-human, half-demon, etc., without exception, these demons are ugly and evil.

They are fundamentally different from the natural creatures in the mainland. They are more like creatures from another world, or they are demons from the underworld.

Nalanyu, Miaoxuan and others left the spaceship to stop and kill the demons that attacked the spaceship.

Fortunately, the strength of these demons is not high. Generally, they only have the fifth-level combat power equivalent to that of the Nascent Soul stage of human beings. After all, such terrifying creatures as the water twister are rare.

"Yan Huang, it is my honor to fight side by side with you!"

Long Jue flew out of the warship and commanded the spaceship of the Longchen Empire to encircle it, so that Qin Wuge's spaceship could pass through the siege of the demons and go to the rear to command the army.

"They are back, Emperor Yan is back!"

"Great, she's still alive!"

When Qin Wuge stood on the spaceship and appeared in the eyes of these people, he received a warm welcome.

This made her feel very emotional. Most of these people used to be enemies and opponents to her, but now they actually showed strong kindness.

Of course, Qin Wuge didn't lose her head, she knew very well that most of the people below were because of her special status.

Only she can suppress the demons in the devil's lair.

Now, the demon has come out, and everyone is waiting for her to suppress it.

Therefore, Qin Wuge felt a lot of pressure.

The spaceship she was driving did not stop, and directly landed in the Shurawei formation. Qing Ying was commanding the formation to press forward, and Si Han who came along with him hurriedly said:
"Captain Qing, the master asked Emperor Yan to take command..."

Qin Wuge stopped Si Han, and added:

"Let me assist you in controlling."

Qing Ying is a very smart person, how can she not know what Si Han is going to say, and, considering the dog-like nature of the master, it is not surprising that Qin Wuge is given the command.

In fact, Qingying also trusts Qin Wuge very much, so she does not reject Qin Wuge's commanding Shurawei, but it is more suitable for her to lead the charge, so she nodded and agreed immediately, and let Qin Wuge be in charge. Assisting the command in the formation, he went to the front row to take the lead in the charge.

And when Qin Wuge first came to Shurawei's army, he saw countless demons rushing towards him. It seemed that these demons had a clear goal, and that was Qin Wuge.

"Emperor Yan, hurry up and find a way, we can't stand it anymore."

Someone from the Zongmen cultivator on the other side has already shouted at her.

There was a reason why they were so enthusiastic about Qin Wuge just now, because they all knew that Qin Wuge was the only one who could deal with the demons in the devil's lair, so they all expected her to do something against the sky.

But some people were disappointed when they saw that she just fell into the army formation and fought like ordinary monks.

What about the demon buster that was promised?What about their hopes?
"Only if you stand up, Emperor Yan can think of a way!"

Qing Ying, who charged forward, yelled in response.

While Qin Wuge was grateful to Qing Ying, he was also quickly thinking of a solution in his mind. The demons in the Emperor's Forest were almost endless. Therefore, it was impossible to continue fighting like this. Their defense line would be torn apart sooner or later.

Human monks and the army simply cannot withstand such consumption.

And what about other ways to deal with demons?Do you want to go to the devil's lair to block the evil spirits?Or are there any special materials and walls built to stop these demons?

It's a pity that the Zongmen monks who were killed by the evil spirits are already anxious:
"Emperor Yan, aren't you from the royal family of Qin? The reason why we are willing to stay here is because we firmly believe that your royal blood can suppress these evil spirits. But now you have not come up with anything!"

"That's right, Emperor Yan, hurry up and think of a way, our sect monks will almost die if we continue to fight like this."

It's no wonder these people are so anxious, because too many sect disciples have fallen, and the endless demons are like a tide, constantly rushing up, as if they never stop, the demons are ugly and strange, some are as large as mountains, In the face of such a dark demon, anyone will be crushed.

Qin Wuge is also very clear that if he can't be the persistence and anchor in these people's hearts, then they will collapse soon.

"Yanhuang has already helped us deal with most of the demons, and Kunmo! Didn't you see the dark storm that rolled up in the emperor's forest before?" The third prince rode a huge road beast to the front line. When someone pointed at Qin Wuge, he raised his voice and shouted.

The third prince, who was always gentle, became serious and reprimanded.

For a while, it made the monks around feel guilty.

They did see the black storm that appeared in the Emperor's Forest just now, and it frightened them terribly at that time, and then there was a battle there, and it did disappear.

It turns out that Qin Wuge did all of this?

It is true that she is the title of "Mainland Hope".

A blue shield stood abruptly beside Qin Wuge.

(End of this chapter)

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