Chapter 656 We Are Still Enemies
Chapter 656 We Are Still Enemies
The green crystals in the demon's head are the spoils of this bloody battle, and all the corpses of the demons are piled up on the battlefield, so harvesting the spoils becomes a problem.

In the end, the masterminds of the empire and the sect agreed to reap according to merit, and the third prince would lead people to execute it.

The Tianlan Imperial Clan lost more than [-] troops in this battle, but the reputation of the Tianlan Imperial Clan was swelled because of this. Tianlan Emperor did not blame the third prince for the loss of the army. An army of one hundred thousand came, and he was in charge.

The seriously injured Third Prince didn't have time to rest. After dressing up a bit, he appeared on the battlefield again, busy dividing the spoils and arranging the reinforcement of the wall.

And Qin Wuge and other people who are familiar with the formations naturally became the formation group of the wall enchantment.

Qin Wuge became famous in this battle.

Even if some people questioned her formation ability, when they saw that Yuan Hong, the well-known formation master, followed her obediently, as pious as a disciple, everyone's doubts disappeared.

"Yanhuang, you once severely injured Kunmo in the Emperor's Forest and activated the wall barrier, so you should be the first in this battle, and the distribution of green crystals should also be the highest."

The third prince came to see Qin Wuge with his injuries. Seeing that she was followed by several formation masters from the sect, especially the elders of the Xuanzhen Sect, who were respectful to her, the third prince smiled and said .

Qin Wuge was taken aback when he heard that, the first achievement?

How could she take the lead?

After all, Yan State's army did not come to support her. The number of people under her command was pitifully smaller than that of other sects. In the end of this battle, she and her master used Jialan Jian to obtain the final counterattack and boosted morale.

But if you take the credit, you must not be the first!
Qin Wuge felt that Yan Guo's contribution should be ranked behind those big sects.

But the third prince gave himself the greatest credit, and seeing Luo Yunsheng's serious and humble look, Qin Wuge suddenly felt that this guy was cheating himself!
That's right, this guy is going to take himself to the fire!

Because he is the royal family of the Qin family, he is the biggest threat to the Tianlan imperial family. The third prince could fight side by side with him before, but it doesn't mean that he will still be his comrade in arms in the future.

After solving the crisis of the evil spirit, the third prince adjusted his position, standing on the opposite side of himself, and he really should stand there.

Because Qin Wuge's prestige is higher, the one who suffers must be the Tianlan Emperor Clan.

"How can I make the first contribution, the greatest contribution should be the third prince! It was you who led the army and paid more than [-] lives!"

Qin Wuge returned the compliment with a serious face, and even had a tragic color on his face, mourning silently for those lost lives.

The third prince raised his head gently, and saluted with fists in his hands:
"It's really rare for the Emperor Yan to think about those soldiers. Why not speed up the repair of the wall and barrier, so as to comfort the death of those soldiers."

Oh~ Is this to force myself to issue a military order to construct the back-up and maintenance of the enchantment in a short time?

The enchantment of the wall is indeed opened, but the enchantment of the magic circle is often powerful at the beginning, but as time goes by, the power of the formation will gradually weaken, and the enchantment of the wall will inevitably be dangerous.

That's why they were asked to start strengthening the construction of the barrier backyard.

Only by providing a steady stream of energy to the enchantment, and maintaining the durability and firmness of the enchantment, can the enchantment of the wall completely stop the demons there.

However, this workload is extremely huge. The barrier of the wall is like a shell. Now it is supported but not durable. It needs more complex and delicate support and arrangement of the magic circle inside the shell.

Moreover, once Qin Wuge accepts this job, she will be tied to the barrier of the wall. No matter what problems happen to the barrier later, others will blame her indiscriminately.

Therefore, Qin Wuge didn't want to take this job, let alone be used by the third prince.

"When you asked me to open the enchantment, did you just wait to throw the blame on me?" Qin Wuge couldn't help but doubt his previous motives.

The third prince laughed:
"Emperor Yan has the ability, so you are the one who opened it. To be honest, I didn't even know how to open the wall enchantment at the time!"

Seeing his gentle smile, Qin Wuge really wanted to punch him in the face.Your grandma is really cheating on me!At that time, you were almost dead, and in the desperate and bloody situation, you were thinking of cheating people.


Before Qin Wuge could finish a sentence, his body softened and he fell down.

The formation masters behind were so frightened that they screamed, and Yuan Hong screamed to support Qin Wuge, but was preempted by one person.

Bei Mingye came with storm and darkness on his face. After hugging Qin Wuge, he took a few steps back and looked at the third prince vigilantly.

Luo Yunsheng felt that he was regarded as a prisoner who murdered Qin Wuge.

"His Royal Highness Prince Zhenyuan..."

Luo Yunsheng couldn't help opening his mouth, wanting to explain.

But Bei Mingye interrupted her:
"She was seriously injured when she fought against Kunmo, and then she used the power of her blood to help you plug the gap. The third prince didn't even let her rest and recover, and rushed her to make a big formation? Are you asking her life!"

The third prince was speechless, he found that Bei Mingye was very capable of spitting blood!
But these people around are still convinced.

After all, they all saw that Qin Wuge charged at the forefront, supported the remnant army with a blue shield, advanced to the gap in the wall, and reversed the final battle situation.

Now, it is reasonable for her to be seriously injured and unconscious.

Besides, Bei Mingye has already questioned him like this, so why does the third prince still have to ask someone to check whether Qin Wuge is pretending to be unconscious or not?

"I was too impatient, but Emperor Yan has the highest attainment in formations. If she can't lead the formation group, who should she let?" The third prince took the initiative to admit his mistake, and his soft attitude made him gain another wave of favor.

Bei Mingye pointed casually:
"The Haisheng Emperor Clan is good at the treacherous magic circle, let him come!"

Xuan Mo, who was lying innocently on the gun, was healing his wounds. He came here because he was watching a play, but he was pulled by Bei Mingye to be the gunman.

He immediately refused:
"No, I don't have anyone with me!"

Bei Mingye pointed at the dozens of formation masters over there:

"Aren't they the top formation masters on the continent? And the suzerain of the Xuanzhen Sect is coming soon, you all together!"

Before Xuan Mo refused, Bei Mingye left Qin Wuge in his arms, but stopped beside Xuan Mo, staring at him and questioning:
"Are you going to put all the responsibility on a weak girl?"

Xuan Mo was terrified, a weak girl?who is it?Qin Wuge?

Xuan Mo didn't forget how tough she was when she drove a spaceship into the Emperor's Forest before, and she didn't forget that she was able to control beasts and manipulate the water of the holy lake.

She is clearly a witch, okay?
How did you become a weak girl!Only Bei Mingye and Long Jue were blind, so they insisted on thinking that she was weak and needed protection!
"General Xuan Mo, please accept this suggestion for the sake of those who died in battle. Otherwise, we will have to wait for Long Jue to lead."

Xuan Mo couldn't refuse Luo Yunsheng's words.

The empires of Xuan Mo and Long Jue are actually located on the edge of the mainland, and it is difficult to communicate with these forces in the middle land. However, the follow-up of the formation of supervising the wall enchantment this time is a chance to become famous, at least let their empire stay here. A stroke of honor.

Moreover, Xuan Mo was sure that if he did not accept it, Long Jue would definitely agree.

The third prince had calculated the situation correctly, so he planned to trick Qin Wuge and let her carry it, but Qin Wuge ran away.We can only let Xuan Mo or Long Jue come. Anyway, they are all from the marginal continent, and no one blames them even if the formation is not done well.

"Okay, I'll come! But you have to give me more green crystals."

"I can't decide this myself. I will bring it up and support it at the summit meeting." The third prince responded gently.

Xuan Mo just felt aggrieved, Qin Wuge didn't want the green crystal, and the third prince took the initiative to give it to her, but he wanted more, but Luo Yunsheng refused to give it.

What's the point of this?
Can I not compare to that woman Qin Wuge?

Xuan Mo was not convinced.

Qin Wuge, who was carried by Bei Mingye to the dragon boat, woke up. She looked at the spaceship with great interest, feeling:

"I didn't expect your dragon boat to be so strong that it didn't suffer much damage from Kunmo!"

The dragon boat almost rammed into Kunmo directly before, and with the strength of the keel and the power of the magic circle, it forced Kunmo back.

Showing its true strength once, Dragon Boat really scared everyone.

It makes people realize that Beimingye's dragon boat is the greatest artifact!

"It's not mine, it's ours." Bei Mingye started to be mean again, looking at Qin Wuge with gentle but treacherous eyes, only seeing her blushing and heart beating, and his tall body was also attached to him, Pull her into his arms.

"Stop taking risks like before!"

At that time, Bei Mingye felt that his heart stopped beating when he watched her spur the divine fire into the demon tide.

(End of this chapter)

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