Chapter 658 Servant of Divine Blood
Chapter 658 Servant of Divine Blood
There are two "faces" in Yinfeng's body, or dual personalities.

One is gentle and kind, and the other is cruel and sinister.

It was his benevolent side who took Qin Wuge to the devil's lair and used his body to sacrifice and stop the evil spirits in the devil's lair.

But since he was injured, the cold "he" has taken the initiative in his body.

This is also the reason why Qin Wuge didn't want to come to him, he really didn't want to face that cold him.

But seeing him now, Qin Wuge believed that the benevolent him had returned. He looked at her with gentle eyes, as if he was an old friend. After all, they had experienced the dangers of the Devil's Nest together.

"Emperor Yan, please~"

Seeing that the suzerain had spoken, the two guards stepped aside and acted submissively.

The suzerain's will is their will. From this point, it can be seen that the heavenly demon suzerain has absolute dominion over the disciples.

Qin Wuge entered the main hall, and saw a huge tea table in the middle where tea was still being cooked, Yinfeng politely invited her to sit there, and Wizard Ye sat at the lower seat, and then she saw the tea table When serving the fragrant tea, he was surprised because it was Lingwu tea!
Lingwu tea has already disappeared on the mainland, why did it appear here?
"Wizard Ye, do you know this tea?"

Yinfeng smiled and poured a cup of tea for Wizard Ye. The unique and familiar aroma brought Wizard Ye back to his senses, and nodded:
"This spirit fog tea is your exclusive?"

The Yufeng tribe regarded Lingwu tea as a treasure, so when seeing Lingwu tea appear, Wizard Ye was excited and naturally wanted to ask.

"No, we just got some by chance. If Wizard Ye likes it, I'll give you some."

Yinfeng has a gentle expression and generous words.

Wizard Ye knew the value of Lingwu tea, so he hurriedly shook his head:

"The suzerain is too polite, I don't need it."

Wizard Ye really didn't need it, because she knew that Qin Wuge was already cultivating Lingwu tea. The ice umbrella grass that Qin Wuge found last time contained the seeds of Lingwu tea, and it had already begun to grow in her portable space.

Although there are only two plants, more can be reproduced after they grow up.

"What's the matter with Emperor Yan coming to see me?"

Yinfeng didn't get entangled in this topic either, and smiled at Qin Wuge.

"I want to ask you about the holy lake." Qin Wuge chose to cut to the chase.

For her frankness, Yinfeng was very helpful, but his eyes fell on Wizard Ye first.

Qin Wuge understood what he meant, and said:

"She's someone I can trust, Sect Master, but it doesn't matter."

Qin Wuge had other considerations for letting Wizard Ye accompany him, because Wizard Ye also had the function of spying on people's hearts, and could tell whether he was telling the truth.This is the unique ability of the wizards of the Yufeng tribe.

"There are many secrets in the holy lake. I don't know what Yanhuang wants to know?" Yinfeng was also very frank.

"Did the protoss need sacrifices when they lived in the holy lake?" Qin Wuge already had a deep recognition of what she saw in her dream, but she still wanted to confirm it with Yinfeng.

"Yes, sacrifices are required every month, otherwise the holy lake will be angry, and countless water spirits will come out to prey on the gods in the emperor's forest!"

Yinfeng answered very simply, but Qin Wuge grasped the crux of the problem.

"The Protoss? Are they just preying on the Protoss? Are the other monsters in the Emperor's Forest not within their predation range?"

Yinfeng filled Qin Wuge's tea and motioned her to drink while listening:

"The Holy Lake only needs the support of the Protoss, and will also give back to the Protoss. The Divine Blood ability is obtained from the Holy Lake. Therefore, even though they know that the Holy Lake is dangerous, the Protoss still chooses to live there."

Qin Wuge drank the tea, but felt that the Lingwu tea this time seemed to be more fragrant than the one he drank before.

"Giving back? Are you saying that the other protoss who left the Emperor's Forest have their divine blood power weakened?"

In fact, Qin Wuge has already got the answer to this question by himself. After several god bloods walked out of the emperor's forest, they established a great empire, but their power of god blood has indeed weakened. Some rumors say that their power weakened because they mixed blood with humans .

And the few who kept their blood pure, such as the Meng family of the Haisheng Empire, did not end well. The Meng family's madness attracted the Xuan family's anti-killing clan.

"The Nether Ten Thousand Snakes used to be the strongest in the Emperor's Forest. They were calm and quick-witted, and they couldn't be compared to lunatics. But after the establishment of the Haisheng Empire, they all became lunatics! The power of the divine blood is too strong. There is a price to pay for this kind of power. The sacrifice to the holy lake is the price for maintaining this ability, otherwise there is only destruction."

Yinfeng's tone was quiet, but also with a kind of cold solemnity.

Hearing Qin Wuge's horror, she recalled her divine blood power, because she was sealed, so she didn't lose her mind.And what about Beimingye?Did he become crazy because of the awakening of blood power?
Bei Mingye has been in a state of rage many times, because of the blood of the gods?

So, the divine blood is the source of his berserk, not the magic element at all?

At this time, Qin Wuge already had a wonderful idea in his mind: perhaps, Bei Mingye's rage had nothing to do with poison, but was caused by his blood.

"Emperor Yan is undoubtedly of the blood of the Qin family, but he didn't pay the price for the power of the divine blood. Maybe it's because of the seal in your body or the blood of the other half!" Yinfeng's words interrupted her thoughts.

"In addition, the reason why your Qin clan's power has weakened is also because of the lack of sacrifices to the holy lake water."

Yinfeng's words carried Xiao Su's coldness, Qin Wuge suddenly looked up at him.The dangerous luster in his eyes has not disappeared, it is dark and cold.


Qin Wuge wanted to get up and leave, but found that he was limp and unable to stand up, and Wizard Ye beside him had already collapsed.

Have you been poisoned?

Qin Wuge couldn't believe that a poisonous master himself was tricked by Yinfeng.

In a coma, her consciousness was very confused, and various noisy voices and emotions continued to invade her consciousness. When she woke up again, she only felt a splitting headache, and the fierce noise and stench around her were even stronger. up.

This is where?

The dark light around her made her unable to react for a while. After seeing the surrounding scene clearly, Qin Wuge was taken aback. She actually sat by the holy lake.

Countless black demons surround the holy lake, but they dare not take a step forward, only staring at her with their dark and dangerous eyes.

"Are you awake?"

Yinfeng's voice came from the front, and Qin Wuge discovered a white platform floating in the center of the holy lake, and he was standing on the jade platform, arranging something.

"Silver Phoenix? You..."

Qin Wuge wanted to ask why he brought himself here.But after seeing what Yinfeng was arranging, she understood that Yinfeng was preparing a sacrifice, and she was the sacrifice.

His body was still limp and weak, but Qin Wuge could barely stand up:

"I'm curious, what kind of poison did you use?"

Yinfeng walked back from the water, his feet landed on the water as if he was stepping on the real ground.Senior monks all have the ability to tread water without a trace, but at this time Yinfeng didn't use his spiritual power. He really walked on the water of the holy lake as if walking on flat ground.

"I didn't use poison. You drank tea made from the holy lake, which itself is non-toxic, but you are in debt to the holy lake, so you fell into a coma and were brought here."

Qin Wuge said angrily:

"What about Wizard Ye?"

Yinfeng laughed, the flash of cunning in his eyes made his gentle image disappear, and his dark and cunning image appeared vividly.

This is another side of Yinfeng's personality!
"She is an unimportant person, and there is no need for me to kill her."

Qin Wuge breathed a sigh of relief, but wondered if he should trust him.

And she was in danger, Yinfeng had already possessed her body and pulled her up from the ground, leading her to the center of the holy lake, his voice was cold and pious.

"This is your debt to the holy lake. As long as you join the holy lake, the blood of the Qin clan can gain its original power."

"What about you?" Qin Wuge was dragged inside by him, trying to open the portable space, but unable to do so.

"I am a servant of the blood of God, from beginning to end."

Yinfeng stopped, and they had already reached the central altar. On the huge circular platform, there were several other girls. Unlike Qin Wuge, these girls were not from the Qin family's divine blood, but from other gods. blood race.

Yinfeng counted, and there were six different divine bloods!

(End of this chapter)

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