Chapter 675 Protecting Him Forever

Chapter 675 Protecting Him Forever

Elder Qin and Qin Wuge fell apart when they talked about the people of the Qin clan. Elder Qin completely adhered to the theory of giving priority to the clan and hoped that Qin Wuge could treat the clan well and preferentially, but he didn't want to admit Qin Wuge.

For this, Qin Wuge naturally had a lot of resentment.

Although Qin Wuge told Elder Qin very unfeelingly, Qin Wuge had already made arrangements for the members of the Qin clan in Junsai City, so naturally there would be no problem.

"Emperor Yan, our people have no place to live. Does Emperor Yan want to watch us die?"

As soon as Qin Wuge's attitude became tough, Elder Qin's attitude softened immediately.

"Elder Qin's words are too much. Are you going to blame me for the extermination of the tribe?" Qin Wuge's tone was filled with anger and questioning, which made Elder Qin dare not say more.

Today, not only does the Qin clan lose the power of the gods, but there are not many warriors in the clan. There are only a dozen warriors brought by Elder Qin. Without a place to live, any medium-sized hunting regiment can take it their lives.

Therefore, Elder Qin had no choice but to bow his head in front of Qin Wuge.

"No, I just pray that Emperor Yan can take more care of the clansmen."

Elder Qin's attitude became more and more humble.

Qin Wuge knew that Elder Qin's attitude towards him was fake, but even so, she was happy.

"Since Elder Qin knows that he needs to rely on me, don't hide anything from now on. Otherwise, it will be bad for everyone."

Qin Wuge's anger was enough. In fact, she was not only angry with Elder Qin's attitude, but also angry that he didn't tell her such important news.Otherwise, Qin Wuge would have known the cause of Bei Mingye's physical problems long ago, and would have found a way to deal with it earlier.

"I understand."

Elder Qin's attitude softened a lot. Seeing that he was sensible, Qin Wuge didn't pursue it anymore, and waved him off.

"The training was good just now, why don't you train for a while and completely subdue Elder Qin."

Seeing that she drove Elder Qin away in such a hurry and threw himself in front of him, Bei Mingye couldn't help but feel a little pity.

"Don't talk, there are more important things to do now."

Qin Wuge's tone was stern. She knew that she could subdue Elder Qin by reprimanding him for a while, but Qin Wuge had more urgent things to do, so she let him go first.

Now, she already knew the secret of his body, so naturally she was eager to solve his problem.

These days, she has been looking for a way to heal his body, but there is no progress, but she accidentally found the crux of the problem in the holy lake, so don't be too happy.

"I always thought that your body was poison, but now it seems that it is the power of divine blood."

Qin Wuge checked his body with suddenly realized annoyance.

Bei Mingye did not speak. In fact, his investigation has been going on all the time, and he has deduced that his situation should be caused by the power of the gods and blood, but it has not been confirmed. Now, her affirmation is the best proof.

In this way, as long as he seals the power of the blood of God, it will be fine?

Bei Mingye has been worrying about his body all the time, so he didn't expect this problem to be solved first.

"Before the horned dragon was sealed in your body, it didn't seem to be a bad thing. At least it helped you suppress the power of the divine blood. Although it would make you fall into a frenzy, it would not be life-threatening. After unsealing the horned dragon, your The body is in danger."

Qin Wuge wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, feeling terrified of what he had done.

At that time, she was the one who helped Qin Wuge break the seal of the horned dragon, but she did not expect to harm him instead.

"No, it would be the most dangerous if the horned dragon stays in my body!" Bei Mingye saw the shame on her face, and hurriedly comforted her.

She helped herself break the seal of the horned dragon, but should she blame herself for it?


He didn't allow her to feel guilty, and it was after she helped him with all her efforts.

"If I can't undo the seal of the horned dragon, I will go crazy from time to time and eventually kill me!"

Bei Mingye's words were to comfort Qin Wuge, but they were also true.

As the prince of the empire, he must remain calm and wise at all times, but he used to be manic for at least a day and a night, and his situation has been discovered by interested people in the empire, and sooner or later they will take action against him.

Therefore, Qiulong's unsealing saved him.

And she has always been his salvation.

"Fortunately, I found the root of the problem. I won't let you go crazy again." Qin Wuge's eyes were red. She didn't forget that when he was crazy before, Si Han and others surrounded him and fought against him. against him.

Although he knew that Si Han and others were sincere, they would not hurt him.

However, the most sincere Si Han and others treated him like a dangerous beast after seeing him go berserk.It is conceivable what other people will look like when they see Bei Mingye going crazy.

When she saw him surrounded by the army like a trapped beast, she felt like her heart was bleeding.

Now, there is finally a solution to his problem, Qin Wuge can't give up!
However, Qin Wuge tried his best, but he couldn't find a way to seal the divine power in his body.

The power of divine blood exists in the blood, which is different from external spiritual power absorbed and cultivated. Qin Wuge is divine blood herself, so she can seal up divine power flexibly and thoroughly, but Bei Mingye's body is different. His divine power seemed to be fused with spiritual power, making her helpless.

"You... who shot the horned dragon that was sealed before?" Qin Wuge tried several methods to no avail, and then thought of the person who had sealed the horned dragon in Bei Mingye's body.

When Bei Mingye heard this question, he seemed to be silent for a while, but he quickly replied:
"It's Mu Qingzhou."

Qin Wuge was amazed, she had always regarded Mu Qingzhou as an enemy, and the relationship between Bei Mingye and Mu Qingzhou was also a sworn enemy.

Then why did the man who killed Bei Mingye's mother help him by sealing the horned dragon in his body?

Perhaps, sealing the horned dragon was not helping him at all, but using the horned dragon to change the fusion method of divine blood and spiritual power in his body!Otherwise, why couldn't she find a way to seal the divine blood power in his body.

"As long as I don't use my spiritual power, the power of the blood will not explode."

Seeing her embarrassed look, Bei Mingye smiled and reached out to rub her head.

See her worrying about her own affairs.Bei Mingye also couldn't bear it.

"Well, this is indeed the stupidest way, but until I find a way, you can do this!"

Qin Wuge breathed a sigh of relief, temporarily unable to use spiritual power is like a useless person, but she will find a flexible sealing method, when he is in danger, he can use strong subjective ideas to release the seal, and the ordinary At that time, he kept his spiritual power in a sealed state, so that his body would not deteriorate.

But this is just a stopgap measure.

When Qin Wuge completely sealed his spiritual power with the power of the circle, he thought he would see an old man, but in fact, Bei Mingye's face was only a little paler. Besides, there was no change at all. No.

He had known for a long time that he was only in his 20s, but seeing him now still surprised him a lot.

"Spiritual power cultivation and cultivation have the advantage of assisting aura and appearance, but after you sealed your spiritual power, it hasn't changed at all."

When Qin Wuge stared at his face and sighed, he was obsessed.

Bei Mingye burst out laughing, the gorgeous smile seemed to explode on his face, his brows and eyes curled into a slit.

He has never laughed like this before, it can be seen that he is in a very good mood, and only when he is in such an extremely happy mood can he make such a pig-eating laugh.

Originally, he was still worried about his situation, but seeing him laughing like this, Qin Wuge couldn't help being amused by him, and scolded with a smile:
"Why? Now that I'm a useless person, I'm still so happy."

Bei Mingye nodded arrogantly:

"Well, even a useless person, I also think that I can rely on your beauty to seek protection from you."

He has always been an upright and domineering man, yet he has such a soft side like a puppy, Qin Wuge is hesitating, whether he should give him a stronger seal so that he cannot break through subjectively, so that he has always been This little milk dog looks like.

Well, Qin Wuge felt that even if he couldn't find a solution to the blood of God in his whole life, she was still willing to protect him like this, and always...

(End of this chapter)

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