Chapter 682
Chapter 682
After Meng Haiyin sat down, she maintained a contemplative look, and looked up at Qin Wuge from time to time.

Qin Wuge understood that she was thinking about countermeasures, and by the way, she was examining herself.

An ancestor of the Meng family like Meng Haiyin was also a person who stood at the center of power before, a deep strategist in the city.

Therefore, if Qin Wuge wants to cooperate with such a person, he needs to show his sincerity, and the two of them have a common goal.

"Senior, I want to know why you left the Emperor's Forest with your clansmen." Qin Wuge took the initiative to speak.

Meng Haiyin didn't answer immediately, but asked rhetorically:
"How much do you know about Emperor Lin?"

"I grew up in the country of Yan. It was the first time I came to the Emperor's Forest, but I knew about the sacrifices in the holy lake." Qin Wuge confessed.

Meng Haiyin nodded:
"It seems that the dark side of the holy lake has been revealed, so you, a little girl who just came to the emperor's forest, have discovered the secret of the holy lake."

Qin Wuge didn't answer her words, but just looked at her with polite and gentle eyes, waiting for her to continue.

When a person is talking, you just keep looking at her and don't interrupt her, she will say more, this is a conversation and negotiation skill.

It's a pity that this technique obviously doesn't work on Meng Haiyin, she laughed at herself:
"Miss Qin, you should ask directly if you have any questions. It is obviously impossible for you to ask me to say more by myself."

Qin Wuge smiled:

"Senior is smart, it's not that I do it on purpose, but I don't know what to ask senior. However, can senior tell me the secret of the holy lake?"

Meng Haiyin had a faint smile on his face, and he had a good impression of Qin Wuge.She could see that Miss Qin was a smart person, and it was very easy to deal with smart people.Moreover, Meng Haiyin didn't mind sharing the secret about the holy lake.

Meng Haiyin had told her clan members about the holy lake before, but unfortunately no one believed her at that time, and some even accused her of slandering the holy lake.

It is rare for someone to be interested in the holy lake and see through the conspiracy of the holy lake. For Meng Haiyin, this is a rare bosom friend.

"I don't know much about the holy lake, but I have seen the holy lake devouring the gods, not the kind of sacrifice."

When Meng Haiyin said this, she saw Qin Wuge beckon and let out a puddle of water.

At first, Meng Haiyin was still wondering, what does it mean that you suddenly made a puddle of water?But when she saw that the ball of water had its own vitality, Meng Haiyin's face turned pale instantly, her eyes widened in astonishment:
"You... what you released is holy lake water?"

The confidence and calmness in Meng Haiyin's body just now disappeared, and the panic on her face was like that of a little girl who saw such a terrible thing.

"Senior, this ball of water is not malicious, you see."

Qin Wuge quickly opened his mouth to explain, for fear that Meng Haiyin would do something out of the ordinary.In fact, Meng Haiyin had already planned to escape, and just woke up from the seal, the last thing she wanted to face was the water of the holy lake!
However, Meng Haiyin was horrified to see that the ball of water turned into a big mouth under Qin Wuge's command.

Holy lake water will obey her order?

How can it be!

"I have seen holy lake water eat people, they will leave no bones left. I have also seen the sacrifice that Baifeng will hold, draining the blood of the gods to feed the holy lake." Qin Wuge explained in the voice Only then did Meng Haiyin slowly come back to his senses.

She still looked at the ball of water beside Qin Wuge in a daze:
"Indeed! I have seen this kind of holy lake water eating people. They were bred from the holy lake. It seems that they ran out to eat people because of insufficient blood and flesh sacrifices, and they specially attacked the royal family of the blood of the gods. That's why I left with the Meng clan."

"Actually, the members of the Meng clan that I took away were only a small part. Most of the members of the Meng clan stayed in Emperor Forest. Now, are they still alive?"

Facing Meng Haiyin's expectant question, Qin Wuge had no choice but to answer truthfully:
"Now there are no gods in the Emperor's Forest, and the only Qin family has only a few thousand people left. I have moved them out to Junsai City in the Yan Kingdom."

Meng Haiyin was silent for a long time before saying in a hoarse voice:
"I predicted that if the Protoss in the Emperor's Forest did not leave, all that awaited them would be death and extinction, but no one believed it."

Qin Wuge agrees very much:
"Yes, there are only a few thousand people left in the Qin clan, but they still don't want to leave the Emperor's Forest, and they have too much affection for their hometown, the Emperor's Forest."

Meng Haiyin looked up at Qin Wuge with serious and serious eyes:

"I can see that you are of the blood of the Qin royal family, but you still have a part of your blood, which should come from the holy lake."

Qin Wuge was stunned:
"Senior, did you say that the holy lake is a race?"

After seeing the holy lake, Qin Wuge knew that the holy lake should be regarded as a kind of living being, but he never regarded them as a race, let alone thought that the holy lake could reproduce with humans.

"When I said you came from the holy lake, I meant that you had the true blood of the gods, the blood of the gods. Otherwise, why would the water of the holy lake follow you?"

Seeing Qin Wuge's blank expression, Meng Haiyin explained:

"The top ten protoss in Emperor Forest are not real protoss, they can only be semi-protoss, or contracted protoss, like your Nine Heavens Feather Spirit Clan, which is extremely powerful compared to human blood, and can contract and raise divine birds , so as to gain stronger power, but we are not real gods, real gods or demons, and their own blood power can be compared to gods and beasts."

The existing protoss, that is, the Emperor Lin protoss, is said to be the descendants of the gods, also known as the fallen protoss. They possess divine power but exist in human bodies. They are considered to have protoss in their blood, but they are no longer the real protoss in the true sense.

That's why they need the power of the holy lake as a support to suppress and use the divine power in their bodies.

However, the real Celestials do not need the assistance of the holy lake.

"The so-called holy lake support is nothing but a scam! It must be used by the Heavenly Demons to smear the descendants of the gods, absorb the power of the descendants of the gods, accumulate and use them to revive the demons, and bring disaster to the mainland!"

Having said that, Meng Haiyin stared at Qin Wuge and asked:

"Are the demons and beasts revived on the mainland?"

Qin Wuge nodded in bewilderment, full of doubts, he could only ask one by one:
"What is the Sky Demon Clan? Is it the same as the Sky Demon Sect?"

Meng Haiyin glanced at Yinfeng and hummed:

"Of course it's different. The Heavenly Demon Sect is as powerful as the Celestial Gods. It existed in the two camps of the ancient times. Later, a great war broke out, and the Heavenly Demons were wiped out. The Celestials also suffered heavy losses, and finally sank to the mainland. The top ten god clans that evolved into the Emperor Forest are also descendants of the gods. In order to retaliate and show their achievements, the descendants of the gods established the Tianmo sect. Using the Tianmo sect as a servant of the gods is also an insult to the reputation of the Tianmo clan. "

Qin Wuge was very excited, because the news he got from Meng Haiyin was too important, and these things that he had never heard of could be learned from her.

Moreover, the Holy Lake is very likely to be a conspiracy of the Heavenly Demons, specially used to deal with the top ten blood gods.

"We have a common goal, Holy Lake!"

After Meng Haiyin finished speaking, his impression of Qin Wuge improved a lot.She was very pleased that after thousands of years, there were still descendants of the sacred blood who could see through the conspiracy of the holy lake and actively resist the holy lake.

Especially after hearing that the Emperor Lin had been haunted by evil spirits, and the monks from the mainland had built a wall and enchantment, Meng Haiyin's identification with Qin Wuge deepened.

"Baifeng, oh~ no! Yinfeng, wake up this man first, he is more useful."

Meng Haiyin pointed to the sleeping Su Dingfang and asked Yinfeng to do it. Yinfeng was already ready, and naturally responded readily, and made a swift move.

Bei Mingye came up, and when he saw Meng Haiyin awakened, he just nodded, stood beside Qin Wuge, and said in a low voice:
"Your mother is here."

Pulling Qin Wuge who was about to go out, Bei Mingye explained carefully:
"There was a good relationship between Fu Hongxue and Su Dingfang, you..."

Bei Mingye was very helpless, he didn't know how to explain the matter of "your mother is dating a man who is not your father".

In fact, Fu Hongxue just wanted to meet Su Dingfang alone. It was Bei Mingye who suggested that Qin Wuge should not hide it from him. After Fu Hongxue agreed, he volunteered to come to the showdown, but he didn't know what to say.

Many times lies are much simpler and more useful than the truth, but he never wanted to deceive her.

Qin Wuge was silent for a while, and then smiled comfortably:
"If you can make mother happy and find someone you like, that would be great."

(End of this chapter)

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