Chapter 688 I Don't Trust Him

Chapter 688 I Don't Trust Him

"The water from the holy lake can also hurt the demons. What will happen if the water from the holy lake is led into the devil's lair?"

As soon as Qin Wuge thought about the holy lake, Long Jue expressed his thoughts.

"This is worth trying." Qin Wuge was surprised that his thoughts were similar to his own.

Long Jue raised his eyebrows and seemed to be in great interest, and even sent an invitation to Qin Wuge:
"Yanhuang, would you like to go on an adventure with me?"

To be honest, Qin Wuge was moved. She had always wanted to find out the relationship between the holy lake and the blood of the gods, but she could only find out this secret after going to the holy lake.

However, Qin Wuge didn't agree immediately, at least he had to wait until after discussing with Bei Mingye. Now Bei Mingye's spiritual power has been sealed, and tomorrow he will try to seal Bei Mingye's divine blood power after Yinfeng recovers. Therefore, Even if you want to go, you have to wait until after tomorrow.

Long Jue saw Qin Wuge's hesitation, and he knew the reason for her hesitation.Because of Bei Mingye, she became so hesitant, and the ability and determination that she once had was gone.

This made Long Jue angry.

Bei Mingye is not her lover, but a cage that restrains her from flying.

"Is it because of Bei Mingye? I believe she will take care of herself! And I will protect you."

Long Jue's tone was heavy, and with a burst of anger, he wanted to tell her directly to let her give up Bei Mingye, but his reason told him not to be so impulsive.

"His Royal Highness Long Chen, I'm going back first."

Seeing Long Jue's sudden irritable appearance, Qin Wuge felt puzzled, so he turned to leave.

But Long Jue followed and asked aggressively:
"Why are you so nice to that man? Now don't you think that man is taking off your hind legs? Because of the relationship between you, it makes you vulnerable!"

Long Jue thought that if she followed him, he would take her forward bravely and encourage each other to venture into the Emperor's Forest and the Holy Lake with great vigor.The two of them will grow stronger as they go forward.

Instead of her current appearance, she also has to worry about other people's fragile feelings.

"You are wrong, it is because of the relationship between us that we become stronger!"

Qin Wuge really didn't know what Long Jue was fuming about. After making an excuse, Qin Wuge didn't stop, turned around and left quickly.

Long Jue didn't catch up, although he really wanted to, but he also knew that if he did, it would only make the situation worse.He seemed to be dazzled by anger, so that he said too much to her.

And all of this was seen by the third prince. The arrival of the third prince did not hide from Long Jue's eyes, but Long Jue did not deliberately avoid him. Even the conversation between Long Jue and Qin Wuge just now did not avoid him. the meaning of.

When Qin Wuge left, Long Jue looked at the third prince and said:

"You saw it just now, did I do something wrong?"

Luo Yunsheng understood that Long Jue didn't avoid him just now, but wanted him to be his adviser.

"Your behavior is right, but your mentality is wrong."

Luo Yunsheng's voice was still the same as before, unhurried, but the low volume made people have to listen more carefully.

Long Jue suspected that he deliberately spoke in such a low voice so that people would have to pay attention to his words. This is a kind of speaking technique.

"Is my mentality wrong?" Long Jue didn't take Luo Yunsheng's explanation seriously.

Luo Yunsheng said patiently:
"Sometimes feelings do make people worry more and make people weak in certain things, but most of the time feelings make people brave and strong. If your highness doesn't believe it, you can think about complaining Isn’t the cause of spirits becoming demons because of obsession? And most of the condensation of resentment is due to feelings.”

Luo Yunsheng's explanation made Long Jue have to admit that feelings do make people stronger, but they also have to be divided into objects:
"A bad partner will only destroy this relationship. I don't think Bei Mingye is her best partner."

Luo Yunsheng smiled wryly and shook his head:

"Then we don't know. At least now the two of them are in love."

Long Jue suddenly heard some jealousy from Luo Yunsheng's tone, he looked at Luo Yunsheng in surprise, and asked:

"You also like Qin Wuge?"

Luo Yunsheng did not answer, but talked about other topics:
"I prefer rights. Only with rights can I be qualified to pursue."

In this regard, Long Jue greatly agrees. Long Jue's imperial prince was also snatched by himself. He is too aware of the importance of rights.

"Since we all like that girl, why don't we unite and destroy Beimingye first, and then we each rely on our own abilities." Long Jue looked at Luo Yunsheng with burning eyes, and Luo Yunsheng was afraid of the greed and ambition in his eyes.

Long Jue has always been a very aggressive person, and Bei Mingye is the only one who can suppress him.

If Lianhe solves Bei Mingye first, Luo Yunsheng is sure that he is his next target.

"Prince Long was joking."

Luo Yunsheng pretended to talk about him, but politely refused.

Long Jue didn't continue to persuade him, but his eyes full of conquest showed that Long Jue would not give up.

"I'm here just to tell Prince Long that there seem to be a lot fewer demons behind the barrier."

Luo Yunsheng originally wanted to discuss the countermeasures with Prince Long after he finished the news, but now he didn't want to discuss it, and it would be more reliable to discuss it with the elders of those top sects.

News of the demon's retreat quickly spread.

When the barrier of the wall was first established, the demons wanted to rush out. They continued to test the walls of various places. After no results, the demons began to retreat slowly. Now, there are no demons wandering around the barrier of the wall.

Demons belong to intelligent creatures, and they seem to have wandered in the Emperor's Forest after discovering that the barrier of the wall could not be broken through.

But for those defending outside the wall, the quietness of the demon made them more worried.

The emperor's forest is not boundless, and an enchantment has been set up at the border with the Tianlan Empire, but the other side of the emperor's forest is the dead land and the deep sea.

Therefore, it is very likely that the demons will escape from other places in the Emperor's Forest.

After the sects discussed with the empire, most of the sect monks were allowed to return, leaving only the top sects and the elite of the empire.

The demons will not attack the barrier of the wall. It would be too wasteful to let too many monks stay here, so they should disperse the guards and divide the area to be responsible.

Due to the threat of evil spirits, the martial arts tournament that had been scheduled had no choice but to be postponed.

And the defensive area that Yan Guo is responsible for is a small part of the southern section of the wall barrier, hundreds of miles north from the Sunset Forest is the responsible area.

The four great empires and the top sects need to stay behind the walls and barriers, and organize and send monks to the Emperor Forest to investigate the movements of the demons.

After Qin Wuge ordered Yuan Hong to lead the people to defend the area in charge, he and Bei Mingye waited for Yinfeng to recover before sealing him with divine power.

"Seal the divine power? Do you want to seal such a powerful power?"

When Bei Mingqing heard about their decision, he expressed his opposition.

"Divine power is the weapon to deal with demons. After you seal the divine power, what can you use to deal with demons?" Bei Mingqing's question is very sharp, but it is also a problem that mainland monks must face.

"The question is, if you don't seal the divine power, how can you ensure his safety?" Qin Wuge questioned Bei Mingqing.

"There will always be a way. As an imperial clan, he should bear certain responsibilities." Bei Mingqing glanced at his nephew, and seeing his gentle and harmless appearance, Bei Mingqing felt an inexplicable beating in his heart. A chill.

"Is your responsibility to let him take risks? He is your nephew, and he decided to wake you up."

Qin Wuge was very angry. According to Bei Mingqing, she didn't care about Bei Mingye's life or death at all. The sealing of divine power was just to protect Bei Mingye. Qin Wuge didn't understand why she objected so much.

"He is indeed my nephew, but he is also from the Emperor Clan. As the True Yuan Emperor Clan, he cannot be a shy bastard. He must take responsibility at this time! Therefore, divine power must not be sealed!"

Bei Mingqing stared at him solemnly:
"The bloodline of my horned dragon clan in the Great Desolation is very unstable. There are too few descendants with pure divine power. Your divine power is as pure as mine. It would be a pity to seal it up. You must maintain your divine power, even for the sake of For the sake of the Imperial Clan!"

Qin Wuge explained beside him:
"It's not a permanent seal, but a first attempt to seal it without using divine power. If a solution is found in the future, it will naturally be possible to unseal the seal and restore the divine power."

Bei Mingqing sneered, that smile revealed the control and judgment of the superior:
"This is what I want to talk about. If you let Yinfeng seal it, who knows if he will take the opportunity to harm him! I don't believe him."

(End of this chapter)

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