Chapter 696 The Secret of the Holy Bead

Chapter 696 The Secret of the Holy Bead

Qin Wuge originally thought that her holy bead would be near her lower abdomen, after all, it was the place where she was pregnant, but after searching around, she found an abnormality at the location of the pill soul.

A milky white aura surrounds her pill soul, which is like spiritual power, but it is very different from spiritual power.

"Senior, have you noticed any abnormalities in your pill soul?"

Qin Wuge asked while checking the aura on her pill soul.

Bei Mingqing's face was still full of sadness after crying. Hearing her question, she raised her hands with the lock bracelet and said with a wry smile:

"My spiritual power is blocked now, and I can't check the pill soul, but my memory is fine."

Bei Mingqing touched his lower abdomen with both hands, sadness spread in his eyes, and asked eagerly:

"my child……"

Halfway through the conversation, Bei Mingqing didn't know how to ask. Of course, she knew best about her child. She was already dead, and was used as a sacrifice by Yinfeng to enshrine the holy lake, thus getting the holy The gift of the lake has also been used by her for so many years.

On the topic of children, she is extremely guilty.So embarrassed to ask Qin Wuge.

It is clear that she took advantage of the dead child, so now she still wants to ask others?Bei Mingqing has to be strong and faceless, her strong nature does not allow her to do such shameless things.

"I think the breath of the holy bead formed by your child may be around Pill Soul, let me take it out and have a look?" Qin Wuge asked tentatively.

Bei Mingqing was stunned for a moment. When talking about the child, she seemed dull and sad. After reacting for a long time, she nodded in a daze:
"Okay, can I... see him again?"

Qin Wuge told the truth:
"I'm afraid it won't work. After the water of the holy lake is swallowed, not even the soul will be left. It should only form the holy beads. Those around your pill soul may be the breath of the holy beads."

"Holy bead?" Bei Mingqing was very unfamiliar with the word "sacred bead". The first thing she thought of was some method of evil cultivators to refine people into pills.

So, is the holy bead the pill that refined one's own child?

And the reason why he has not been backlashed by the power of divine blood is also because of this?
Although he always knew that the child he was carrying was protecting him, but knowing that the child was refined into a pill, and has been used in the body for a long time, Bei Mingqing was even more sad, and even felt sick.

"Get it out! Get it all out!"

Bei Mingqing took a deep breath and roared almost to the point of collapse.

When she thought of all the things she had done with the refined child, she felt like vomiting with regret.

"Senior, calm down, or you may hurt your pill soul." Qin Wuge told her to calm down as much as possible, while sealing her big acupoint with spiritual power, making her fall into a coma.

After she fell into a deep sleep, Qin Wuge began to use spiritual power to try to get out a little bit of the aura around her pill soul.

King Yi came to help, holding a scroll with the formation in his hand:
"I have studied the ancestral formations of the top ten sacred-blood races. This should be used as a holy bead by them."

"Fortunately, you are thoughtful. It would be a pity if the aura of the holy beads was drawn out after a while and I couldn't find a way to store them." Qin Wuge expressed his gratitude immediately.

King Yi grinned, didn't say much, he didn't think of these things himself, it was all thought of by Bei Mingye, even the scroll with the formation in his hand was given to him by Bei Mingye.

Bei Mingye had already started researching the Holy Lake and the Emperor Lin God Clan.

Even, King Yi felt that even though Qin Wuge had discovered so much now, Bei Mingye might have expected it long ago.

After Qin Wuge carefully probed the spiritual power, without Bei Mingqing's resistance, he successfully pulled out the aura of the Holy Bead.

Pill Soul has its own independence, so it is not difficult to extract these aura clusters around Pill Soul. Even when they are separated and in contact with each other, Qin Wuge feels that the aura of these holy beads is very good for his spiritual power. fusion.

If Qin Wuge hadn't deliberately rejected the fusion of her spiritual power and the power of this holy bead, these powers would really be integrated into her spiritual power.

After being pulled away, the power of the holy bead left Bei Mingqing's body and still formed a white aura, floating in the void, faintly visible, as if it intended to get close to Qin Wuge.

Qin Wuge felt that the holy bead's aura seemed to have turned into a baby's shadow, with a sweet and warm aura.

"Qin Wuge?"

King Yi saw her staring at the white ball of breath as if possessed, so he hurriedly used a circle to gather the ball of breath, and reminded her.

Under his shout, Qin Wuge came back to her senses, she looked at the void in a daze, the aura had long since disappeared, but there still seemed to be a child's aura there.

"It wasn't illusion just now, but soul breath!"

Qin Wuge can control high-level illusions, so it can be discerned that what is formed by the aura is not an illusion, but a real existence.

Qin Wuge also finally understood the significance of the memory fragments he got when he was in the holy lake, and the girl who appeared in his dream and looked exactly like him was not a dream at all, but a breath!

It's my own mother's breath!

"After the holy lake devours people, the primordial spirit will not stay behind, but it will leave behind the soul!"

Qin Wuge excitedly shouted at King Yi.

King Yi hurriedly nodded:

"Enn, I know, it is the memory of the soul after death. The formed breath is a white crystal, but it is very unstable, and it will easily disappear once it is exposed to the air."

Qin Wuge nodded sharply, pointed to the magic circle scroll in his hand and said:
"So this is not only a magic circle that slowly releases the power of the crystal, but also the key to trapping the breath!"

"Great, as long as I have the breath, I can condense the breath to form a memory fragment." Qin Wuge was happy, but looked at Bei Mingqing with a little worry. She was not sure whether to do this, the condensed memory fragments Bei Mingqing can leave the memory of her child.

But the child is gone long ago, and the memory fragments left behind are just a kind of harm to her, and it is just a baby formed in her womb. A cry when the power of the lake erodes.

"Leave it here and show it to her when she wants to."

Bei Mingye came over at some point, he stopped beside his aunt, and picked her up from the ground.

Although she once competed with her father for the throne and even had bloodshed, she is her aunt after all, the closest blood relative in the Imperial Clan.

The biggest regret of my aunt in this life is her child, and it is always good to leave a little memory of him.

"I kept most of the power of the holy bead around her pill soul, and I only pulled out a little bit. After determining the ingredients, I will see if I can refine some pills with similar effects."

Qin Wuge guessed that although Bei Mingqing's body is not backlashed by divine power now, but when the power of the holy bead is exhausted, it would be great if he could make a elixir.

"Okay, I'll take my aunt down to rest first."

Bei Mingye left with his aunt in his arms, without any expression on his face, but his heart was heavy. He was worried about the child in his aunt's womb. He had heard about some power struggles in the past. His death seemed to be related to his father.

Therefore, Bei Mingye can guess what kind of attitude her aunt will have towards her father after she wakes up this time.

King Yi stayed with Qin Wuge to study the power of the holy beads. It was a long and complicated process, but King Yi put forward his own idea at the very beginning:

"Do you know the human pill or furnace cauldron made by evil cultivators?"

Qin Wuge nodded to express that he had heard of it. Evil cultivators can be said to do all kinds of evil, but they are more focused on arresting people to make furnaces and refining human pills, because the effect of human pills is extremely good, and using human refining to make up for themselves is not repulsive and extremely sinister Evil is very effective.

Qin Wuge understood what King Yi meant. He meant that after the holy lake devoured people, the holy beads made were like human pills made by evil cultivators.

And in fact, it was true. Qin Wuge and Yi Wang tested the properties of the holy bead, and found that there were many ingredients that could not be extracted from pills, and this kind of ingredients might only be found in human pills of evil cultivators.

"Give up, we can't make this kind of thing!"

King Yi gave up after discovering this problem, and used the method of refining human pills to replenish the body and prevent the backlash of the divine blood power?He would never use such an evil and inhumane method.

He believed that Bei Mingye and Qin Wuge would not agree either.

He would rather believe that the power of the divine blood is really a curse, and would rather keep the power of the divine blood sealed up for use.

"Wait, I thought of it." Qin Wuge was disappointed, but suddenly had an idea and thought of a breakthrough point.

They cannot refine human pills, but they can use other substitutes!There happened to be such a material in the Emperor's Forest.

(End of this chapter)

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