Chapter 698

Chapter 698

King Yi felt that Bei Mingqing was too scary.

It's a pity that Bei Mingye and Qin Wuge are now being targeted by this woman, and the two of them don't know that Bei Mingqing can easily break the spirit lock bracelet.

"Why did you let me see that you broke the spirit lock bracelet?"

King Yi had already repaired the spirit lock bracelet and sent it to Bei Mingqing. Watching her put it on in a serious manner, King Yi felt speechless.

"Because you dare not report on me!"

Bei Mingqing answered as a matter of course.

King Yi's temper came up:
"Are you insulting my personality? Why don't I dare!"

King Yi felt that he was a man with a tough temper and a backbone, and for the safety of Bei Mingye and Qin Wuge, he was desperate to be killed, and he wanted to report him.

But after Bei Mingqing squinted his eyes and glanced over, King Yi felt his heart sank, an inexplicable shackle seemed to appear in his heart, and he couldn't help but knelt down.

"No one can stand against me."

Bei Mingqing's voice was very soft, but with a kind of domineering arrogance.

King Yi felt a mountain was pressing on his head, and he couldn't resist at all.

"Those rubbish evil cultivators only use soul searching to destroy memory, but I can put a curse on you so that you can't tell me that I broke the spirit lock bracelet. You can try it now, can you say Tell my secret."

King Yi said unconvinced:

It was like a selective language gesture. When he wanted to say something about Bei Mingqing and the Lingling Bracelet, his mind went blank, and he couldn't say anything about her at all.

What is this ghost?

Why is this happening?

King Yi was stunned, he looked at Bei Mingqing in disbelief, his eyes were full of shock, he knew her secret in his heart, but he couldn't tell it.

What is the forbidden curse she cast?
"Don't worry, at least now I won't kill my nephew, and that Qin Wuge is also a very interesting person, I won't treat her badly."

After Bei Mingqing put on the bracelet, he messed up his hair again, his face turned bitter, and turned into a sad woman, holding King Yi's arm, and said pitifully:
"Now take me to Qin Wuge, I also want to test the power of the holy beads she made."

King Yi refused, but his behavior was controlled by her mind, and he led her out of the room involuntarily to look for Qin Wuge.

At this time, Qin Wuge was in Meng Haiyin's room, holding the holy bead he made for her to experiment.

Thanks to Meng Haiyin's absolute trust in her, she took the white bead and ate it without any hesitation, and the power transformed by the white bead automatically swam through her body, and finally stopped at the position of her lower abdomen.

Meng Haiyin clearly felt that the lower abdomen began to heat up, as if there was some kind of healing power.

However, that power lasted for a short time, and Meng Haiyin couldn't help but looked at Qin Wuge and laughed:
"You are too careful, is it not enough for me?"

Qin Wuge nodded:
"It's already very risky to let the seniors do the experiment. I don't dare to use a large amount. I use a little first, and then use it after confirming that there is no problem."

Qin Wuge is very grateful to Meng Haiyin. After all, her experiment has certain dangers and backlash, but she believes in herself so much that Qin Wuge feels embarrassed.

Therefore, Qin Wuge must ensure that what he uses is safe enough.

"Bring it! I think it is very useful, but the composition of the material is still a bit lacking, and the effect is much less than that of the real holy bead."

Meng Haiyin used to use holy beads, so she could compare the difference between the two.

After Qin Wuge took out two more refined holy beads, Meng Haiyin swallowed them directly. This time, she used her spiritual power to catalyze the effect of the medicine, and felt the heat in her lower abdomen become stronger.

Then, Meng Haiyin used her divine power in front of them.

A huge flood dragon appeared behind her, condensed into a solid body, and coiled around her.

Meng Haiyin waited quietly for a while, but the expression on his face became excited.

"It really works! It actually works!"

Meng Haiyin was so excited that she couldn't believe that the problem that had plagued the top ten gods and blood for thousands of years was solved by her?

She is too lucky or too smart.

In any case, this is a great and absolutely significant discovery.Since then, she has controlled the gift of the holy lake and has the absolute right to the blood of the gods!
It's absolutely subversive.

Meng Haiyin couldn't believe it was true.

"It's good if it works. In fact, I also chose ready-made materials. After all, those demons are all transformed by the soul of the blood of the gods, and the creatures eaten by the demons will be transformed into their own power. This is equivalent to refining those powers." .”

Meng Haiyin nodded sharply. After putting away her divine blood power, there was no pain in her lower abdomen. She suggested:
"You can add some other ingredients, or increase the amount. The validity period of the holy beads you refined is too short, and can only maintain the divergence of divine power for a quarter of an hour. The gift from the holy lake can guarantee that the divine blood will not be backlashed by divine power for a long time. . As little as a month, as much as several years."

Meng Haiyin stopped here and said:
"However, the holy bead also has a cumulative effect on the user. Those who have used the holy bead for many years will integrate part of the power of the holy bead in their bodies, so they may not use the holy bead for a lifetime."

Qin Wuge understands this situation, isn't Bei Mingqing just like this!She used the child she was carrying as a sacrifice, and obtained the gift of the holy bead, which was only used on her own body, which was enough for her to use the divine power many times without being backlashed.

So, the Holy Bead actually has a positive effect on the user?Isn't there a bit of backlash and side effects?

Qin Wuge was skeptical about this question.

"You have absorbed all the holy beads I gave you? No discomfort?"

Qin Wuge's holy bead is just refining the green crystal of the demon, without adding any other materials or concentration, so it is already very good to have such an effect.

What Qin Wuge is worried about now is whether she has removed the impurities.

"Are you still worried that I'll lose my stomach if I eat it? Do you think that the holy beads in the holy lake are clean? Then there is something disgusting in the lake."

Meng Haiyin laughed heartily and simply.

It also made Qin Wuge completely relieved, she was right, the holy beads made by the holy lake might have more impurities.

"Then what worries me the most is whether the Holy Bead has any side effects. I also have divine power, so I can test it with you."

After Qin Wuge confirmed that the Holy Bead really had such uses, the next thing she had to do was to get more demonic green crystals.

"Okay, just tell me what materials you need!"

Meng Haiyin simply agreed, and did not ask her how to make the holy bead.She knew very well that the method of making the holy bead was definitely not rumored.

Moreover, since Qin Wuge agreed to share the holy bead with her, what else should Meng Haiyin worry about, following her would naturally bring benefits.

"I want to go to the Emperor's Forest to hunt down demons."

Qin Wuge directly expressed his thoughts. Before, the demons rushed out of the Emperor's Forest and clashed with the legion and sect monks, leaving behind many corpses of demons. However, when the wall was being built, most of them The corpses of the demons were all piled up on the other side of the wall.

There were even quite a few corpses of demons that were used as replacement materials for the wall and built into the wall.After all, at that time, people didn't know that there were any desirable materials on the demon body.

It was discovered that the green crystal was also cleaned up the battlefield afterwards, and the green crystal was dug out by accident. I thought it contained energy, and distributed it as a spoil of war.

In fact, no one knows what the green crystal is for until now.

Qin Wuge wanted to take advantage of this opportunity of entering the Emperor's Forest to dig out all the green crystals in those demons' bodies.

Only with a sufficient number of green crystals can one produce enough holy beads for use by one's own clansmen.In Junsai City, there are still thousands of Qin clan members!

"Okay. I will hunt down demons with you! My divine power is the nemesis of demons!"

Meng Haiyin responded immediately, and Wizard Ye and others also volunteered. The Yufeng Clan is actually a blood race close to the gods, so dealing with demons is no problem.

Bei Mingqing also came in accompanied by Yi Wang. She looked forward with anticipation and pitiful grievances:
"Take me with you. You have seen my strength. I am removing my spirit lock bracelet in the Emperor's Forest. Anyway, in the Emperor's Forest, you don't have to worry about me running away."

King Yi looked at Bei Mingqing with a constipated expression and didn't know what to say.I can only curse in my heart: This woman really knows how to pretend!

(End of this chapter)

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