Chapter 703 What Does It Do To You If I Pet Her

Chapter 703 What Does It Do To You If I Pet Her

The purpose of Qin Wuge and others entering the Emperor's Forest this time is to investigate and hunt as many demons as possible to obtain more demon green crystals.

Although Mingjie, Miaoxuan and the others wondered why she collected the green crystals, they didn't ask anything, and gave all the green crystals they got from killing the demons to Qin Wuge.

Let Qin Wuge's portable space be filled with demon crystals, enough for her to refine for a long time.

Dai Zongyao, the eldest elder of the Tianlan Emperor Clan who was imprisoned in Qin Wuge's portable space, saw the green crystals she collected, and couldn't help being curious:

"What is this? Why do I feel the breath of divine blood from these things?"

Qin Wuge released Dai Zongyao, and Dai Zongyao, who was seriously injured, looked at the Emperor's Forest in astonishment. The evil and ferocious aura in the forest made him unable to believe that this was the Emperor's Forest.

"What happened here?" Dai Zongyao's throat was injured, his voice was torn and hoarse.

Both Bei Mingqing and Meng Haiyin couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and the two divine blood came to the conclusion: This is a Nine Heavens Feather Spirit Clan, but their divine power is broken, and they have practiced other techniques, so they are useless.

"Emperor Yan, who is this person?"

Meng Haiyin asked more interestedly.

"He was originally named Qin Daizong, the son of Qin Xu, the controller of the Qin Clan's weapon tomb, and the cousin of Qin Lang, the crown prince of the Qin Clan." Qin Wuge thought for a while before he sorted out the relationship between these people.

Meng Haiyin wasn't surprised at all. As a divine blood ancestor, he didn't know much about the situation of the current Emperor Lin Qin.

On the contrary, Bei Mingqing was quite surprised:
"What? He is Qin Xu's son? Qin Xu was the candidate of Emperor Qin back then. He volunteered himself because there were no spirit controllers in the weapon tomb. You must know that Qin Xu was a well-known figure in the mainland back then. How could he have a son like him? ?”

Seeing Dai Zongyao's slovenly appearance, Bei Mingqing felt it was a pity.Qin Xu was so handsome back then, his son is so old.

"Hey~ It's a pity, I only met Qin Xu back then, and I still remember his demeanor back then. If he saw his son like this, would he collapse, or Qin Xu would have died long ago, any protoss The weapon graves are the most disgusting places, and you will not live long as a spirit controller in that place."

It was rare for Qin Wuge to see Bei Mingqing feel so emotional. If he told her that Qin Xu was still alive and in his personal space, I don't know what expression she would have.

"who are you?"

As soon as Dai Zongyao came out, he was judged by these two women, and he felt very uncomfortable. It is not a joke for him to end up in such an embarrassing end, he also has his own dignity.

"You don't need to know who we are."

Bei Mingqing rolled her eyes at him, and her haughty and lofty appearance made her domineering look show again.

Dai Zongyao once served the Tianlan Emperor Clan. As the Great Elder of the Emperor Clan, his ability to see people is extremely high. Seeing Bei Mingqing's attitude, he guessed something:
"Could it be that you are from the True Yuan Emperor Clan?"

Only people from the True Yuan Emperor Clan have this kind of arrogance.

"Old things have a good eye."

Bei Mingqing doesn't want to talk to him anymore. As the proud daughter of the Zhenyuan Emperor Clan, Bei Mingqing has her own arrogance and shortcomings. She will subconsciously reject those who can't catch her eyes, and she is even more unwilling to waste time on them.

After all, those in power are very busy, there is no need to waste it for irrelevant people.

Dai Zongyao, who was despised, didn't say much. He is a person who knows the current affairs. After understanding his situation and situation, he knew that he could no longer win the respect of others, and his life and death depended on Qin Wuge. hands.

Being able to live one more day is only a charity from Qin Wuge to him.

However, Dai Zongyao was still curious, what happened to Emperor Lin?Why did it become like this?

Dai Zongyao used to be the divine blood of the Qin clan, but because he couldn't get used to the Qin clan's methods and darkness, he turned away from the clan. He did not hesitate to serve in the Tianlan Emperor clan incognito, and even caused the Qin clan's tragedy more than ten years ago.

His goal is to destroy the cursed god-blood race!

Now, what about the god-blood race he wanted to destroy?where did they go

The belief that has been supporting Dai Zongyao all this time seems to have disappeared because of the great changes in front of him, which made him even more curious when he was at a loss:

"Emperor Yan, can you tell me the situation of Emperor Lin?"

"Isn't this the result you want to see? The blood of the gods is destroyed, and the demons are rampant!"

While Qin Wuge was speaking, another demon rushed out and was killed by Miaoxuan. After the black and green demon was killed, the foul-smelling blood sprayed everywhere, making him extremely disgusting.

Demon?This is the demon?

Dai Zong Yao, that is, Qin Dai Zong, couldn't accept the disgusting creatures that appeared around him from time to time.

Bei Mingye has come back from the front, pulled Qin Wuge and asked:

"You want to subdue him?"

Qin Wuge blinked immediately, under the gloomy and dim light around her, she made those eyes look brighter when she blinked.Like a jewel in the dark night, it shines brightly but also reflects his appearance.

Bei Mingye looked at his own reflection in her eyes, and when he was a little lost, he heard her words with a bit of coquettishness:

"I can't hide anything from you. Are you too smart? I'm worried about what you will do if you lie to me in the future..."

Before he finished speaking, Bei Mingye stretched out his index finger and pressed it on her lips. The soft and moist touch made his mind shake. Immediately, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and said seriously:
"Although Qin Daizong's cultivation base has been damaged, he can still recover. I believe your elixir can help him recover [-]% to [-]% of his peak power. Even so, he is still a rare master, and he was once a member of the Tianlan Emperor Clan. Great Elder, you know too many things and know too many people."

Therefore, Qin Daizong is the person who knows Tianlan Empire best.

As long as he is subdued, he will control a lot of information about the Tianlan Empire.

Know yourself and the enemy before you can fight a hundred battles without imperil.

The reason why Qin Wuge wanted to subdue Qin Daizong did have this consideration. In fact, another consideration was because he was also a member of his own clan. Qin Daizong could be said to be the sinner of the Qin family. He was the one who directed the Qin family's tragedy. But what role he played in the tragedy of Qin's murder is still unclear.

Because the Temple of Punishment is the mastermind behind the scenes.

Qin Wuge wanted him to see clearly the situation in front of him, understand everything he had done, and make atonement for it.There are too many secrets in the holy lake and the Qin family, and Qin Daizong is the key to unraveling these secrets.

After Qin Daizong witnessed the situation of Emperor Lin, he was really surprised:

"How did it become like this? When the divine blood perishes, shouldn't all the sins die together? Why did such a disgusting creature come out? Could it be that the divine blood is really a guard to suppress demons? And I actually slaughtered these guards? "

Qin Daizong's spirit almost collapsed. He has never recognized Qin's status as a guard, and he does not believe that the gods suppress evil spirits.In his view, the Qin family is a cursed race that uses evil means to maintain its strength.Such a race should not exist in the world at all.

But now, as the gods were almost slaughtered, demons appeared in this forest, and the emperor's forest turned into hell. Isn't it because of the disappearance of the gods?It turns out that the Protoss is really the guardian of the security of the mainland.

Although there are all kinds of darkness and filth in the Protoss, it is precisely because of this that they have gained powerful power to suppress demons.Therefore, the Protoss should be even greater!
And he actually helped the Temple of Punishment to kill these loyal guards.

The subversion of cognition and the huge evil consequences caused by his actions made Qin Daizong's eyes darkened and he fell down.

Bei Mingqing was completely watching the excitement. Seeing Qin Daizong fainting, she sneered:

"It's just such a useless thing, Emperor Yan, don't tell me you still want to subdue him?"

Bei Mingqing felt that Qin Wuge was completely superfluous, and it would be a waste of time and energy to subdue such a person. It would be better to find a useful and powerful person to subdue him.At least it can be useful.

Qin Wuge disagreed with her statement:

"The value of a person does not lie in his strength. I think Qin Daizong is a useful person, and it is worth my time and energy."

Seeing Qin Wuge give Qin Daizong a high-level healing pill, Bei Mingqing despised him even more:
"A person like him is a waste of pills. It is possible to restore his strength, but it will take at least a year or more. There are countless pills and materials. With these materials and pills, it is enough to cultivate A monk."

Bei Mingqing judged a person's value completely from an extremely rational point of view, ruthless and even biased.

And Qin Wuge's thoughts are very different from hers, and he doesn't agree with her views on life:
"Senior, I seem to understand why you failed to seize power. Even without Yinfeng, you are no match for Emperor Zhenyuan."

Bei Mingqing was furious, this is the topic she most taboo to talk about, but she, a little girl, said it in a judgmental tone, damn it!

"Girl, you are irritating me!"

There was no phantom of a giant beast on Bei Mingqing's back, but her terrifying aura had already shown that she was targeting Qin Wuge.

"Auntie, are you going to hit someone?"

Bei Mingye stood in front of her with a sneer. It was a icy cold smile, his squinted eyes burst out with cold light, and the dangerous and heavy breath made Bei Mingqing afraid. If you do it, your nephew will kill him without hesitation.

She is his aunt!dear!

And he actually protects outsiders!

"She's not your wife yet, so if you protect her like this, you won't be afraid of spoiling her? You will be the one who will suffer then!" Bei Mingqing had to give up his arrogance, but he still questioned Bei Mingye angrily.

Bei Mingye smiled and shrugged:

"I just want to spoil her to heaven. As a woman, aunt can find a man who spoils you so much, but judging by your temper, it is impossible for a man to spoil you like this!"

Qin Wuge's direct words were offensive, while Bei Mingye's words were personal attacks.

He just wanted to fight back her disrespect to Qin Wuge, revealing her doting wife's wild nature, making Bei Mingqing unbearably ashamed and indignant, but helpless and speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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