Chapter 714
Chapter 714
The plan for the Allied Forces Conference Hall has been discussed and finalized, and the third prince has benefited greatly from it. He has demonstrated his ability in this Emperor's Forest incident, and has also won the support of many people in the country.

Moreover, the third prince also established his own power because of this, and now the 20 Tianlan imperial army guarding outside the wall of the emperor's forest are all under the jurisdiction of the third prince.

However, everyone felt that the 20 troops of the Tianlan Emperor Clan was still short. Therefore, both the Haisheng Empire and the Longchen Empire also dispatched 2 troops to join in the defense.

Only the [-] Guardians of Beimingye did not participate. This is what Emperor Tianlan meant. What Emperor Tianlan was most afraid of was the [-] Guardians of Beimingye. Therefore, he would rather mobilize troops from other parts of the country to strengthen the wall The defense is not willing to let Bei Mingye's army participate.

"Emperor Yan, is your army from the country of Yan coming to assist in the defense? I can give you a quota of 1 people."

Luo Yunsheng was grateful for everything Qin Wuge and Bei Mingye had done, so he gave him a generous reward.

The quota of 1 people is not only for the army to defend here, but more importantly, it can temper the combat effectiveness of the army during the defense, and has the privilege of entering the emperor's forest.

Therefore, the quota of 1 people is very important to Yan State.

"How many people are there in other sects?"

Qin Wuge asked back.

To defend the enchantment of the emperor's forest wall, the more people the better, because what is needed here is only the mainland's elite, such as those top sects, and only a few thousand people are allocated.

"The top sects that have participated in the fight against demons this time, such as Wanfo Sect and Haoran Sect, all have a quota of 3000 people, while other sects have 1000 people. I believe that the 1000 people sent by those sects are not sects. The top monks in the country are not as powerful as the army, so it is not an exaggeration to give the country 1 people."

Luo Yunsheng's words were beautiful, and Qin Wuge didn't need to have any psychological burden to accept his kindness.

What he said was also reasonable enough. The reason why those sects sent sect disciples here was not only to resist the evil spirits, but also a rare opportunity to practice.

"Okay, I promise."

Qin Wuge also didn't want to let go of the opportunity to benefit the monks in his own country. The army of Yan State can indeed be trained to defend here. This is a good opportunity to improve the national strength and the combat effectiveness of the army.

Xuan Mo hesitated to speak, he still didn't like to give Emperor Yan such special treatment.

There are not a few people who have the same idea as Xuan Mo. When other sects learned that Yan State has a garrison quota of 1 people, and they only have a few thousand people, dissatisfaction broke out among them.

Even Xuanzhen Sect, who had always been on good terms with Qin Wuge, thought it was too much.

Dai Mao, the suzerain of Xuanzhen Sect, has brought a large number of sect disciples from the headquarters. Hearing that his sect has only [-] places, he was furious on the spot:

"Dai Chengzong, you followed Qin Wuge into the Emperor's Forest back then, and the wall barrier was created with the help of the elders of my sect. We have paid so much, but the result is only 1000 people? Then I will bring What about the 3000 people?"

The suzerain Dai Mao is Dai Chengzong's uncle. Faced with his severe criticism, Dai Chengzong did not dare to refute, but Dai Chengzong can understand the meaning of the decision of the Allied Army Conference Hall: after all, the Xuanzheng sect is based on formations. Yes, the monks in the sect are good at formations but not good at fighting. Even if they enter the Emperor's Forest, they can only be used as formation support for the team, and one formation master in a team of dozens of people is enough.

There are too many formation masters in the team, so people need to be assigned to protect the team, which is obviously not good for the team.

"Sovereign, this decision was made by the Allied Army Council Hall. We can respond to the Council Hall." That's all Dai Chengzong could say.

Dai Mao's face is ugly:

"Of course I'm going to speak at the meeting hall, but isn't Qin Wuge's right to speak very important? Why doesn't she speak for us? I know that she helped Miaoxuan win the elder's seat in the meeting hall, so she doesn't take up ten thousand Buddhas The kind with the quota!"

Dai Chengzong has nothing to say, Miaoxuan is Qin Wuge's master, it is understandable for her to help Miaoxuan win such benefits.Besides, Miaoxuan is already a demigod at the peak of the Mahayana period, the more honors he bears, the greater the responsibility.

However, Dai Mao would not consider these things. As the suzerain, the first thing he considered was the interests and reputation of the sect.

"Dai Chengzong, you have a good relationship with Qin Wuge, why don't you talk to her?"

Dai Mao's words were approved by several elders, Dai Chengzong could only go out of the camp, but it was difficult to really go to Qin Wuge.

Maybe it's because of his recognition of Qin Wuge, so Dai Chengzong doesn't think Qin Wuge should take any responsibility for this, it's not easy for her, okay?

But obviously the other elders and suzerains in the sect didn't think so, they felt unwilling and jealous of Yan's treatment and rise.

Therefore, it is reasonable to use this to be dissatisfied with Qin Wuge.

"Deputy elder, why are you here?"

Dai Chengzong unknowingly walked to the side of the wall barrier, and it turned out that Qin Wuge was here, and she greeted him warmly.This made Dai Chengzong blush and didn't know how to respond for a while.

"Emperor Yan is here to check the enchantment? Is there something wrong with the enchantment?" Dai Chengzong walked up with a bit of embarrassment, and enthusiastically helped to check the magic circle.

"Well, my subordinates reported that there are abnormal fluctuations here, so let's take a look, are there a lot of formation masters from your Xuanzhengzong? I think it is better for you to take care of the maintenance of the wall enchantment."

Qin Wuge smiled and chatted with him.

Dai Cheng Zong smiled a little embarrassed. He didn't dare to agree casually and undertake the maintenance of the wall barrier. Otherwise, what should the suzerain do if he gets angry again?
Seeing Cheng Zong's distressed face, Qin Wuge thought for a while and asked:
"Is there a problem within your sect?"

Seeing that he had been seen through, Dai Chengzong simply said:

"The suzerain brought thousands of people here, but I didn't expect that there were only 1000 people, so I was dissatisfied."

Dai Chengzong spoke with obvious bias, and Qin Wuge could feel that he was on her side, so she was grateful to Dai Chengzong, and explained:
"The Tianlan Empire is responsible for the board and lodging of the entire coalition army, and it can't satisfy too many people at the moment. Therefore, the tentative top-level sect only has a quota of [-] people. I believe there will be more for you in the future. Otherwise, I will go to Luo Yunsheng first. Let’s discuss and reserve more places first.”

Dai Chengzong didn't want to embarrass Qin Wuge:
"I also understand that the request of the Xuanzhen Sect is unrealistic. After all, formation masters are not suitable for charging. When facing demons and Nether tribes in the Emperor's Forest, formation masters are the easiest to be killed. The quota of 1000 people is enough."

"The acting elder is a sensible person." Qin Wuge sighed, and she didn't want to get involved in these things.

"Emperor Yan doesn't need to take the responsibility on himself. You go to the third prince and tell us about us. I believe there will be more other sects looking for your help. This exception cannot be made!"

Dai Chengzong became firmer, he knew that Emperor Yan had many things to worry about, and he shouldn't let her worry about his sect's affairs anymore.

Dai Chengzong had been hesitating before, he was in a dilemma between Zongmen and Qin Wuge, but now after seeing her frankness, Dai Chengzong felt that his hesitation and worry were signs of cowardice.

He has to bear the pressure in the sect. There are many sects who are unhappy with Qin Wuge, at least he shouldn't make Qin Wuge feel embarrassed anymore.

"I'm going to explore the Emperor's Forest tomorrow, and I'm still willing to follow Emperor Yan."

Dai Chengzong has made up his mind, and the Allied Forces Council Hall has discussed the plan to continue exploring the Emperor's Forest. This time, several empires and sects entered the exploration together. On the one hand, it was also to kill as many demons as possible.

This will be a large-scale operation, and the formation master will play a huge role.

But Dai Chengzong was still willing to follow Qin Wuge, even if he was scolded by the suzerain or even turned against him.

"Alright, this is also an opportunity for your Xuanzhen Sect."

Qin Wuge looked mysterious and explained to Dai Chengzong:
"We not only want to kill the demons and Nether race, but also change the living environment in the Emperor's Forest, and the most useful thing to change the environment is formations. I believe that the action of your Xuanzheng sect will play a huge role this time, so the alliance will discuss The palace will naturally give you enough rights and quotas."

Dai Chengzong was confused when he heard it. The formation can indeed change the aura within a certain range, but how can it be possible to change the entire Emperor Forest?Unless it is a continuation of the formation, and it also requires an exquisite continuation of the formation, the Xuanzhen Sect has not found a way to continue it at present.

Did Qin Wuge find it?

Dai Chengzong's eyes lit up, and he knew that any miracle could happen to her.

(End of this chapter)

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